Thursday, May 25, 2017

Mayor announces crackdown on parking placard abuse

From CBS 2:

Mayor Bill de Blasio recently announced a controversial plan to issue parking permits to school staff members.

Now, he says City Hall plans to crack down and end rampant abuse.

“Parking is one of the biggest quality of life concerns of all New Yorkers,” de Blasio said.

As CBS2’s Political Reporter Marcia Kramer reports, the man who just gave anyone who works in a city school a placard bonanza – 50,000 of them – announced that just as he giveth he can taketh away.

Abusers will not only be fined or towed, but subject to “permanent ineligibility.”

“We’re concerned also about the placards that have been provided to police and other first responders,” de Blasio said.

Kramer: “Are you really going to tow cops and teachers’ cars, and really, really going to do it?”

De Blasio: “Sure.”

Kramer: “Why?”

De Blasio: “Because it’s against the rules. It’s as simple as that… It’s not fair to residents of neighborhoods.”

As part of the crackdown, the mayor is hiring 100 additional traffic agents to go after placard abusers, adding more tow trucks and creating a new $100 parking fine for placard misuse.

The chief enforcer will be the NYPD’s Chief of Transportation Thomas Chan, who is also creating a new 16-member task force of cops.


(sarc) said...

One hundred new traffic agents, that is a lot of money!

So once the agents are finished with "placard abuse" whom might they go after?

Hold on to your purses and wallets!!!

Anonymous said...

The city has also issued dozens of free street parking permits to US Postal employees working at the sorting facility on 36th street between 3d and 2d avenues in Manhattan. Why, I ask?

Gary W said...

A hundred new traffic agents, and a 16 member "anti placard fraud abuse panel". I'm sure they will have placards too. Who watches the watchers?

I'm sure the guy with the NYPD placard who parks in front of a hydrant on my street every night is quaking in his boots.

FrustratedandLate said...

Great! Can we start with the Firehouse at 153-11 Hillside Avenue, Jamaica, NY? FDNY Ladder company 127, Engine Company 298, 50th Battalion. Every day they have cars parked on the sidewalk making walking past difficult and regularly double park cars DURING RUSH HOUR (actually for their entire 24 shifts) making Hillside Avenue a one lane. It significantly backs up traffic and makes it difficult for buses to get down Hillside in a normal amount of time.

Google Maps proof:
From the satellite picture you can see multiple normal vehicles double parked:,-73.8039373,64a,35y,349.5h,45.05t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!2m7!3m6!1sfire+station!2s231-15+87th+Ave,+Jamaica,+NY+11427!3s0x89c262251706a6ab:0x610954230a117707!4m2!1d-73.737694!2d40.7315929

Street view shows cars parked on the sidewalk dating back to 2012:,-73.8040751,3a,75y,328.8h,76.38t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1swS_zHgwqIQbQL9FtqXaWrQ!2e0!5s20161101T000000!7i13312!8i6656

I work in NY also. Could I park on the sidewalk in front of my midtown building? No? Then you shouldn't either. Be an example to the community.

Anonymous said...

Yawn. It appears placard noise is on a three to four year cycle... nothing changes.

Anonymous said...

This dude is an asshole. Sriously? You're going to tow the vehicles of educators who commute to teach in shitty neighboorhoods only to force them to pay to get their cars out of the tow pound. Teachers already don't make enough money, let alone quality teachers who are commuting from the suburbs. How about we hire more MTA repair personnel to make our public transport more efficient, so that Teachers don't need to commute into and around the city.

Anonymous said...

Why cant the city just build more parking areas for everyone to use? Put up garages every few blocks where there is demand for it.

Anonymous said...

This latest, on the clock playtime is just more of the same, sad, phantom productivity from the 'Ultimate Dope From Park Slope' of them all, Queens Crappers, in order to buttress this grade A sociopath/shithead's reelection campaign, when he should already have been impeached in 2014!

As a result, get ready for the lowest voter turnout in more than a century in this ravaged-and-tonsured borough, fellow city hostages! I am sick to death of seeing this faux, public servant pretending to care about the many blighted disparities (and a remedy to fix everything), when in fact it was the mayor himself who created the disparity and broken system that he portends to know how to fix in the FIRST PLACE!

Let's fix the system permanently by removing Mr. Bill from the ballot altogether, and finish the incomplete job of prematurely discharged Preet Bharara! Sadly, Bharara is yet another sycophant of YET ANOTHER 'Shithead,' Chuck Schumer, whose leash was tethered to limit all prosecuting activities that interfered with, and disrupted the DemonRats of the DNC's (Does Not Care - about democracy), cradle-to-grave paychecks for which everyone else continues to pay a soul-crushing price!

Begone with you, Bill——you've already (and long ago) DEVALUED honesty itself, and there is nothing left for you to further devalue——except yourself, in which your OWN false, fake and failed performance continues to steadily decline with each passing grain of sand through the hourglass of political depravity——and, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Anonymous said...

For a guy who does not want people to have cars he is pretty fond of the fines that the drivers provide to the city coffers.

Typical socialist/communist elitist behavior.

Anonymous said...

DNC - Dopey New Communists

Anonymous said...

This latest, on the clock playtime is just more of the same, sad, phantom productivity from the 'Ultimate Dope From Park Slope' of them all, Queens Crappers, in order to buttress this grade A sociopath/shithead's reelection campaign, when he should already have been impeached in 2014!

As a result, get ready for the lowest voter turnout in more than a century in this ravaged-and-tonsured borough, fellow city hostages! I am sick to death of seeing this faux, public servant pretending to care about the many blighted disparities (and a remedy to fix everything), when in fact it was the mayor himself who created the disparity and broken system that he portends to know how to fix in the FIRST PLACE!

Let's fix the system permanently by removing Mr. Bill from the ballot altogether, and finish the incomplete job of prematurely discharged Preet Bharara! Sadly, Bharara is yet another sycophant of YET ANOTHER 'Shithead,' Chuck Schumer, whose leash was tethered to limit all prosecuting activities that interfered with, and disrupted the DemonRats of the DNC's (Does Not Care - about democracy), cradle-to-grave paychecks for which everyone else continues to pay a soul-crushing price!

Begone with you, Bill——you've already (and long ago) DEVALUED honesty itself, and there is nothing left for you to further devalue——except yourself, in which your OWN false, fake and failed performance continues to steadily decline with each passing grain of sand through the hourglass of political depravity——and, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Gary W said...

Anonymous said...
Why cant the city just build more parking areas for everyone to use? Put up garages every few blocks where there is demand for it.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Because they don't want cars!!! They want you to use mass transit, and bike lanes. Parking privileges only for the politically connected. Cars equal freedom, the Marxist and socialists NYC morons keep electing can't tolerate the thought of freedom and individualism.

Anonymous said...

But didn't he already address this issue a few years about? What happened? I know. It's an election year.

Anonymous said...

"This dude is an asshole. Sriously? You're going to tow the vehicles of educators who commute to teach in shitty neighboorhoods only to force them to pay to get their cars out of the tow pound. Teachers already don't make enough money, let alone quality teachers who are commuting from the suburbs. How about we hire more MTA repair personnel to make our public transport more efficient, so that Teachers don't need to commute into and around the city."

SERIOUSLY, teachers are always complaining how the suburbs pay more. Why are you working in the City? Can't get a job in your precious suburbs? most people commute to work by bus and subway and there is the Long Island railroad. Teachers need to leave their cars at home and take mass transit like everybody else. I am sure they will be safe enough. After all people from the neighborhood they teach in probably take mass transit. Or are they too good to have to associate with the actual people who live in the neighborhoods.

Yes, it would be nice if mass transit was more efficient, but why should teachers HAVE to take their cars. Most schools are reachable by a combination of mass transit. All their parking permits should be revoked.

Anonymous said...

"Because it’s against the rules. It’s as simple as that… It’s not fair to residents of neighborhoods.”

As if that EVER mattered to him....

JQ LLC said...

Mayor Big Slow does it again, he rewards/bribes the teachers and mostly higher education officials and realizes too late of the ramifications that his favoritism will effect the city. Too bad he is too chickenshit to declare to clampdown on his predatory developer overlords, who have done enough damage to the city affecting the culture, aesthetics and cost of living for 3 lifetimes.

Primary this bag of dead dicks and shit.

Anonymous said...

Boy....does Duh Blasio look medicated, or what!

Anonymous said...

How will they know when placards are being abused? These agents aren't going to question or do any detective work, which means they're likely to just be handing out BS tickets like every other meter maid and cop on a quota.

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