Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Trump's first home listed on AirBnB

From the Times Ledger:

The childhood home of President Donald Trump, sold at auction in March to an anonymous individual, is listed on Airbnb for $750 a night and boasts 17 beds.

The Jamaica Estates address cited on the president’s birth certificate appeared on the website in June and uses the property’s history as a selling point for visitors. It also mentions the location’s proximity to the F train.

“POTUS - Donald J. Trump’s childhood home,” the listing said. “Stay in the heart of NYC in the president’s childhood home. Featured in hundreds of news articles, stay in a part of living history.”

State Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside), who has led a crusade against the rental website stemming from resident complaints about listings in their neighborhood, laughed Monday about the fact Trump’s home had even fallen victim to what he believes to be an epidemic in suburban Queens neighborhood.

Avella noted that presidential homes are usually made into museums and carry strict historic preservation protections, but that the former home of the controversial leader had been had not drawn this reverential treatment.

The comment came during a news conference on the unveiling of Avella’s bill designed to hinder the unrelenting proliferation of Airbnb in Queens without the requirements designated for hotels.


(sarc) said...

Fortunately the current President of the United States is not renting the Lincoln Bedroom out for campaign contributions like BJ and HiLlEry were...

JQ LLC said...

State Senator Avella and every civilized human being has every right to scoff and laugh at this farce. They should just put a tacky Trump gold logo on the roof. This is how stupid turning houses and apt's into hotels and motel rooms is.

725 bucks a night to lodge in Jamaica Estates? What the hell is there to do there? Enjoy the amenities and sights of Hillside Avenue? Are tourists really this stupid?

Anonymous said...

Jamaica Estates is hardly the "heart of NYC."

Anonymous said...

17 bedrooms? That's nothing, in Falasheng they have a lot more in a one family house plus 10 bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

Asians bought this house and they got into alot of trouble with many things -

Anonymous said...

Fortunately the current President of the United States is not renting the Lincoln Bedroom out for campaign contributions like BJ and HiLlEry were...

You don't know that. He just hasn't been caught yet. donald j trump would sell his mother for a dollar.

Anonymous said...

17 beds? This is a hostel in disguise. Shut it down.

Anonymous said...

I can pay to take a dump in the can DJT dumped in growing up?!?!?!?!?!

Where do I sign up?

Le Gross Foo Chat said...

Seventeen beds??? Are they freaking kidding? Were there 17 when Trump was growing up there?

JQ LLC said...

17 beds, it's a flophouse for tech dicks and hipshits. Put the kibosh on this.

Share better better be careful with their deceptive ads though, just show this house and what the "host" is doing. Let's see airbnb's p.r. toadie and lobbyists claim and use their talking points that this slime owner is doing this to make some money on the side.

Airbnb is a criminal enterprise.

Anonymous said...

""What the hell is there to do there? Enjoy the amenities and sights of Hillside Avenue? Are tourists really this stupid"

The F train cant be beat and I think you can go bowling and a couple bars.
To some shithead yahoo from West the Hudson that's bigtime

Anonymous said...

End it with fire.

Anonymous said...

No, Airbnb is not a criminal enterprise.

Do you only stay in hotels or family when in Europe?
It's much better to get an apartment for the summer.

>> JQ LLC said...
Airbnb is a criminal enterprise.

Anonymous said...

>Do you only stay in hotels or family when in Europe?
>It's much better to get an apartment for the summer.

This guy gets it. In the US too. Staying in a house in a real neighborhood is infinitely better than staying in a hotel in the middle of some commercial zone.

Anonymous said...

Airbnb is your only way out unless your some millionaire or Wall street shit writing off a $350+ a night hotel room.
Check in 3PM and they want you out by 10AM, $325 for the 19 hour stay add $90 to park your car, cant cook so add another $30 lunch & dinner then add 20% to the sum thanks to the NYC hotel tax and your near $500 a day !!!

The Airbnb epidemic is New York politicians own creation, its seems they are all in bed with hotel owners.
These same socialist progressive politicians like diBlasio are also the blame for inviting every bum & getover on the planet to NYC on OUR dime, not Airbnb house guests and homeowners downing in taxes to pay for all this socialized bullshit !

Anonymous said...

"Do you only stay in hotels or family when in Europe"

No because who the hell in their right mind wants to pay to look at the post EU "vibrant and diverse" Europe or London or 2017? For Christ sake the streets of Holland, Berlin and London look like downtown Beirut, hardly anybody speaks English, 1/2 the women in hijab's. Hell you need a gun and bullet proof vest if you look American, Christian or "Too White" as they say.

Most of Europe is now Hell. As in the boiling pits of sewage and its all happened so fast since this EU order and such a shame.

JQ LLC said...

Last Anon

I haven't left this borough in 13 years. And when I did I stayed at hotels. Granted airbnb and the noxious sharing economy did not exist yet. But if I had the disposable income or just some lucky wealthy dumb millenial I would still use hotels.

I stand by opinion with utter conviction. The existence of Airbnb has destroyed livelihoods and disenfranchised citizens. It's a big factor in the amount of homeless families forced to live in hotels (Hows that for a sick fucking twisted irony).

The funny thing is that despite Airbnb and the sudden election year crackdown, more towering hotels are going up, mostly in the area above chelsea and below and around penn station and herald square. This city has built more hotels than affordable housing, for to get the latter according to De Faustio and his fixer Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen from Goldman Sachs, luxury towers have to be built without question.

Gino said...

Most your homeless families forced to live in hotels were not invited here. To add that alcoholic, druggie or single mom of five of different derelict deadbeat fathers was HER bad choice in live not mine.
Us landlords keep them out because they destroy the house and stop paying the rent once they establish residency. (they know all the tricks to work the system) Then some shit city judge FORCES me at gunpoint to choose: 1 give up my rights and accept a Sec 8 contract or 2:keep the "poor misfortunate family and wonderful children" and pay for them during the year of legal evection proceedings PLUS ANOTHER year or more till a shelter is found to house them. All landlords now face the same high risk when renting to the above. ---so they don't. And this was LONG before AIRbnb and the internet came along.

It can cost an landlord an upwards of $150,000 to get deadbeats and destructives out of the house not including all the repairs from damage they WILL do once you must start proceedings on them!!
With airBNB your covered for damage and the houseguests are vetted not only outside NY jurisdiction but must agree to the terms of membership meaning a BOTH AIRbnb and landlord CAN discriminate if you have bad credit or bad feedback of being an asshole
This goes for both sides.
Because a AIRbnb house-guest is short term they can not legally establish residence you can simply throw them out. If you get busted just pay the fine or fight it because its UN-constitutional violation of your rights as a single home owner residing one and inside your one property.

Who's side is this rocket scientist Avella on anyway, the homeless, freeloaders and substance addicts ? I DON'T WANT THEM IN MY HOUSE CAPISCO AVELLA ?


Anonymous said...

Millions and millions of people every year.

>> who the hell in their right mind wants to pay to look at the post EU "vibrant and diverse" ?

Don't you ever have to travel overseas for work?

You have never used AirBnb and you have never traveled in 13 years yet you developed such a strong opinion of something you don't understand.

I go to overseas every summer. It surely is not hell. And "no" you don't need a bullet proof vest.

People speak English everywhere all over Europe, in every country you mention.

You are very ignorant and/or a scared person.

>>JQ LLC said...

>> Most of Europe is now Hell.

UR Notsmart said...

Obviously there was a demand or it would not be so successful.
Are you saying capitalism did this?

>> JQ LLC said...
>>The existence of Airbnb has destroyed livelihoods and disenfranchised citizens.

JQ LLC said...

I understand that apartments are lost and getting rent stabilized is quite impossible these days because of airbnb and their "hosts". Although to be fair, it's not only airbnb but these other sharing economy apps companies that are going into SRO's and making dorm like arrangements using walk up buildings.

Why does one have to travel to understand why people use this service. They skirt and don't even follow laws.

@UR notsmart (nice, that's a keeper), heroin is demanded and is quite successful and also criminal. Capitalism did that too. Capitalism is also doing well for fallout shelter business in the past few days too. Doesn't really make it good does it?

JQ LLC said...


I do not doubt the fiends that try to game the system and fuck over people trying to do the right thing. The thing is a lot of decent families and individuals are being kicked out and have been betrayed by the neoliberals in city council and city hall.

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