Monday, August 28, 2017

Religious ritual is bad for the environment

"Hi Crappy, this is what goes on in Jamaica Bay at Frank Charles park in Howard Beach and the parking area on the south side of the Joseph Addabbo Bridge.This land is under National Park Service control and they claim they can't stop it because it's a freedom of religion issue.They dump into the water all kinds of fruits, vegetables,flowers,and food.On land they also leave behind statues,pictures and reams of cloth flags.
There is supposed to be an ecology minded group within the Hindu community that has been discouraging this practice and they say they do a cleanup once a month but I have never seen them at Charles Park. Last week I saw NPS clean the beach with a four man crew, they say they come every Sunday.
I think if NPS is going to allow this the they should clean the beach more often, nobody being on a beach with rotten fruit and it is bad for the health of the water and the animals that need a healthy environment to live." - Rich


Joe Moretti said...

And just one reason why India has some of the most polluted water in the world. This is total bullshit and has been going on for years, but let's face it, this is less polluting that one many of our big corporations have done and are still doing to the water.

Freedom of religion.................there is a limit. I mean you cannot sacrifice a baby on the beach if that is part of your religion.

ASSIMILATION. If one wants to still do such bullshit stuff, one should stay in their own country.

JQ LLC said...

This has been going on for years. They had these rituals every summer at the Broad Channel rest stop but that must have stopped so they moved it to Old Howard.

Riding by the rest stop I used to see tons of garbage that ranged from foil and tins, tiki torches and myriad crap in addition to the coconuts, melon shells and flags, they probably had a huge cookout before the actual ritual. That may be why the proliferation of raccoons and for a while geese coming to the bay (before the feds decided to mass kill to make it safe for air traffic from JFK)

Just because you have the divine right to worship and practice your religion doesn't exempt you from making a disgusting mess of the beaches around these parks, which are small to begin with. It really shows an obnoxious sense of entitlement.

And then there are the Rockaway transient hipshits abusing the bay with some retarded boat contest, but that's another story for another day.

(sarc) said...

At least they are not crapping in the water or disposing of dead family members.

That we know of...

Anonymous said...

It might be bad for the community and environment but its good for votes for the Democratic Party so its off topic to criticize this custom that adds to the 3rd world image of Queens.

Anonymous said...

Embrace the diversity, and know that we are Stronger Together, right?

Anonymous said...

What makes America great is that it's open to all nations whether you approve or not.

Assimilation doesn't mean you abandon your religious beliefs for the few bigoted to feel less discomfort by the cultural differences. Fictitious examples of sacrificing babies are beyond a stretch and lean far towards racist views that all other cultures are savages.

These individuals are practicing their religion and are not polluting the waters every day.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like enough people are involved to require a permit - which would require clean-up, No?

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, I know the comeback to this one: "You're a racist troglodyte hates the 'vibrant diversity'. F--- Whiteness!"

Anonymous said...

Get that crap out of here. How does the city let this happen? If your going to do something, clean up after yourself. F#@% losers.

Anonymous said...

Religion (ALL religions!), is a mental disorder. There ARE no gods, and accountability is OURS to control and order!

But, ironically the brainwashed, hypnotized and blinded people of religious fanaticism can't see what is right in front of them: The Earth itself is their god and nature, their church——and, these pious frauds are bent on destroying BOTH for ALL living things!

Anonymous said...

Tax these bogus religions and churches and you'll see how fast they evaporate into the ether! The US loses more than $80 billion yearly because of Separation of Church and State that is not even enforced anymore.

Meanwhile, churches are more politically demanding and imperious than the cabal of 'crooked-and-corrupt' politicians themselves——as, everyone else STILL continues to pay for our OPENLY PRACTICED nation of pious frauds——and, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Anonymous said...

Fictitious examples of sacrificing babies are beyond a stretch and lean far towards racist views that all other cultures are savages.

Travel a bit pal. There is nothing racist in pointing out certain events that are widely accepted in some parts of the world.

Anonymous said...

Where are the chickens and the goats?

Anonymous said...

I'm perfectly fine with them doing this, but why aren't they required to clean up after themselves like everyone else?

Anonymous said...

If the feds are not permitted to interfere with their religious activities, then by logical extension the feds should not be permitted to pick up the garbage left behind by a religious ceremony, since they would be favoring one religion over others, because they don't clean up after any other religious ceremonies.

georgetheatheist said...

"Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi." - St. Ambrose

("If you are in Rome, live in the Roman way; if you are elsewhere, live as they do there.")

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

Assimilation doesn't mean you abandon your religious beliefs for the few bigoted to feel less discomfort by the cultural differences. Fictitious examples of sacrificing babies are beyond a stretch and lean far towards racist views that all other cultures are savages.

These individuals are practicing their religion and are not polluting the waters every day.

No, assimilation doesn't mean you abandoned your religious beliefs or other cultural customs, BUT it does mean obeying the laws of your new home land and this example is littering and polluting water, but according to the lame ass ANON person it is okay since they are not polluting every day.

The baby comment was irony. Oh and by the way, female genital mutilation ring a fucking bell to you.

Amazing how everything today is racist because someone points out some bullshit from some other group. AND amazing how fucking sensitive and lack of any kind of humor has become the fucking norm for a new generation.

Anonymous said...

Tax these bogus religions and churches and you'll see how fast they evaporate into the ether! The US loses more than $80 billion yearly because of Separation of Church and State that is not even enforced anymore.

Meanwhile, churches are more politically demanding and imperious than the cabal of 'crooked-and-corrupt' politicians themselves——as, everyone else STILL continues to pay for our OPENLY PRACTICED nation of pious frauds——and, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

(sarc) said...

To the various anonymous posters who claim that there is no God, hopefully we can talk on judgement day and come to find out about the Grace of the Good Lord!

As the founding fathers stated on many occasions a Constitutional representative republic can not long survive in a nihilistic society.

Does anyone ever think about what the fish do in the water???

georgetheatheist said...

"To the various anonymous posters who claim that there is no God, hopefully we can talk on judgement day and come to find out about the Grace of the Good Lord!"

The Good Lord, a trickster at heart, will only let the atheists through the Pearly Gates because they used their minds to become atheists while all believers and agnostics will be reincarnated as dung beetles.

JQ LLC said...

The pope doesn't seem to mind atheists.

Anonymous said...

You can take a person out of a Third World country but you take take the Third World attitude out of the person.

As for crapping in the water - Sunken Meadows Beach was a favorite destination for my family and neighbors when I grew up. One of the last few times I went there with the family we saw turds floating in the water - those turds were from people washing out baby diapers - which we witnessed. My parents went over the the families to respectfully tell them that washing out diapers in the beach waters was inappropriate. Of course they were met with "No English" responses. It was disgusting in so many ways! We never went back to that beach and its such a shame that beach became dumpy. Admittedly I don't know of the present condition of Sunken Meadows Beach.

Regardless of "Religious" "exercises" it should remain illegal to purposefully pollute or dump quantities of any objects in or parks, on our beaches, and in our waterways that are protected under state, local and federal law PERIOD !

Anonymous said...

What about all the trees that are chopped down for Christmas and then dumped a few weeks later? That's not good for the environment either but it is done every year for no reason other than for decoration.

Anonymous said...

Idiot, the trees are grown every year and when your done with the trees they are recycled. If you do not like the way we do things in AMERICA, go back to your third world s#*^ hole.

Anonymous said...

Again confirms trinity and baptism as Hindu syncretism

Anonymous said...

USA is a good country,we spend more on defense than any other nation we take in many more people than any other nation and we are always there to help other nations with foreign aid even if their governments don't like us.We are the richest country on earth and NYC is the biggest, wealthiest city and we pay the highest taxes in the land.How can we not have the best services? Even if the Hindus were not dumping crap into our waters there should be more cleanups, Frank Charles Park is a dump and completely neglected by NPS.Just look at that bathroom,built in the year 1 and only one person in the men's and ladie room at a time can use it and this park has children's playground as well as ball fields and tennis courts.Heaven forbid if you got to use
bathroom after 4;30 when it's locked.

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