Friday, September 29, 2017

Why are we protecting criminals?

From ICE:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Fugitive Operations teams arrested 498 individuals from 42 countries for federal immigration violations in multiple cities across the U.S. during a four-day operation that ended Wednesday. Operation ‘Safe City’ focused on cities and regions where ICE deportation officers are denied access to jails and prisons to interview suspected immigration violators or jurisdictions where ICE detainers are not honored.

The operation targeted individuals who have violated U.S. immigration laws, prioritizing aliens with criminal convictions, pending criminal charges, known gang members and affiliates, immigration fugitives and those who re-entered the U.S. after deportation. Individuals with active DACA were not targeted for arrest.

“Sanctuary jurisdictions that do not honor detainers or allow us access to jails and prisons are shielding criminal aliens from immigration enforcement and creating a magnet for illegal immigration,” said ICE Acting Director Tom Homan. “As a result, ICE is forced to dedicate more resources to conduct at-large arrests in these communities.”
“ICE’s goal is to build cooperative, respectful relationships with our law enforcement partners to help prevent dangerous criminal aliens from being released back onto the streets. Non-cooperation policies severely undermine that effort at the expense of public safety,” he said.

Operation Safe City arrests took place in Baltimore (28), Cook County, Illinois (30), Denver (63), Los Angeles (101), New York (45), Philadelphia (107), Portland, Ore. (33), Santa Clara County, Calif (27); and Washington, D.C. (14) and the state of Massachusetts (50).

Among those arrested during this week’s operation were: In New York, a citizen of Ecuador with lawful permanent resident status who was previously charged with sexual abuse of a minor and convicted of endangering the welfare of a child, and convicted of sexual abuse of a minor under 14. He was previously released from local custody before ICE could assume custody.

Of the 498 individuals taken into custody during this operation for immigration violations:

317 had criminal convictions, as noted in the chart below;
68 are immigration fugitives;
104 are previously deported criminal aliens; and
18 are gang members or affiliates.


Anonymous said...

"Why are we protecting criminals?"

Because they are democrat voters.

(sarc) said...

"convicted of sexual abuse of a minor under 14"

Doing the jobs that Americans won't do...

Anonymous said...


Gary W said...

"Why are we protecting criminals?"

NY City values.

A Better NYC said...

The media refers to these animals as "Dreamers"....

Countervail said...

"Why are we protecting criminals?" is the wrong question. The right question is "Why are we letting the federal government use local resources to do ICE's job instead of protecting our own citizens?"

Do you want your local police to be used to protect local people with local problems? If you have a burglary in your house, do you want the police to respond right away or do you want to make sure they're helping deport someone before they get around to your concern? Because that's what will happen. Federal concerns will have priority over problems in our own neighborhood.

I don't want local resources to prevent ICE doing their job. But this nonsense of co-opting our local police department to grab and deport people otherwise minding their own business is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

glad to get rid of these BAD hombres!
The Trump Train is rolling right along!

Anonymous said...

undocumented democrats

Gary W said...

I've had a burglary in my house. Trust me, even now the police don't respond right away.

The only reason to call the police is to get the report so you can submit to insurance. It ain't like TV where they dust for prints and swab for DNA, and have the boys in the lab working overtime.

Anonymous said...

Ben Ward complained the biggest crime was black on black. If you can't protect the hard working honest blacks, who are nonetheless in the majority, what message will you send their kids? Ask any black immigrant and they will tell you this country did the most to correct its own mistakes. Black immigrant are the first to tell you this is the best country in the world. So let's not make excuses for the crooks!

Anonymous said...

They should all be deported! If you are here ILLEGALLY then that automatically makes you a criminal. I do feel a lil bit bad for the people who were bought here as babies but they need to blame their parents and stop protesting against the country that they are NOT CITIZENS OF!

Anonymous said...

Dear Countervail, WTF. All the NYPD or court officers have to do is send ICE an email when they are about to release some mutt from custody. No time or work at all and most would gladly do it on their lunchtime if not prohibited by their bosses.

Anonymous said...

'They should all be deported! If you are here ILLEGALLY then that automatically makes you a criminal. I do feel a lil bit bad for the people who were bought here as babies but they need to blame their parents and stop protesting against the country that they are NOT CITIZENS OF!'

1. I agree.

2. If they took full advantage of all that America has to offer they should be running the place in whatever third world hell hole their parents crawled out of!

Why do democrats insist on spending our tax money to protect those that prey on us?

Anonymous said...

Don't let them in to begin with.
Stop encouraging illegal aliens by giving them government benefits. Cut off the gravy train and they will not come to the USA. Terminate any and all illegal aliens who work for NYC Agencies. Start with HRA. The City has no idea that criminals from other countries are working for city agencies. These people are very biased against Americans who either apply for benefits or are their co workers.

Anonymous said...

Police? THey told me not to report the attempted robbery lest my insurance goes up

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