Monday, November 27, 2017

How we're clearing out Rikers

From NBC:

Two teens accused of cutting off a cab driver's thumb and slashing several other people in the Bronx are out on $200 bail, and that's not sitting well with one of their alleged victims.


Anonymous said...

Soon to be a "luxury " housing site. EVERYTHING that's built today seems to be "luxury". That is how rapacious developers justify the rip off prices they charge for their condos. The luxurious part of them are the windfall profits that these builder scum reap.
Does anyone know of a developer who actually loves in their own development? Doubtful. They just strip mine our nabes and displace us. Then the return to their fine nabes in Old Brookville, Scarsdale etc. FUCK YOU is their attitude for not being wealthy like them!

JQ LLC said...

That man's thumb had to be sacrificed for predatory developer interest on the closing of Rikers Island.

This should no further doubt that real estate has full control of all systems, civic and judicial in this damn city.

The guy has no thumb and is out of work because of those juvenile sociopaths.

Anonymous said...



Think About....One Way On and OFF the Island....Has it's own Electric Plant, Water, Sewage etc,etc all there....

And Plenty of Parking ......

Anonymous said...

Luxury hotels and casinos?
I doubt it. There were better locations suggested for that in the gambling ships mooring in the Rockaways and casino hotels. NADDA! Unless they're mob controlled, it won't happen on Rikers

Anonymous said...

Put the little bastards back in Rikers. Thank the Mayor and speaker of the City Council for their actions.

Anonymous said...

No big deal.
What's a thumb here or there matter in the whole progressive scheme of things?

Joe Moretti said...

Have you noticed that some are now calling prisons "justice centers" to make it sound all nice and cozy when they dump these prisons for murders, rapists, child molesters, armed robbers, etc in the boroughs in residential areas.

Prisons were built to protect the public from the bottom of the barrel criminals and they should be placed in isolated areas away from residential areas, but dicBlasio and crew of course could give a shit about prisoner's conditions, they want to turn that properly into major luxury condos for the 1%.

Anonymous said...

$200 bail? How do they justify such a paltry sum for such an outrageous crime?


Rikers is a jail, not a prison. Jails need to be kept close to the location of the offense and the location of most offenders. People keep on confusing the two.

Anonymous said...

You get the government you deserve. You all voted DiBlasio in for another term, knowing that he wanted to close Rikers. Lots of money to be made. The developers have all the politicians in their pocket. All this is -- A Land Grab. They don't give a crap about the people who will have to endure these criminals out and about in their neighborhoods. Let's not forget the smaller sized prisons coming to a neighborhood near you. These politicians and developers don't care. They all live in rich, expensive neighborhoods. Closing Rikers won't affect them at all. Like I said -- You Get The Government You Deserve.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

Rikers is a jail, not a prison. Jails need to be kept close to the location of the offense and the location of most offenders. People keep on confusing the two.

Thanks for the clarification. I always assumed that Riker's was a prison due to the size, the many violent offenders in there who have been there for long periods of times as opposed to jails which are for short term. Now I see why they want to break up Riker's, but they still can do that by either fixing up Riker's properly or putting them in better locations. BUT NYC is too small to place big jails in residential areas and the population of Riker's is not small by any means, so these borough jails will still have large populations, especially places like the Bronx, which has high crime rate.

JQ LLC said...

"justice centers" sounds more Orwellian.

No, we are beyond Orwell now.

It's actually Amazonian, like Jeff Bezos calls his factory warehouses "fulfillment centers".

Hell, this pervasive soft rephrasing of terms is the same shit that's going down at the Criminal courthouse that I wrote about the other day (90 hits at last check, thank you one and all). I wonder if those imbeciles at the dept. of court innovation" came from Amazon, because that made up office and title sounds precisely like it regurgitated from the roundtable meetings and the banal minds from that business killing and worker suffocating parasite company.

Anonymous said...

In about 2 years the legislature will turn class D and E felonies into A misdemeanors. Sort of like Kramer telling Jerry “just write it off”!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

> You all voted DiBlasio in for another term, knowing that he wanted to close Rikers.

I strongly doubt anyone here voted for DiBlasio.

Anonymous said...

They will do time served and be required to change the victims door knobs to levers.

Anonymous said...

New runway for La Guardia coming up!

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