Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Scientist discovers MacNeil Park sewage problem

From QNS:

At first glance, the bubbling puddle shown on video taken at College Point‘s MacNeil Park this weekend doesn’t look that bad. The smell and the contents of the water, however, told a much more dangerous story.

Dr. James Cervino, a local marine scientist, told QNS that the geyser popped in the park in the last few days. He took a sample of the water for testing which revealed that it contained two different types of bacteria — E.coli and enterococcus — typically found in raw sewage.

At first, no one in the neighborhood knew for certain how or why the wretched geyser formed, according to Cervino. The city’s Parks Department, however, was able to provide an answer on Monday afternoon.

“There was a blockage in the sewer line which caused a backup in MacNeil Park,” a Parks Department spokesperson told QNS on Aug. 7. “Parks plumbers have been on site since 8 a.m. this morning to assess the situation. Parks hired a cesspool company to clear the line, and we are working with DDC (the Department of Design and Construction) to repair the issue.”

While the sewage-laden area was roped off, the rest of MacNeil Park remains open, the Parks Department added.

The Parks Department’s response came after state Senator Tony Avella — whom Cervino alerted about the condition over the weekend — reached out to the city’s Parks Department, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Department of Health. He then followed up on Aug. 7 with a letter to the commissioners of all three agencies demanding that the problem be fixed, as well as a joint investigation to figure out what happened.


(sarc) said...

"...as well as a joint investigation to figure out what happened."

What happened?

Infrastructure old and not maintained, asked and answered.

However, the powers that be will spend MILLIONS of your tax dollars to come up with the same conclusion...

Anonymous said...

Mabye while they are there fixing that they can fix the seawall and path that has been crumbling and sinking into the water for the past decade.

Anonymous said...

They needed a marine scientist to tell them this was sewerage? Wasn't the toilet paper in the water a give away?

Gary W said...

Two types of bacteria! Welcome to Queens even our raw sewage is diverse!

Anonymous said...

Mabye while they are there fixing that they can fix the seawall and path that has been crumbling and sinking into the water for the past decade.

No work until they have a $30 million for a photo op instead of $2 million for a boring decade's worth of upkeep doing things like fixing sewer pipes.

So find one or two more things.

Anonymous said...

That's a perfect example of how Paul Vallone (aka Stinky) takes care of his community. But I'm sure he will take credit for the clean up. Anyone who votes for stinky deserves nothing but the worst. All of this can change on September 12, VOTE FOR GRAZIANO!

Anonymous said...

Notice how the article states "Avella reached out" how come our current councilman only shows his face for photos and fireworks? He fooled us once, are we going to let him fool us again?

Anonymous said...

Notice how the article states "Avella reached out" how come our current councilman only shows his face for photos and fireworks? He fooled us once, are we going to let him fool us again?

Anonymous said...

MacNeil Park was derelict long before Vallone took office. the park has gradually been fading into obscurity and disrepair since the mid to late nineties. and that was when Saint Avella was the Councilman. pointing blame on Vallone is always welcome, but when you do so, remember that there are problems that were inherited and not caused by him. i am in no way a supporter of his, or his family's, disservice to the communities they represent but lets not pretend that this park was in great condition to begin with.

Anonymous said...

the park has gradually been fading into obscurity and disrepair since the mid to late nineties. and that was when Saint Avella was the Councilman

Avella was Councilmember from the beginning of 2002 to the end of 2009.

Anonymous said...

MacNeil Park was derelict long before Vallone took office. the park has gradually been fading into obscurity and disrepair since the mid to late nineties. and that was when Saint Avella was the Councilman. pointing blame on Vallone is always welcome, but when you do so, remember that there are problems that were inherited and not caused by him. i am in no way a supporter of his, or his family's, disservice to the communities they represent but lets not pretend that this park was in great condition to begin with.
No one said it was in great condition, only that Vallone has been on the job for the last three years and this is the outcome. There was no human feces or e-coli in the water when Saint Avella was Councilman.

Anonymous said...

Indeed http://www.qchron.com/editions/north/charges-of-illegal-dumping-at-college-point-sports-complex/article_1727e801-6aac-586f-89f8-8cca5664dd1d.html

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