Friday, October 13, 2017

De Blasio: Puerto Ricans who come to NY must have family here

From CBS 2:

Life after Hurricane Maria for thousands of Puerto Ricans could mean a new life in New York City.

As CBS2 Political Reporter Marcia Kramer reported, Mayor Bill de Blasio said there will be health and educational support. But he said finding a place to stay is up to those who arrive.

It was only a few weeks ago that Mayor de Blasio walked to a Brooklyn firehouse to donate diapers to people in Puerto Rico who were devastated by Hurricane Maria. And while the city certainly intends to help the displaced, there is a limit – they will have to stay with family members because the city will not provide housing.

Kramer asked de Blasio what if they are to do if they come to New York and do not have family – and whether they will have to stay in hotels or whether affordable housing might be allotted. She asked if the city has any money available if Puerto Ricans coming to New York need any financial assistance.

“Marcia, we do not have that plan, and I don’t want to encourage people to come here if they don’t have some family to turn to,” de Blasio said. “I think we have to be really clear about that.”


georgetheatheist said...

What about the homeless from the California fires?

JQ LLC said...

WOW! Listen to the progressive liberal, telling devastated Puerto Rico's there's nowhere for them and no room in our sanctuary city, with the same cruelty that would omit from the mouths of the worst establishment conservative ideologues. This is going to come up big time at the next debate.

Speaking of sanctuary cities, we would have room for those affected (and we should, for Figurehead Trump left them hanging and the death toll is climbing) if certain folks, from the hotel industry to the people arriving from other states weren't taking opportunistic advantage of this law, which the Blaz exploited to help finance these lodging businesses and more essentially to him his "non-profit" group donors like Samaritan Village and others.

(In fact, why doesn't every state have sanctuary cities?)

I guess with de Faustio and his supposed lead in the polls, he can afford to be honest now. Too bad he doesn't have the guts to challenge his predatory developer donors to set aside some of their untouchable market rate units.

But isn't it revelatory about his statement of having no affordable housing available for future refugees? You can say the same for the majority of working poor people in this city living in squalid conditions or in a hotel room. This may be an actual admission that he has created no affordable housing at all.

Which he actually told a student reporter weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

What about the homeless from the California fires?

He's not trying to pander to voters in NYC with friends/relatives in California - he's only interested in votes from New Yorkers of Puerto Rican ancestry. And although the city won't/can't provide housing for displaced Puerto Ricans, they will gladly find classroom space to educate their children, since the schools are apparently not over-crowded already and there is an abundance of classroom space.

Anonymous said...

What affordable housing? NYC is the most expensive city in the country!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful so instead of them being on welfare over there, they will just be on their welfare up here while selling their drugs in the Bronx as usual.

Anonymous said...

That's a switch coming from the Sanctuary City Commie Mayor.

Joe Moretti said...

Yet, all those deadbeats from other states and countries who have not been affected by hurricanes or other natural disasters who come here with no job, no finances and usually a drug/alcohol problem, THEY can come here and be put up in homeless hotel shelters without question or restrictions. A reason why the homeless population is as high as it is to begin with.

What the fuck is up with this Mayor. Christ, he is just as bad as Trump. He is the Democrat Trump.

Anonymous said...

He is basically saying that the city cannot support them with housing and they must stay with their family. Nothing wrong with that

If people in Calif hurt by the wildfires have family then we should help their kids too.

Anonymous said...

Viverito must be having a shit fit.

(sarc) said...

Just as HiLlEry expected to be anointed the new President, our Comrade thinks he already has the next many years as mayor.

This is but a preview of what is to come...

Anonymous said...

Except, JQ, he is NOT being honest. If those PR refugees show up here, NYC by law has to provide them with shelter. De Blasio is actually lying for the benefit of trying to salvage his affordable housing legacy with the side benefit of doing New Yorkers a favor by dissuading these people. It is hopefully getting through his thick skull that his grand plans to end the "Tale of Two Cities" completely ignores reality. With the uptick in shelter admission and temps only going to drop, he's trying to prevent an inevitably bad situation from being even worse. But it's little consolation for him even to invite them under that condition. Even if these people do have family, we can't expect that they're going to be able to stay with that family until the communities they left behind on the island has returned to normal.

God of War said...

He didn't say anything that outrages.
Jesus Christ people.

If people in Florida came to NYC instead of maybe somewhere closer like South Carolina wouldn't you wonder why the hell you would go so far if your didn't have some place to stay?

Like, if you didn't have friends, family or a job here, wouldn't you choose a cheaper, closer city?

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute -- What about the "Right To Shelter" law that states NYC must provide shelter to anyone seeking it? Steven Banks made sure this law was enacted and upheld. That's why we are up to our neck in homeless people and building hotels to house them. Puerto Rican's are Americans. If they show up and need shelter, they should be granted shelter. Aren't they considered homeless? Most homeless come here because of that law and our generous welfare benefits. Maybe it's time DeBlasio changed the laws.

Anonymous said...

He is (1) playing to a broader electorate, like Hamilton Beach, is slipping away from the Dems - and (2) he knows that DeViva!-Rito! will cover his back.

I know someone who lived in PR for 20 years and has many friends there - she said they did this to themselves by doing no planning and work that is just enough to get by ... in good times.

Trump should shame that island's leadership that they have, as is usual in 3rd world elites, let their people down. If Anglos would be running that place (and there is no compelling reason for them to do so) they would be like Key West or Texas. Battered by planning and regulations (even Texas when you compare it to PR) wins every time.

Anonymous said...

I guess enough came here in the 1950s. LOL!

georgetheatheist said...

Even if these people do have family, we can't expect that they're going to be able to stay with that family until the communities they left behind on the island has returned to normal.

"Fish and visitors smell after three days." - Benjamin Franklin in Poor Richard's Almanack

If Anglos would be running that place (and there is no compelling reason for them to do so) they would be like Key West or Texas. Battered by planning and regulations (even Texas when you compare it to PR) wins every time.

Hmnn. "Anglos"? What, pray tell, are we getting at here?

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked! A reasonable answer from Mayor Big Dope?! Let me digest it.

Eet Yorsellf said...

I think you mean Japanese people.

>> If Anglos would be running that place (and there is no compelling reason for them to do so) they would be like Key West ......

Anonymous said...

Oh shit, I'm having bars installed on my basement windows !
Its always the worst of them that come to New York, many are irredeemable drug addicts and garbage PR doesn't want. This means big BIG trouble
F_ck this, last straw I'm selling the house.

Anonymous said...

Where's my Sanctuary City? I want to get away from the illegal immigrants, thugs and other diverse criminals.

Anonymous said...

" I like to be in America.OK by me in America. Everything free in Ameirca".

Julie B. said...

but the weather is horrible here in the winter.

Anonymous said...

"I want to get away"

You gotta go up to boonies like Bridgton, Maine, Wisconsin
99.5 percent white but you freeze your ass off 10 months a year and go stir crazy.
And forget ever finding an edible bagel or loaf of Italian bread

It is very rare that a native New Yorker can adapt to living like a troll in the country without going crazy or needing massive drugs.

Rob in Manhattan (Astoria on Sunday) said...

My two points on this statement:

1) No pol wants a "boat people" type influx crisis on the eve of their reelection. By issuing this statement he seeks to cover his backside if the worst occurs so that some republican won't be easily able to blame him for encouraging them to come.

2) The Governor of P.R. has voiced concern that this disaster could lead to downward spiral where anyone who can -leaves and the island becomes either largely vacant or just another playground for the wealthy who can afford to build storm-resistant vacation homes.

I was in our location in Bayside last Wednesday. Our manager who is Mexican was sitting with a family of Puerto Ricans. They said that several relatives have become desperate and are finally giving up the idea of continuing to live there. They are making plans to accommodate them in their house in Bayside.

I didn't ask how many people might be involved here, none of my business anyway, but you could easily see the trend of Puerto Ricans going back to the island that has existed for over 30 years, now reversing due to climate change.

Anonymous said...


Hurricanes are due to the pseudo science "climate change"?
Must be that liberal air once inhales in Manhattan.

Oscar Lopez Rivera said...

Please Mr. Mayor, you gotta let me come to NY City!

I'm an American!

georgetheatheist said...

Was there climate change during the American Revolution?

Check out the DEADLIEST hurricane season of all time here: 1780

JQ LLC said...

Was there climate change during the American Revolution?

Apparently, yes. For a day.

The California Coast; South Florida; Bangladesh; Houston, Texas and obviously Puerto Rico in just a span of a month.

Hell, let's just include this October, which has seen warmer and muggier weather than August.

Anyone can choose to believe it or not. That's what makes this mighty though confused nation great. The facts and the devastation speak for itself. You don't need celebrities and hack politicians jumping the bandwagon too late to notice it.

ron s said...

Thousands of climate scientists have worked millions of hours in their field. They have dedicated their working lives to their study. They have PHD's, computer analysis and centuries of data.
George the Atheist appears to not believe them. From his Barcalounger with no evidence and training, he disagrees.
Who should I believe? Hmmmm.................

georgetheatheist said...

If you read my 1780 link above, you'll see the entry referred to a devastating hurricane SEASON and not just "For a day" - June through October 1780 culminating in the worst hurricane ever recorded - with over 20,000 dead - The Great Hurricane of 1780." This occurred exactly 237 years ago as you read this: October 9 to 20, 1780.

Where the "global warming" 237 year ago?

And don't forget the WORST NATURAL DISASTER EVER in the continental US, 117 years ago - The Galveston Hurricane of 1900.

You think Puerto Rico now has it bad? Remember there were no high rises, supermarkets and nursing homes, gas stations and highway bridges in 1780. And no TV cameras to record the ongoing weeping and gnashing of teeth.

JQ LLC said...

Ok, for two weeks. But it's noted in that wiki post that those storms listed happened in intervals of centuries and decades culminating with the enormity and the city destroying Katrina. In the past month the planet has seen 5 of these apocalyptic storms. And the season is not done as we are approaching the morbid anniversary of that bitch Sandy.

Puerto Rico has it bad, and the commonwealth state and it's citizenry are being systematically destroyed and are not getting credited with it's painfully slow rebuilding.

JQ LLC said...

Remember there were no high rises, supermarkets and nursing homes, gas stations and highway bridges in 1780

And that confirms and solidifies the theory about the worsening of man-made climate change. There were also no massive energy projects with deep earth drilling for oil and gas and no vehicles to emit carbon of the last young century and a quarter.

Frankly, I would love a Barcalounger instead of the fourth hand swivel chair I own

georgetheatheist said...

"Thousands of climate scientists..."

Thousands? Please forward the names of this myriad.

BTW, " bitch" Sandy was a pussycat compared to these. (Quite a lot of ANCIENT tempests thereon.)

Be sure to check out also that Edison movie footage of the great "Galveston Hurricane of 1900" - 117 years ago - the greatest natural disaster in America. Readily available for your perusal on YouTube

Rob in Manhattan. said...

For those still arguing about climate change, if you want to learn what the fossil fuel industry is doing to you byway of propaganda and 'research", Google these three words: tobacco institute fraud.

It comes down to this; who do you believe; approx 97% of the world's scientists...or Rush limbaugh -a bloated drug addict on the radio.

ron s said...

Please check your email for the list of the climate scientists with full names, addresses, phones and SSI's.
You still don't address why you know more than lifetime researchers (thousands!). Do you have a special knowledge or gift?

Just to help you, a season of bad hurricanes in the 1700's would have no relevance to interpreting the mass of data accumulated since the. Why not just try to be logical and realize it's you against actual science.

Anonymous said...

George, your citations repeatedly fall prey to the understandable fallacy of confusing individual weather incidents climate. The best climatologist today cannot predict what the weather will be on October 14th 5 years from now with any useful measure of accuracy, and would never claim to. They can predict with relatively high statistical significance the probability distribution of hurricanes the Gulf Coast will experience from August to November in 5 years from now based on converging predictors. There may never be a single hurricane as bad as in Galveston 117 years ago for the next century, but to have 2 hurricanes 50% as strong year after year instead of one that bad every 50 years in highly populated areas could be destabilizing on a large scale internationally. Those "thousands of scientsts" are the contributors to the working groups that put together the IPCC report.

Anonymous said...

"Thousands of climate scientists have worked millions of hours in their field. They have dedicated their working lives to their study."

Bullshit. Only the ones that benefit from the FAKE SCIENCE of global climate change support this nonsense.
Some were caught modifying, altering data several times.

"They have PHD's, computer analysis and centuries of data."

Yeah right, but no common sense.
Centuries of data, you might want to try that again, since the most they can go back for accuracy is about 100 years.

Pitty you, because this is what common core did to you. No education, no critical thinking, zero knowledge about how things work in our Solar System where everything is controlled by our star, the Sun.
Did you know there is global climate change on Mars? Wonder why.

Please spare us from your stupidity, come back after you properly educate yourself and leave the propaganda and money grabbing to Al Gore and his fellow cronies.

Anonymous said...

Hell, let's just include this October, which has seen warmer and muggier weather than August.

Because of the fucking hurricanes.
Man, you cannot fix stupid can you?

Now back to Puerto Rico, if they had some true leaders there would be no issues.
US Virgin Islands were hit just as hard, but they go about their business and WORK on getting things back to normal.
Not to mention the other islands that were totally devastated.

Queens Crapper said...

Let George Carlin have the last word!

TommyR said...

Nothing controversial was said, and a rarity- I agree with him.

JQ LLC said...

"Because of the fucking hurricanes."

And because of the fucking extreme effects of climate change.

JQ LLC said...

I wonder what Mr. Carlin would have thought about the coastal tower building in Brooklyn. Now there's an example of not fixing stupid.

Anonymous said...

1) Puerto Ricans are NOT Americans as Puerto Rico is NOT a state and they have refused to become a state.

2) NYers are still recovering and rebuilding from Super Storm Sandy

3) When did Puerto Rico rush to the mainland to help after a hurricane, fire, or Terrorist Attack - NEVER

4) Some how Puerto Rico was 72 Billion Dollars in debt (corruption has no borders) and looking for the US to bail them out - but they don't want to become a state and they protested against our presence in Vieques

GFYS Puerto Rico stop crying and start cleaning up and rebuilding the same way the rest of us do. You only claim to be "American" when it suits you otherwise you want nothing to do with us.

ron s said...

"Thousands of climate scientists have worked millions of hours in their field. They have dedicated their working lives to their study."

Bullshit. Only the ones that benefit from the FAKE SCIENCE of global climate change support this nonsense.
Some were caught modifying, altering data several times.

"They have PHD's, computer analysis and centuries of data."

"Yeah right, but no common sense.
Centuries of data, you might want to try that again, since the most they can go back for accuracy is about 100 years.

Pitty you, because this is what common core did to you. No education, no critical thinking, zero knowledge about how things work in our Solar System where everything is controlled by our star, the Sun.
Did you know there is global climate change on Mars? Wonder why.

Please spare us from your stupidity, come back after you properly educate yourself and leave the propaganda and money grabbing to Al Gore and his fellow cronies."

Pitty has one t. So check your own education level. Beyond that, please furnish your own science background level that allows you to know more than the majority of climate scientists. Should I believe them or an annoying ignorant ranter on this site? Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

And because of the fucking extreme effects of climate change.

According to you?
Hurricanes have been around since the Earth's atmosphere was formed.
You poor liberal common core misunderstood snowflake.
Pay your climate change taxes and shut the hell up.
You are so stupid that your family should trade you in for a pet monkey!

Anonymous said...

Puerto Ricans better start working on fixing up their own land, infrastructure.
Life is not just about rights and entitlements, we all have resposibilities as well.
Right, Ms. Viverito?

Anonymous said...

To the mentally disturbed global warming crowd, chew on this:

So read it, weep and stop pushing garbage around.

JQ LLC said...

I'll see your mentally disturbed dis and raise this link

Just because he's a nobel prize winner doesn't give him automatic credibility. remember Obama is also a nobel winner and he won it for just getting elected.

Rob in Manhattan said... was founded by L. Brent Bozell III on June 16, 1998, under the name Conservative News Service -wikipedia

Another "fair and balanced" source.

You, trumpster-boy can do the crying as the wind turbines and solar panels go up...and the coal mines shut down. Change and adapt..or just lay down and wait for the reaper.

The rest of us ain't going backwards.

Anonymous said...

wait, isn't Puerto Rico part of the US and it's citizen are US citizens? Why is everybody treating them like some third country refugee? for god stakes man, they are US citizen and is a US territory.

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