Monday, September 25, 2017

Elizabeth Crowley is a rather piss-poor feminist

Folks, this blog has been following politics and those running for office for a long time. We (and the internet) also have a LONG memory. So it really gives us the jollies when we get to call out the tweeders for their hypocrisy.

Let's take this for example:
A July 31 Crowley for NYC press release announcing Gov. Cuomo’s endorsement of the incumbent went even further, saying Holden has a “record of taking strong anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ and conservative stances.” When pressed for examples of those stances, Crowley simply cited his quarterly production of the Juniper Park Civic Association’s magazine, which sometimes features right-wing commentary.
After thorough search of the Juniper Park Civic Association's website, which features the articles from the magazine, we found no "anti-woman" commentary. Unless you consider this editorial about an unqualified female firefighter (which was written by a woman) to be anti-woman. Regardless, Holden didn't write it and we could find nothing he authored for the magazine that addressed women's issues in a negative light.


Now let's look at just how "pro-women" Crowley's record is...

Crowley's campaign hurled sexually explicit and abusive language toward her opponent's volunteers on Primary Day, as per Progress Queens:
Other alleged irregularities in this year's election cycle in Queens involved the cousin of the chair of the Queens Democratic County Committee. Progress Queens has received credible information from various sources that representatives of the committee to reelect Councilmember Elizabeth Crowley (D-Maspeth) acted to intimidate the campaign volunteers of Councilmember Crowley's primary challenger, Robert Holden, sometimes by invoking violent language. One Holden campaign volunteer said that she was yelled at and disparaged by representatives of Councilmember Crowley's campaign, including by Councilmember Crowley and her son, Owen O'Hara. In one instance, the source said that Mr. O'Hara told the Holden campaign volunteer to perform a sex act on him and made a corresponding rude sexual gesture by grabbing his loins, according to information received by Progress Queens.
Wow, great parenting job there, Liz! You must be so proud.
Similar accusations of intimidation were also made by a second Holden campaign volunteer, revealing a possible pattern. The second Holden campaign volunteer informed Progress Queens that she was similarly yelled at when she was trying to inform voters about Councilmember Crowley's record and policy positions, and, in response, one male Crowley campaign representative came up to the second Holden campaign volunteer and threatened to silence her by shoving his penis into her mouth. Both Holden campaign volunteers told Progress Queens that they were called "white trash" by Councilmember Crowley herself or by other Crowley campaign representatives. Other forms of possible misconduct by the Crowley campaign including the spreading or mailing of false information about Mr. Holden ; engaging in ageism ; and allegations that Councilmember Crowley used her official capacity as an elected official to gain entry into private apartment buildings to distribute campaign literature, opportunities that were denied to Mr. Holden's campaign. For this report, Councilmember Crowley did not answer an interview request.

In a wide-ranging interview with Progress Queens, Mr. Holden questioned the personal character of Councilmember Crowley over the allegations of misconduct by her and her campaign representatives, saying, in part, that, "It's one thing to give out literature, but it's another thing to be harassing," he said, referring to the treatment his campaign volunteers received from the Crowley campaign. Of the sexually-violent use of language against his campaign volunteers, Mr. Holden said, "It's disgraceful."
So instead of either denying these things happened or apologizing and saying it would never happen again, Crowley decided to say nothing. It's hard to fathom how the Democratic, Working Families and Women's Equality Parties' candidate tolerates threats of sexual violence against women, but then again she also featured her sibling who was convicted of sexual assault in her "family values" mailers to Dem primary voters...

There's also only one candidate in the race for the 30th District that is running on a feminist platform who had a "personal relationship" with a married assembly member in return for money and gifts. She's even featured on Brian McLaughlin's Wikipedia page.

Liz Crowley: A proud role model for Queens women!


Anonymous said...

Seriously, who are these people who vote for her?

JQ LLC said...

Ms. Crowley is a sordid woman. And really, really stupid.

JQ LLC said...

I didn't even know she had a son, how old is he?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, who are these people who vote for her?

Union goons. Do not underestimate the voter turnout of the unions, who will be loyal to people who give them good deals at the benefits negotiation table and keep city contract dollars flowing in.

Anonymous said...

She had one son at the age of 18 and the other at 19. So that would make them 21 and 20.

Anonymous said...

This 2001 campaign announcement says the kids are 4 and 5 at the time. She ran at the age of 23. She also was divorced by that time, but kept that secret.

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a fine upstanding example for progressive women everywhere and would be a shining beacon of feminism for the community and the city.

and for anyone who believes that drivel i just wrote above, there's a bridge in Brooklyn for sale i can get you a great deal on.

Anonymous said...

Wow, still attacking her after she won her election fairly. Can this site at least acknowledge that either Bob Holden helps run the site or a personal friend of his is doing so. We need to stop being hypocrites here. She was the only candidate that supported (and was supported by) the teachers and police unions. Unpaid people.

Anonymous said...

This woman Crowley is just like all the other progressives, a hypocrite. However she is too dumb to even hide it. Many of her family members dislike her as well as many elected officials. I heard some are even secretly giving advice to the Holden camp.

Anonymous said...

I agree that we need to stop being hypocrites here. Crowley is the one currently attacking Holden for running on another party line although she is doing the same exact thing. And if you think union people are unpaid there's a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell ya. They get their pay day after they support dopes like Crowley.

Anonymous said...

Tweeder 101: When you can't deny the validity of the content, attack the author and try to link them to your opponent.

FACT: Dizzy banged a married assemblyman who was stealing from a union and a little league in order to give money to her.
FACT: Her brother was convicted of sexual assault.
FACT: Multiple people witnessed her volunteers and son harassing women at the polling sites.
FACT: She hasn't denounced or denied that this happened.
FACT: She had absolutely no record in any community before she decided to run. After she lost her first election she disappeared until the next one.
FACT: Many constituents have complained that their concerns were communicated to her office and fell into a black hole with no resolution or response.
FACT: Someone is overreacting to a possible Wilson Pakula being given to an opponent considering that she is a 9 year incumbent.

Anonymous said...

As soon as Holden and his supporters stop openly saying teachers and police are paid enough then they have no chance of ever being part of the legislative body. A conservative democrat is a democrat who is not into legislating social policy and government spending & interaction but is pro-unionization, believes in the right for free health and education for children, and people not business first.

Can't understand why anyone claims to be a Conservative Democrat when they are only conservative and anti-immigrant.

Anonymous said...

When did Holden and his supporters say "teachers and police are paid enough"? Holden is pro-union, has been in a union for 44 years, even picketing when the members were forced to work without a contract. What exactly are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

If Holden has a strong connection to the people running this site he should disown them. All the racist and sick things people say and the personal attacks are associated to him, like it or not.

You can make novels by cutting out all the racist and ugly comments. This site clearly encourages this.

Why can't Queens crap be about pointing out crap houses and hypocrite politics rather than nasty attacks. 'Add a caption' is the most vulgar in terms of comments left.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with Elizabeth Crowley winning the primary "fair and square". This has to do with her long record of being a hypocrite which has been chronicled on this blog for the past 10 years or so. She's running on other lines and is criticizing her opponent for doing the same. She also claims to be a women's rights advocate yet she looks the other way when women or attacked. Not the kind of person we need in the City Council.

Anonymous said...

"As soon as Holden and his supporters stop openly saying teachers and police are paid enough then they have no chance of ever being part of the legislative body..."

More phony talking points by the pro-Crowley machine kool-aide drinkers who'd rather vote for an imbecile than a lifelong civic minded volunteer who has actually gotten things done.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. Elizabeth Crowley is opposed to the first amendment? I suppose that fits.

Anonymous said...

"All the racist and sick things people say and the personal attacks are associated to him..." Spoken like a true - easily offended -Marxist hypocrite. Free speech should not be tolerated if you don't agree with it.

Anonymous said...

I heard she spread a rumor that the members of a group fighting a homeless shealter were stealing the money. Why would she do that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why can't Queens crap be about pointing out crap houses and hypocrite politics rather than nasty attacks.

You can always start a blog of your own.

Anonymous said...

She didn't just win, she uppercut him. Bob needs to retool and try to reach more voters. He can win if he expands outside his base a little but needs to convince Democrats that he is truly one of them. Liz did a good job painting him as a Conservative First Democrat. The seat will be up for grabs in four years.

As a Democrat who voted for Bob the thing that really bothered me was how he (over)supports Tony Avella even though he allowed the Republicans to control the state senate (for a better lulu and chair seat as well, which this site never points out)which make him look like he is pro-Republican. That is no different than what Hiram or Pedro Espada did. He needs to convince the community that when he is elected he can bring funds and improvements into the district rather than complain and whine like the Dems are now doing with Trump.

Queens Crapper said...

I've pointed this out before: Every site that allows comments attracts trolls, nasty comments, etc. This site, however, seems to get the most attention for it. Either these people are not visiting any other sites to leave comments or they are picking and choosing what sites offend them based on their politics.

Toby Dick said...

Thar she blows

Anonymous said...

Crapper: Please don't try to explain to one easily offended hypocrite who loves to criticize anyone who allows free speech. We love this blog the way it is.

Anonymous said...

How do you over support somebody that has consistently stepped up to represent your part of the district? When your own elected officials turn their back's sometimes the only person that you can rely on is someone that may not necessarily have the same views as you. I would take Tony Avella's support any day the week over most of the tweeders in the district.

Anonymous said...

She slept with Pagan Hellorin, how could she be a femonist

Queens Crapper said...

Are there any Crowley supporters out there who can refute anything that was presented in this post? It seems that Louis Flores offered her the opportunity to respond to the primary day allegations and her past response to the McLaughlin allegations were "no comment". I suppose that's all you can do when you are alluded to in his federal indictment.

Anonymous said...

Crappy, please ignore the Crowley staffer who is trolling the site today. Usually they just monitor the site to come up with some talking points she can defend herself with but being so close to Election they are getting despite enough to come out and play.

Anonymous said...

As it stands now we have someone who never responds to questions/inquiries/debate requests. She only comes out once every four years for photo opportunities, has no brains and is a hypocrite. Wake up sheeple!!!

Anonymous said...

>Crapper: Please don't try to explain to one easily offended hypocrite who loves to criticize anyone who allows free speech. We love this blog the way it is.

THIS. I disagree with most of what's posted here but I'll defend to death your right to say it.

Anonymous said...

Lizzy has also been linked to PBA president Patrick Lynch, so that would be another union that supports her. McLaughlin and Lynch - was it the hair that turned Lizzy on?

JQ LLC said...

After reading that old article on that idiot McLaughlin, I came to the conclusion that if Ms. Crowley did not have bloodlines to congressman, didn't act like a homewrecker and mess around with a corrupt assemblyman and didn't have this cushy position she has now and is trying to retain; someone as limited intellectually and untalented as her in her early 20's with 2 kids and a broken marriage would have wound up homeless or still living in her parents house while she does 2 part time jobs at the duane reade and working the register at Waldbaum's while she goes to college at night. Probably would have been a more grounded and ethical person too.

But here she is now, obscuring herself from being photographed electioneering with a donor lapdog huer who let his district turn into a scene from the original blade runner or an old Fritz lang movie. My condolences to everyone in the 30 who has to deal with this person and will again for another 4 years. (my district had to deal with no show thief Ruben Wills for almost a decade, so I sympathize with you plight)

Anonymous said...

All I know is the union thug I talked to handing out Crowley propaganda said he was getting paid
and there was one at every polling place I saw

(sarc) said...

There seems to be more truth to the story: "Elizabeth Crowley is a rather piss-poor feminist", than meets the eye.

According to Anne Coulter, per her writings in "Godless: The Church of Liberalism", a real,true and honest "liberal feminist" would have received the ultimate liberal sacrament, and had two abortions.

And of course bragged of experience endlessly.

That would have increased her feminist and liberal credentials tenfold...

Anonymous said...

Of all them sisters,
She did'nt get the brains or the looks

Anonymous said...

She has the FDNY in her pocket.

JQ LLC said...

Don't care much for Ms. Coulter, but the woman behind the narcissist brooklyn chick tribute show "Girls" once professed that she wished she had an abortion, which is the only example of that theory I can think of.

Anonymous said...

Her career is built on spreading lies.

Bob needs to start going door to door in areas outside of MV. I have yet to see anything about him outside of the Juniper FB page.

Anonymous said...

If Crowley debated Holden he'd wipe the floor with her and she knows it.

Anonymous said...

If Holden can work Woodside ave (all those apartment buildings) and win the generations Irish and sec 8s over he not only can but WILL take her seat in the election. We are only talking 400 or so votes here.

Most those people are stupid, many drunks, desperate with too many mouths to feed therefore are easily controlled by these scoundrels playing them like a pinball machines--all the paper flyers of propaganda included.
Holden needs to personally s'plain them. Holdens internet stuff don't cut it because those people, and the Irish elderly don't even know how to use computers and these are the people f_cking up the votes for him

Anonymous said...

Woodside Ave is not in the district. Queens Blvd is the borderline.

Anonymous said...

I think the OP is referring those Maspeth apartment buildings with all the steps and hordes (generations) of Irish family's, many who are elderly. Yes if Holden can put the Facebook away and win them over he will bury Crowley, all it will take is a 20 minute debate.

Anonymous said...

There's no section 8 there...only co-op owners.

Liz had an army on the street pulling people out to vote and only won over 62% of the Dems in the primary. You'd expect it to be 75-80% with that type of operation. Other races were much more lopsided.

If Holden can get the GOP and Conservatives to come out for him in decent numbers and sways independents over to his side, he's got this. And that's why you see her publicly going batshit over things like party lines when she should be sitting back as the entrenched incumbent.

Anonymous said...

You guys are delusional. In primaries, mindless democrat voters don't show up especially when the top of the ticket has a weak primary. Election Day, a holiday, gets the mindless yet loyal voters to show up in droves. It's a proven point time and time again. Primary losers carry over less than half their party supporters in the primary. It's a fact.

Plus Holden had motivated voters in the Primary and Liz didn't. Opportunity lost. Next attack needs to be the state races next year. I voted for Bob but I refuse to cast a vote for anyone on the Conservative or Republican ticket. I know Bob has republican support (Tom Ognibene got Bob's wife a patronage job with Pataki)but it is not enough.

Anonymous said...

If what you are saying is true, why is she running like she's scared?

Most primary losers are not on the ballot after September so what are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Holden didn't have motivated voters in the primary. The people who came out mostly voted for the name that was familiar. Hell, Bill de Blasio won the district and they supposedly hate him over there.

Anonymous said...

He is on the Conservative Line

Anonymous said...

"(Tom Ognibene got Bob's wife a patronage job with Pataki)"

Really? Pataki and Ognibene didn't get along and this article says she was denied the job the first time around and then on the second stab at it was offered a low level job and worked her way up. Sounds like Pinky's pals are posting again.

Anonymous said...

Clearly applied to an open competitive job. Connections from a councilman had nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

why's everybody hatin' on Dizzy Lizzie?

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