Monday, November 20, 2017

New theater coming to giant Sunnyside building

From Sunnyside Post:

Sunnyside will be without a movie theater no more, as Regal Cinemas has signed on to take up part of an ongoing development on Queens Boulevard.

The movie theater chain will be occupying the first two floors of the commercial tower currently under construction at 38-01 Queens Blvd.

Of the 145,000 square-feet planned for the building, developed by Curbcut Urban Partners and dubbed “The Sunnyside”, the Regal Entertainment Group will take up 38,000 square-feet of it to bring a theater to the area, according to Benjamin Malinsky, vice president of Curbcut.

The entertainment group will provide a theater to a neighborhood that hasn’t seen one since the shuttering of Sunnyside Center Cinemas in 2015, which opened in the late 1940s.


Anonymous said...

So completely out of character for the neighborhood. Bye bye sunnyside - this is the beginning of your end. JVB is just such a great guy right? Wowzee we're getting a movie theater! Stay distracted, just how they want you.

georgetheatheist said...

$15 a pop to see interminable car crashes, boomfing in bed, and computer-produced crap?

If i's not playing at the Kew Gardens Cinema, it's not worth seeing.

Julie B. said...

George the Atheist, ITA. With all the streaming, cable movies on demand, netflix, etc, it's gotta be tough on the theaters. Going to the movies on a date just isn't worth it anymore, so it's really mostly parents taking the kids to the children's films they release every week.

Anonymous said...

That thing looks so ridiculous! Why do they push these monster buildings on us? Overdeveloped and overpriced crap!

Sunnyside Al said...

There is already a Regal Cinema literally a 5-minute drive away. Take the 39th Street bridge over the Amtrak’s rails to the 14-screen theater, on the other side of Northern Blvd.. Does Sunnyside and Astoria both need their own movie houses?

JQ LLC said...

I have a feeling that these theaters will be used for binge watching tv series. For Hollywood and Hollywood east (N.Y.) isn't producing anything influential, inspirational or confrontational with their works. There are no standout actors, directors or even writers. The only thing being produced with regularity are these uninteresting streaming shows, mostly comic book bullshit, so it would be a natural fit considering the majority of hit movies today come from this awful genre.

And this generation of youth are stupid enough to sit 10 hours in the same place and are willing to spend/piss mass amounts of cash for these supposed experiences.

Anonymous said...

What's happening to the RKO Keith in downtown Flushing?

Anonymous said...

Movie theaters are a dying investment. Why open one ?

Anonymous said...

Will it be free to watch politicians dance for their diner?

Anonymous said...

the RKO Keith , in Flushing, will probably be a dying relic shell of a building, 20 years from now. No one can ever do anything as planned , on any proposed project of that structure. Flushing needs to hold on to that 1 peace of history before Chinatown East was made to be.

Anonymous said...

Hold onto what piece of history regarding RKO Flushing? Have you seen the interior? It is gone...except for the landmark portions WHICH BY LAW must be preserved. NYC is requiring the posting of a ten million dollar performance bond ensuring the landmark lobby and foyer is properly protected and restored!

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