Saturday, September 23, 2017

Finally, some good news...

What a difference it makes not having Mary Beth Betts around!


Anonymous said...

It has nothing to do with Mary Beth (who did what she as told - a face for the real powers pulling levers behind her) and everything to do with threats that a law which we all pay to support from our taxes was being used to support a tiny minority (36,000 buildings are landmarked for heavens sake and tiny handful of a few dozen in Queens which accounts for more than a third of the city's land area.)

Now is no reason to let up - but seeing the success, increase our pressure. This building should have been designated a Landmark decades ago. You can thank our elected officials, and since you all jump over to kiss their shoes, are much to blame as they.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and Great Work!!!

Anonymous said...

One small victory step for Christina Wilkinson, one giant leap for Queens County.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY option you pie in the sky preservationists have is to hold your local politicians feet to the fire. Queens is seen as an underdeveloped vista where landmark quality sites don't exist.

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