Sunday, November 5, 2017

Inside the Queens Machine

Very interesting series on WNYC! Worth a listen with your Sunday muffin & coffee.


Anonymous said...

Alas, the entire two-party-machine-failed duopoly (that has already destroyed and murdered New York City and New York State), is an OPENLY PRACTICED, criminal enterprise of epic, humanitarian (and ecological) fail, starting with Mayor Bill de BLASS-hole (who routinely refuses to answer questions by the purportedly free press, as well as ordering the press to stand behind strategically placed ropes in a 'pen'), followed by a petrified, desperate and cradle-to-grave government 'wanna be' turd like Eric Ulrich (who videotaped himself telling every single one of his willfully ignored constituents like me that, 'at the end of the day, he represents ALL of his constituents——and, then there is the industrial, machine-party-tested, 'Teflon' strength of government Mafia boss, Paul Vallone of Planet Vallonia), and finishing off with Governor 'Gargoyle Andy' Cuomo, a dynastic predator (and dynastic, empowered idiot), who has the power to rename the Tappan Zee Bridge (in honor of his equally crooked father, Mario), without any pretense of public referendum, as taxation WITHOUT representation continues to destroy We, the People's erstwhile rights, freedoms, liberty——and, democracy itself——to obliterating effect by ALL FOUR of these voracious, predatory and rapacious thieves, all of whom have destroyed freedom and democracy in New York, with impunity!

JQ LLC said...

Great job by WNYC. Even though all of this is generally known with the Queens Crappers, it's good to see a thorough focus on where the Democrat Machine is the most potent and detrimental in arguably the nation here in little ol' Queens.

These establishment hacks are going to get theirs, I can feel it.

Anonymous said...

So the three lawyers that control the Queens Democratic Party, Sweeney, Reich and Bolz live and vote in Long Island...let that one sink in for a second

Anonymous said...

And there you have it...the system is rigged...

georgetheatheist said...

Not one mention in the 3 parts of HOW Boss Manton handed-off his Queens County Poobah title to ass-licker Crowley.

Anonymous said...

They all a bunch of crooks. They are fleecing the working class,without us knowing it, because we are too busy trying to make ends meet. They take credit for work done by others.

Dispute our nightly protests at the Maspeth Holiday Inn, and visits to Harshad Patel (the hotel owner's home), Elizabeth Crowley campaign material almost reads like she's single handedly convinced deBlasio to close the shelter.

We know she knew well in advance of the secret library meeting, to expect the Homeless shelter. She was going to throw Maspeth under the bus.

What's even troubling is she's taken big donations from a relative of Patel. Take a look at NY campaign financial disclosure 2017 32 DAY PRE PRIMARY REPORT. She took 2,750 back in August.

Anonymous said...

Folks, you need to spread this report around...this is very's too late to do something about it this election, but the fact that Queens County is run by three lawyers who don't even live here should infuriate the average voter. It's time to go to any lengths to destroy the machine once and for all...beat them at their own game

Joe said...

WNYC is a shit station run by liberals just like NBC, Productions from Broadway video including SNL. This from the host's, program & script directors, engineers, call screeners, producers straight down the toilet chain to the Mayors office.
Did audio work there once -once. It was being remote on the moon around space aliens.

Anonymous said...

In addition, following is what George Orwell said in his 1949 book entitled, '1984,' so eloquently stated with wisdom and verse so prescient, that I can taste them:

❝We could put Democrats in exhibits, behind glass, watching white political bosses chomp cigars and pass out goodies for votes, as minorities were relegated, as they are today, to failing schools and lost educational opportunity and neighborhoods that have become killing fields for the young and old.

And in great museums, the Democrats could be studied, safely, without endangering the sensibilities of the children.❞

❝Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.❞

George Orwell—'1984'
When I read this I have to laugh at our slave masters, the Democrats (the DemonRats, really), who treat us as the darkies whose hard work they tax to pay their graft and corruption—not to mention the arrogant contempt and overt hostility that they openly display with impunity for you and me. Time to break our chains, niggas.

Further, in 1971, the Lewis Powell memorandum will tie all knots and connect all dots... another version of this kind of hostile takeover of government happened in 1913 with the robber barons, big industry and the military-industrial complex.

With Woodrow Wilson leading the way creating the fed and the central banking system... this is what created the biggest economic downturn in our country's history... boom and bust is back, only benefiting the top end... these are extracting and extortion tools used by monetary locusts...

Anonymous said...

I'd have to book a solid week at my shrink to debrief from viewing or reading about machine corruption! NO THANX! In this case ignorance is bliss. I have spent 40 years stepping in machine politics shit. Enough...ruined enough shoes!

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