Saturday, August 26, 2017

Richmond Hill block has a squatter problem

From PIX11:

Boarded-up homes in Queens surrounded by garbage are being taken over by dangerous squatters.

"It's a real big danger to my family," said Charles Mahadeo, who lives next door to one of the abandoned homes on the corner of Lefferts Boulevard and 95th Avenue in Richmond Hill.

"There have been two deaths in here, it's a dumping ground, it's very smelly and it's not a very good atmosphere at all around here," he said. "I'm very much concerned this place is very bad for my children and very dangerous, especially with the squatters."

Mahadeo told PIX11 Friday the owner of the home died a few years ago and no one has done anything with the house since.

Right across the street sits another abandoned house and there was a woman inside when we showed up.

She shouted, "I'm not a squatter."

The boarded up houses are among many occupied two and three-family homes.


JQ LLC said...

This is going to get worse. But not for the toll takers for De Faustio's DHS.

Fun fact, these homes are a 5 to 10 minute walk from the nearest police precinct on 118th st.

There are lot of abandoned homes in Southeast Queens, spanning from Richmond Hill to Jamaica and Rockaway Beach, and the diabolic city planners in order to gentrify the remaining mass transit areas of Brooklyn are pushing all the homeless, which probably consists of junkies and recidivist criminals to these locales.

Notice the mid-southern accent on that woman yelling from the window. I am sure she's in Richmond Hill because she's from the neighborhood and lost her apt.

Check out the mayoral debate. De Faustio's explanation of the homeless crisis he worsened is frighteningly hysterical.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the city councilperson, congressman, assemblyman, or community board district manager care? Hmmm

Anonymous said...

Those are not squatters, they are Dumblasio's voter base, especially if they have a lengthy rap sheet, I mean who else is going to help him turn NYC into Ghettostan?

(sarc) said...

The things some people will do to avoid the New York City homeless shelter system.

How wonderful it must be...

Joe Moretti said...

People want to talk about low-class immigrants (and there are plenty), but that white yahoo obviously from the south shouting out the window, is born and bred white American and probably a Trump supporter and definitely not from NYC, probably hopped off a bus from Georgia or some other state for free housing in the shitty SE Queens. AND this was Ruben Wills district, see he did much for that community.

AND JQ is right on the money about Brooklyn.

So where is KATZ? As usual missing in action, because something like this is not a good photo-op.

Anonymous said...

Crappy you have a hit a new low trashing these innocents!

Don't you know it's just entrepreneurship? Maybe they're not paying taxes but these houses are magnets for drug dealers, prostitutes and people with mental health and legal issues - like long rap sheets and open warrants. All just a part of of our vibrant diversity, the beautiful mosaic. And these folks are very eco conscious. You won't find them using harmful chemicals to clean with, they absorb them into their bodies to help the earth. You won't find them using any pest repellents either or fertilizer. Why they use their feces and urine to feed the garden and the living room floor. They are so kind to the animals and don't bother killing off any mice, rats, roaches or bed bugs. And they don't bother to get medical treatment for their STD's or advanced scabies and other skin infections.
Who wouldn't want them as neighbors? So convenient, they could be cooking up meth right next door.

JQ LLC said...

Not only is that hayseed possibly a Trump supporter, but living in a squat nullifies her as a citizen therefore not able to vote.

Which is probably the grand design of this after all. Instead of having families and registered voters living there. Have some invaders exploiting the sanctuary city law.

Anonymous said...

The Forest Hills arsonist hasn't been caught yet.....

Anonymous said...

"Probably a Trump supporter ". These folks likely haven a clue about politics or who is in office. They're getting over......guess what party they would probably support.....

Julie B. said...

Can someone tell me how the property owner wouldn't want to turn a quick buck on a house in NYC? There are people who would pay a fair price to live there. Even if they have to spend to fix up the place, the owner could at least make something.

Anonymous said...

They are not squatters! It's a derogatory term for undocumented tenants. They should enjoy all of the benefits you as a a lawful resident of the house should have, including the right to eating the food that you paid for, using the medicine that you also paid for, and reading the books that you bought!

Joe Moretti said...

ANON stated: These folks likely haven a clue about politics or who is in office. They're getting over......guess what party they would probably support.....

EXACTLY, you just described the majority of Trump supporters, totally clueless not only about politics but pretty much everything else except "reality tv", that is why they put a person in office against their own interest. All they see is "The Apprentice". This woman more than likely voted for Trump, but her original city/state had a mayor/governor who supported Trump and did not have the idiotic "right to shelter" law, so she hightailed it to NYC, because she heard you can live for free here even if it is not your house and even if you don't have money.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest getting in touch with Queens Civic Congress (memba them?) but they are in the pocket of the machine.

Anonymous said...

And yet somebody has been asking to buy all the houses on my Richmond Hill block for cash..why can't he buy these 2...

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of these houses in my neighborhood. Dimwit artists paint murals on them, animal lovers feed and breed feral cats and other vermin. The rats love them and so co do the crack heads. WTF is up with letting a house go like this?

EDPR said...

Trump 2020, like it or not. Bunch of cry babies. The free ride is over. So glad Money Mayweather is a Trump supporter.

Res Ipsa said...

There's a lot of these houses in my neighborhood. Dimwit artists paint murals on them, animal lovers feed and breed feral cats and other vermin. The rats love them and so co do the crack heads. WTF is up with letting a house go like this?

The powers that be want these houses to fall into disrepair and decay and to have squatters move in. Then, when the house finally burns down from a fire caused by the illegal occupants or the City finally removes them, the squatters can claim that they are "from the neighborhood" and need to be placed in a shelter nearby. Next thing you know, a cluster site or hotel is springing up in your area to house them. And there goes the neighborhood...

But you know where this won't be happening? Park Slope. Albanese is a sad candidate. Malliotakis talks out of both sides of her face, but if the dope gets back in for another 4 years, we are completely screwed. One and done!

Anonymous said...

Yep. What he said. Only going to get much worse...Look at residential Detroit and other cities.

Anonymous said...

I made contact with the person responsible for the property a couple of years ago but he was being stubborn about it and wanted an unrealistic number for the property. Gave up on the guy after a year of trying to convince him to sell.

Anonymous said...

How is that you can tell the difference between an upkeep white neighborhood compared to minorities and immigrants areas? Hmm. I'm Spanish and rather live with the whites compared to my own kind and others.

Anonymous said...

City Hall has a squatter problem——and, it's only getting worse by the hour! Dump this decrepit cockroach of failed public service, already! We, the People NEED smarter, accountable, honest, ethical and transparent cockroaches and sewer rats in City Hall——'cause THIS feckless administration has the worst and dumbest of BOTH!

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