Thursday, September 21, 2017

No agency wants to deal with homeless woman's pile of junk

From NBC 4:

An apparently homeless woman's pile of belongings has residents in Bath Beach concerned about safety. Gus Rosendale reports.


JQ LLC said...

That woman, with a peculiar foreign accent, is a hoarder with no place to hoard her crap.

The buck passing from four city services show a policy of willful indifference. Or maybe it's an aspect of the homeless policy that determines to keep the homeless individual or family in the neighborhood they are from, because it looks like this woman probably once lived in that area and got kicked out for her hazardous behavior.

Normally, I would say that this woman is being enabled because it's not in a hip neighborhood, but I have seen similar homeless hoarders with a caravan of shopping carts of crap in the West Village in Manhattan.

There will be more like this in the next 4 years under morning and day mayor de Faustio, with his abominable and exacerbating homeless plan and his fraudulent affordable housing scheme.

Anonymous said...

According to the report, "it can take hundreds of contacts to convince someone to transition indoors" So in the meantime she gets to take over the streets with her stuff and block fire hydrant and kick residents who try to talk to her?

I would like to park my car in a hydrant or not pay the parking fee somewhere and have the police give me a pass on enforcement hundreds of times.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Only in NYC, I can assure you of that. Anywhere else on the planet and this shit would have been hauled away in a garbage truck immediately.

Anonymous said...

very sad -- this should be brought to dumbo's attention immediately --

Anonymous said...

Are they going to find Billie Boggs under there????

Anonymous said...

hey JQ -get with it.

This woman does two things for the Democratic Machine that you and the complainers don't do which goes a long way to explain what you are routinely ignored:

1. Think of how many social agencies filled with Democrats that find meaning in their jobs from their work with this woman (on your tax bill which means your needs for you and your family are 'unmet' from 'lack of money'.) Remember these Democrats on the city's tab know who feeds them, and like Boss Tweed with his tureens of soup, those fed on your money gives the clubhouse a built in base of votes - which explains why they do not care if one of 'tha boys' use underage kids to collect votes from their classmates - all that counts in their worlds is to get that clubhouse goon who pays them on the ballot so they remain employed by the 'Sys-Tem.' Besides, they make so much money, after a few years they can move out of the shit hole they are making and go to the suburbs to vote Republican. After all, its now THEIR kids in schools and THEIR property on the line.

2, Think of what this purpose serves to destroying a community - and how it angers the quality of life pain in the asses that, as a politician, you want to get rid of. The goal of the Democratic Clubhouse is to weaken communities so the developers (who own them) can move in, or even better, the future Democrats the Trump wants out of the country can move in, and move in, and move in ..... (and that is just one apartment.)

Joe Moretti said...

Typical NYC Bullshit and response. Not NYPD, it is FDNY, Not FDNY, DOS, not DOS, NYPD and on and on and on.

A MAJORLY FUCKED UP CITY and the one person is right, this shit will not exist anywhere else.

AND of course, an immigrant taking advantage of idiotic NYC. She would never be able to do this in her motherland.

Anonymous said...

The real tragedy of our 'end of humanism' society is that our tax dollars pay men and women of the New York City Sanitation Department to haul away garbage, more than $60K a year (and, even more with overtime that usually tops six figures!), but when it comes to people, they are banished to dangerous, unsafe and filthy, overcrowded homeless shelters, where the people themselves have never even been treated as well as the actual garbage that is carted away daily——and, where the people in charge are paid a pittance for caring for the abused, elderly and homeless.

What a disgrace that garbage continues to be treated with greater respect (and urgency), that human life forms——a clear testament to how the entirely corrupt political arena likewise mistreats and ignores its constituents with a willful and hostile indifference, and I am the living proof of my own representatives' dereliction of public duty, here in the capital of corruption, graft and endless greed in southeastern Queens County, which is a crime for which no one but the victims themselves continue to pay a soul-crushing price (that always results in more violence in the streets, lawlessness and vigilantism).

Anonymous said...

Report this to Trump. HE will take care of it.

JQ LLC said...

Anon 5. Oh, I am with it. I been with it for a very, very long time.

A lot of theories you espoused are head on. What is going on with the gentrification industrial complex is a conspiracy of the highest order. The thing is, that all these ghouls are not done with Brooklyn, and allowing a crazy broad to lug around a convoy of trash and block a hydrant is on a par with the placement of multiple homeless shelters in Crown Heights and converting hotels and motels to shelters in Queens is just a new redlining tactic, in the hopes that all the cretins who will get priced out of Bushwick or maybe all the people that will bail out of Williamsburg when the L shuts down for a year and half.

The speculations are limitless with what these immoral soulless humanoids will do next. Remember when de Faustio responded to a reporter that he doesn't care? That was the only true thing he has said in the last 3 years.

And as for his goddamn donors and advisors, they don't care either. Never did.

And anon from the (dirty) southeast is right) these self-aggrandizing electeds and their overlords and wormtongue advisors treat garbage with more respect than people.
In Kew Gardens, they treat wasps with more reverence than people

We shall see if their unscrupulous deeds bring improvements, or descend the city to ruin or most hopefully, see divine justice for the shit they did

Anonymous said...

What the fuck does the salary of a dos worker have to do with this. Send her back to whence she came. End of problem.

Anonymous said...

Re open Creedmore and Kings Park Psychiatric Hospital. This is what happens when those who cannot take care of themselves are left to rot.

Billions of dollars in the budget for Dept of Homeless Services and they can't do anything? That's because all the Affirmative Action hires don't like to work.

She is safe and comfortable in Bath Beach. She would not be doing this in the Bronx or in Jamaica. Where she's parked her hoard is a civilized area. Offer to put her with the uncivilized and she how long she will last.

Why not a quick deportation? Maybe she will be happier in Mexico, China or the Dominican Republic.

Anonymous said...

In the "old days" weather would have taken care of this. We used to have weekly rain and wind that would soak the shit out of this garbage and it would go bye bye with the trash. Doesn't really rain anymore and the days are cloudless. Maybe by November.

Anonymous said...

F this stupid city and its jackass Mayor. Let's bet if I pile up bags of junk/trash in front of my house I would be getting tickets from the sanitation everyday. Where is her home the streets!! So no punishment for stacking bags of garbage in front of this church and peoples home. So sick of this type of this, homeless people have more rights then you or I who have homes.

Anonymous said...

Billions of dollars in the budget for Dept of Homeless Services and they can't do anything? That's because all the Affirmative Action hires don't like to work.

Please leave your bigotry out of this. The workers at DHS take their orders from Commissioner Steven Banks (a white male, I might add) who is a bleeding heart liberal that used to work for Legal Aid and spent most of his career suing the City to fight for the rights of the homeless. His work resulted in part these right to shelter laws that are unique to NYC. Rank and file people have no discretion over how to handle the homeless people. The policy comes from the top. You don't like it, get rid of the mayor and elect someone with a better plan for getting the homeless off the streets. But don't be ignorant and blame the workers.

Anonymous said...

You don't like it, get rid of the mayor and elect someone with a better plan for getting the homeless off the streets.


Anonymous said...

If she were a US citizen she would be moved and placed in 5150 observation for 72 hours and all that lice & bedbug ridden shit would be carted off and incinerated.
This city and its government structure is going absolutely bonkers and down the toilet fast.

Its time to get out, I am convinced the mayor and Governor are deliberately engineering every bit of this. Kinda kind of like "blockbusting" via tossing hand grenades of damage & harassment. Especially in mostly white 3+ generation American neighborhoods they cant win -- Yet!!
Hitlers Kristallnacht and Reichskristallnachts are alive and well in New York City under new techniques.

Anonymous said...

Wait a second something aint right here:
Those cops are fulla shit with "cant take private property" or have the rogue orders or training.
Unlike cars with registration tags (tariffs to to use the streets) Once trash (or objects) are on the curb abandoned they become or can be "claimed" as city or sanitation property ?

I know in Manhattan if you sit a drum, guitar amp road case on the curb by your car un attended even for 10 seconds wile loading into a club the cops give ticket, and they will even "confiscate" your shit if your a wise-ass. You then have your day in court to prove it was yours in the first place + pay the fines & fees. Do Brooklyn, Bronx & Queens now have different optional county laws regarding legal use of city streets? Can I leave a boat, trailer, go cart, helicopter, shipping container micro home dumpster on the street too? Its all private property right?

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