Monday, May 29, 2017

Joe Crowley: "In every way, de Blasio shares Queens values"

And this is the asinine shit show that Queens politics has become.

Send in the clowns.

Don't bother, they're here.


Anonymous said...

And that POS is still marching in the Puerto Rican Day Parade!

JQ LLC said...

Fauxgressive Gangsters. Opportunist scum taking advantage of Figurehead Trump's failing presidency.

"Queens Values" Joe? What's the value of your patronage and nepotism mill?

Sure they welcome everybody, but they don't give a shit about the people that have always been here.

Mayor De Faustio will be in Douglaston for a memorial day parade, give him hell.

Anonymous said...

Why do they insist on protecting criminals?

And I don't mean because they are here illegally. The ones that break the law are protected by these feckless politicians.

Getting rid of this 'sanctuary city' nonsense is a great first step.

Why do my tax dollars have to go to protecting illegal alien criminals?

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Crowley and De Blaz also share MS-13 values too.

Anonymous said...

He makes Queens sound like its a foreign country. What values? Doesn't everyone in the US have the same values?

(sarc) said...

Everyday "honest Joe" shows you the people how much he values your vote for him...

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous said... "He makes Queens sound like its a foreign country" It is a foreign country. When We go traveling 100 miles outside of NYC you see the difference in people and how they treat and interact with each other.

Joe Moretti said...

What exactly are QUEENS VALUES. They have not yet defined that. I mean is it poor quality of life due to over & rampant development without consideration for infrastructure. Is it the dumping of massive amounts of homeless shelters without any consideration for the community or residents who pay taxes. Is it having crooked elected officials on the payroll while huge amounts of time are spent on court hearings on corruption like Councilman Ruben Wills or shady dealing from Congressman Gregory Meeks. Is it illegal conversions not being addressed. Is it laws on the books not being enforced. Is is not condoning criminal behavior over the rights of law abiding citizens. Is it massive illegal parking due to fake placards. It is saying how progressive and liberal you are BUT not addressing issues & conditions in communities of color properly.

I mean explain the values of Queens, because when I walk around I see a third world country mess of garbage, crap and crime, along with the worst quality of life issues in a big city.

georgetheatheist said...

In the photo: look at all the human garbage and vermin behind this dastardly duo. A veritable rogues' gallery of crooks and reprobates.

Anonymous said...

The only reason retarts like these guys get elected is bc no one votes with any common sense. These guys don't represent any of our values and are on their high horse on what everyone should do. I want to see if they can hold a real job that does not involve graft or 5 minutes of sweat.

Anonymous said...

Key, kids! How many crooks can you find in that photo? William Scarborough is the easiest.

Anonymous said...

Crowley and DeBlasio share each other's values of ignoring Queens for everything except taxes and tickets.

We need both of them gone before it's too late for us.

Anonymous said...

>Doesn't everyone in the US have the same values?

No, and that's ok. We have 50 different states for a reason.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Time to stop welcoming the "bad hombres", round up the one's that are here and send them pack to the third world cesspool they came from.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From one douchebag to another.

Anonymous said...

Here are some DeBlasio values:

Some values if you ask me. They seem to be worse than the criminal aliens they protect so fiercely.

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