Monday, October 23, 2017

Dumped Manhattan homeless shelter contractor is just fine for Queens

From the NY Post:

The city has ousted the contractor providing social services to homeless families housed at more than a dozen Manhattan hotels.

Children’s Community Services was quietly replaced in July with Acacia Network Housing.

The city pays hotels directly for rooms to house the homeless while it contracts with nonprofits to hire case managers who are supposed to help clients find permanent housing, apply for benefits and offer referrals for child care and other services.

A spokesman for the Department of Homeless Services would not explain why the group had been booted.

From DNA Info:

The Best Western location is being run by Childrens Community Services, a social-services provider that's offering things like job placement and financial planning to those staying at the hotel. The site has 24-hour security and a 9 p.m. curfew, a representative for the group told CB2.

Here you can watch Amanda Nasner, DHS representative and representatives from Children's Community Services at a recent CB2 meeting. Good for the community for asking tough questions.

Meanwhile, in other LIC housing news, Jimmy Van Bramer told NYCHA residents that he is actually willing to listen to them on rezonings. Astounding!


Anonymous said...

"Listening" on JVB's Planet means sitting in a room with constituents while they rag on about zoning and he checks his cell phone under the table and tries to look concerned at the same time...

Anonymous said...

This anti-gentrification is starting to spread like wildfire around the country and its started by the one of the core constituents of the Democratic Machine - millennials who are waking up to the cronyism and dead-end future that the 'boys in the back room' have for them as well as the rest of us.

Ignorant peasants - urban ethics and hillbillies - can be ordered about. But like the hillbillies who now support Trump - those kids are starting to say "enough!"

From what we see, Jimmy has a well oiled organization. They will engage in dialogue - not to listen (its Jimmy's way or the highway) - but to find vulnerability of those soft that can be bought off and become turncoats.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

and remember his pockets are lined very well -- has been for a long time --

Anonymous said...

If it's not in Sunnyside JVB doesn't give a fuck. He has never cared about Queensbridge or LIC. Why start now? With so much population growth, we need a new district to represent these neighborhoods properly, with a representative who lives in the neighborhood, not on the other side of the tracks (which may as well be Mars).

Anonymous said...

JVB is always and I mean always with Queensbridge First remember that and LIC -- that is his main place for everything -- he could care less about woodside and sunnyside and that is a FACT -

Anonymous said...

When they say 'willing to listen" is when you need watch your ass even more.
This here is the same shit only from a different asshole. Nothing more then a shill to hang on to some votes. also make the dumb ass sheep feel safe, a calm controlled distraction wile the real deal is being hammered out in stone behind closed doors.

Remember what happened to Maspeth Woods when a democrat politician got into the picture with an offer to "to listen and help"
When will Queens voters ever learn their lesson ?

JQ LLC said...

I hate Amanda Nasser's voice, every young woman in this city has that same affected valley girl accent.

It's even worse when that voice is being used to embellish their lies to the citizenry.

Anonymous said...

I find a voice like that condescending and patronizing.

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