Thursday, June 8, 2017

BIG budget approved early

From Crains:

The City Council approved an early $85.2 billion budget for its 2018 fiscal year Tuesday, the last under term-limited Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.

The council added funding for summer jobs and a property tax exemption for veterans to Mayor Bill de Blasio's fiscal agenda but for the most part avoided the elaborate "budget dance" that involved the proposed removal and subsequent restoration of certain expenditures, a practice Blasio vowed to end. It was the earliest budget the council has delivered in 20 years, according to City Councilman Fernando Cabrera, D-Bronx.

But while the mayor and speaker declined a dance, they stepped into the ring on the issue of legal help for immigrants. The council added a provision ensuring universal representation regardless of criminal history; the mayor wants certain immigrants blocked from services.


JQ LLC said...

This is an abominable budget, for the majority of funding is going to questionable non-profit groups, some that are even wretchedly incompetent and corrupt.

Gay W said...

Poor sap trying to make it in the big city get's in a little trouble with the law. The legal bills could be devastating and life changing. Illegal alien? No problem, lefty tards fall over themselves to help you.

Anonymous said...

$85 billion for 8 million New Yorkers is more than $10,000 for every resident!

Anonymous said...

As usual, a budget weighted down with graft, political connections, agendas, and did i say graft?

When its budget time the entire city acts like Queens.

Can't wait for the adults in DC to drain the swamp.

Anonymous said...

Why do all NYC residents have to support Mark-Viverito's pet illegal invaders projects, LGBT causes, etc.? What BENEFIT would we get for that money? NONE. She and DeDumbDumb belong in jail for illegally redistributing wealth to those who have no right to it, misappropriating public monies.

Anonymous said...

Now, stop me if you've heard this before, fellow neo-feudal, New York City peasants and land serfs, but We, The People HAVE no democracy, much less freedom, as we are ALL 'owned' and held down by a perpetual, 'Hijack-and-Hostage' holding pattern that continues to falsely reward, empower and exalt the criminally instane, sociopaths and psychopaths of City Hall and Albany, which I predict will soon trigger the breakout of a SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION that will make the first one look like a harmless dress rehearsal!

In fact, our eternally duped, bilked, scammed, damned and overburdened taxpaying schnooks have been so completely betrayed by ALL hyper-corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged politicians, that the whole crooked-and-corrupt system of government tyranny (that has now crossed over to openly practiced anarchy), is on the verge of societal collapse, as it now DEVALUES all honesty itself——to pathologically high treasonous, traitorous and tyrannical effect!

And, once again: Impeachment proceedings are NOT a legal process, but a political process (EMPHASIS ADDED!), that the articles of impeachment themselves can be drawn up immediately——and without further delay! Hence, Bill de Blasio and his feckless pal, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito must be impeached forthwith, as they leave a legacy as THE MOST corrupt, derelict and dysfunctional administration since the unconscionably failed leadership of Boss Tweed (more than 100 years ago), where their corruption, graft and endless greed and mismanagement have now SURPASSED the Boss Tweed era with a vengeful impunity that is TRULY UNPRECEDENTED, TO DATE——and, only getting worse by the hour!

❝We hang the petty thieves and elect the great ones to public office.❞ ——Aesop

❝Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.❞ ——Voltaire

❝It's dangerous to be right when government is wrong.❞ ——Voltaire

❝To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.❞ ——Voltaire

Anonymous said...

Once again (and STILL), the corporate fascist, owned-and-operated media outlets of epic, journalistic-and-humanitarian fail are nowhere to be found to challenge extreme, empowered idiots like de Blasio (recalcitrant, derelict and arrogant), and Hizzoner's equally feckless pal, Melissa Mark-Viverito——and, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

When is the power of democracy going to be rightfully returned to, and restored and reclaimed by We, The People? With a current administration that is so completely, intensely incompetent, dishonest, dishonorable, disloyal and derelict, why is anyone even entertaining this public fool's (and his Puerto Rican puppet-pal's) reelection, when he DEVALUES all honesty itself?

Thanks for NOTHING, big stooge Preet Bharara, for your weak, paper tiger (reactionary), dog and pony show that strains all credibility. In fact, I am elated that Donald Trump finally dumped your government bought ass, because you were always in 'Big, Useless Shithead' Chuck Schumer's back pocket ANYWAY (and he always HAVE been——which is the reason for why no RICO laws were ever enforced against the $70 Billion Puerto Rican bankruptcy that was sloppily pushed underneath that sparse, 'Chia Pet' looking growth that passes for hair atop Shithead Schumer's giant, encephalytic forehead)!

Now, because of corrupt-and-crooked politicians like de Blasio, Mark-Viverito and terminal gadfly Schumer, New York makes hell look like heaven!

Anonymous said...

Now, stop me if you've heard this before, fellow neo-feudal, New York City peasants and land serfs, but We, The People HAVE no democracy, much less freedom, as we are ALL 'owned' and held down by a perpetual, 'Hijack-and-Hostage' holding pattern that continues to falsely reward, empower and exalt the criminally instane, sociopaths and psychopaths of City Hall and Albany, whilst punishing, banishing and vilifying whistleblowers like me, which I predict will soon trigger the breakout of a SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION that will make the first one look like a harmless dress rehearsal!

In fact, our eternally duped, bilked, scammed, damned and overburdened taxpaying schnooks have been so completely betrayed by ALL hyper-corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged politicians, that the whole crooked-and-corrupt system of government tyranny (that has now crossed over to openly practiced anarchy), is on the verge of societal collapse, as it now DEVALUES all honesty itself——to pathologically high treasonous, traitorous and tyrannical effect!

And, once again: Impeachment proceedings are NOT a legal process, but a political process (EMPHASIS ADDED!), that the articles of impeachment themselves can be drawn up immediately——and without further delay! Hence, Bill de Blasio and his feckless pal, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito must be impeached forthwith, as they leave a legacy as THE MOST corrupt, derelict and dysfunctional administration since the unconscionably failed leadership of Boss Tweed (more than 100 years ago), where their corruption, graft and endless greed and mismanagement have now SURPASSED the Boss Tweed era with a vengeful impunity that is TRULY UNPRECEDENTED, TO DATE——and, only getting worse by the hour!

❝We hang the petty thieves and elect the great ones to public office.❞ ——Aesop

❝Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.❞ ——Voltaire

❝It's dangerous to be right when government is wrong.❞ ——Voltaire

❝To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.❞ ——Voltaire

Anonymous said...

How much goes to Viverito's Puerto Rican terrorist buddy?

Anonymous said...

A SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION or even state revolution is why they want to grab all the guns and make these freeloading invaders life long friends and voters!

Its pure suicide like in Germany where "diversity' and euro political correctness has been literally forced down their throats at government gunpoint. Now its citizens, especially young women must stay locked in homes or face beatings, gang rape and murder in the middle of the street !!
These freeloaders from south the border truly believe America was stolen from them and Americans, our wealth & property will be free game once they get voting rights and seat their own people like Viverito.

I totally get it now. These people wish to create another downtown Beirut, Cologne, Amsterdam or London --Oh the horror take your pick. Politicians like Obama and deBlasio want America, its Constitution and conservatives obliterated in order to create a NEW country in their vision. (everything socialized, wealth confiscated and redistributed to make everybody equal in the same boat.

Only 3 major problem's:
1- The country is to big to socialize everything.
2- The country contains more guns then people.
3- Obama is no longer president and most Americans dont want it !!

Anonymous said...

People: Let's all remember that in 1996 President Bill Clinton signed legislation that took away federal benefits from LEGAL IMMIGRANTS (kept only for refugees). So LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their SPONSORS were financially responsible for all expenses. (What is the current status of that legislation?) And now the NYC Council wants us to pay for illegal migrants ?

Immigrant welfare[edit]
A lesser known provision of PRWORA made immigrants entering the United States ineligible for federal welfare funds for five years after arriving in the United States. In light of the restrictions to federal funding under the law, states were allowed to grant aid out of their own funds to address the welfare needs of immigrants.

Anonymous said...

The Marxist/Dem./jihadist loving POLS. in NYC/NYSwill trade votes for the safety of American citizens ,unless they are recalled ,voted out or impeached. THEY MUST WANT CITIZENS TO LIVE UNDER SHARIA LAW.?wiki this and do the right thing next election.

Anonymous said...

notice how when you touch or comment on any of the sacred cows of the democratic machine in queens they send the nut jobs out to chase the snowflakes away from this blog.

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