Thursday, April 27, 2017

What's killing the Bowne Park turtles?

From NY1:

NY1 VIDEO: The Parks Department has a mystery on its hands after a number of turtles washed up dead at Bowne Park in Queens. NY1's Ruschell Boone reports.


JQ LLC said...

Looks like there's a lot of algae there in the pond. I recall a story about a little girl drowning in prospect park when she fell in the pond over there because of how thick the algae was.

And Mayor de Faustio, the stupid fucking idiot he is, as allocated 100 million for an 8 block espalanade for his selfish bike enthusiast moneyed donors by the east river in Manhattan. As parks like John Bowne and the usual others continue to suffer from willful neglect

The parks dept. is full of crap. If they did proper monitoring the pond wouldn't have a trace of filth in Bowne, Prospect, and of course Flushing meadows as it does in favored Central Park.

Anonymous said...

I think even city turtles have their limit on how much poop and chemicals they can ingest. At some point, you die.

Joe Moretti said...

Well, look at the water first off and then all the fucking garbage and litter that the fucking QUEENS SLOBS throw in it. This city has done absolutely NOTHING about the littering problem in Queens or this entire city, they keep breeding slobs and allowing slob behavior.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how the pond is a magnet for so much trash considering the parks department is ever vigilant in cleaning and maintaining it.

Also, would the parks department get the park rangers to stop people from feeding the geese, ducks and turtles who inhabit the pond area. There are signs posted in several languages but the park goers ignore the warnings. Perhaps a summons or two would stop them.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what is killing the turtles, but I agree with the genteleman who said the lake used to be so clean you could see the bottom.
A bit of cleanup wouldn't hurt that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

"A bit of cleanup wouldn't hurt that's for sure."
As of this morning the parks department has a crew at the pond cleaning out all the shit that floats.
The media sunshine worked in this case. Let's see how much time elapses until another cleanup takes place.

Anonymous said...

Something needs to be done in cleaning the water. It's terrible how people pollute waters and dump stuff in. They don't care about the life living in those waters. Attention needs to be called to this issue.

Anonymous said...

Fix the dam pumps and aeration systems properly, its bacteria and will get worse at the temperature rises. This is another case of demolition by neglect by the city & parks just like the NYS Pavilion !
Just watch, They will next tell us the fix is to fill it in and make soccer fields or another building.

Anonymous said...

It's from human urine and grease from local restaurants.

Anonymous said...

"...the fix is to fill it in and make soccer fields or another building."

The pond has been there forever and will remain so. Park workers used to open the sluice on the west to drain it and then refresh the water by opening valves on the east side of the pond to allow city water in. I haven't seen that done in a long time.

The taxes in this neighborhood keep rising and the services keep dropping.

Anonymous said...

And Mayor de Faustio, the stupid fucking idiot he is, as allocated 100 million for an 8 block espalanade for his selfish bike enthusiast moneyed donors by the east river in Manhattan. As parks like John Bowne and the usual others continue to suffer from willful neglect

The parks dept. is full of crap. If they did proper monitoring the pond wouldn't have a trace of filth in Bowne, Prospect, and of course Flushing meadows as it does in favored Central Park.


Anonymous said...

Well, look at the water first off and then all the fucking garbage and litter that the fucking QUEENS SLOBS throw in it. This city has done absolutely NOTHING about the littering problem in Queens or this entire city, they keep breeding slobs and allowing slob behavior.
come on people, we need to be culturally sensitive. these are the same people that send their kids out in winter wearing flip flops.

Anonymous said...

"This city has done absolutely NOTHING about the littering problem in Queens..."

True. But the intelligentsia who occupy seats on the city council voted to charge a fee for carryout plastic bags. Consider the littering problem we'd have if the idiots like Crowley and Vallone had their way? The residents who let their kids wear flip-flops during winter would just throw their unbagged garbage into cans and the swill would pollute the streets and the aroma would be sickening.

Vote Vallone and Crowley out of the council and elect those who care about their communities!

Anonymous said...

We should ask Barnwell he's an expert in saving turtles

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