Thursday, April 20, 2017

Mayor Transparency shrinks from the media

From the NY Times:

Since walking out of a news conference last month, Mayor Bill de Blasio seems to be embracing a new approach of “don’t ask, don’t answer.”


JQ LLC said...

I want to buy Marcia Kramer a cocktail.

Look at all of De Faustio's sycophants laughing smiling faces turn to cringing clenched scowls as Marcia eloquently inquires about his blatant brazen hypocrisy and how he embraced Bloomberg's evasive manner and contempt for reporters (At least Mayor Fun Size held press conferences and didn't hide, perhaps because of his oligarch status that he didn't give a fuck)

Anonymous said...

Get this piece of crap out of here. He was being interviewed yesterday gloating about how wonderful and transparent he was because he released his tax returns. Woo hoo Bozo! Anyone who follows NYC politics knows this doofus is pretty much the epitome of NON-transparency!

Anonymous said...

A ship steering in search of an iceberg. For the love of God will someone with common sense please run against this hack?

Anonymous said...

Alas, there is a crisis in honest, ethical, inclusionary, NOT FOR SALE leadership (that leads by example) in New York State and New York City government, and the empowered idiots who remain in power continue to devalue honesty itself, as evidenced by a pathologically congenital liar, cheater, thief and con artist named Bill de Blassio in a ravaged City Hall——versus the LEGAL crime ring of corruption, graft and endless greed (and cronyism, nepotism and favoritism on We, the People's publicly unauthorized tax dollars), run by 'Gargoyle Andy' up in Albany that completes the cycle of full blown, openly practiced corruption——and, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Anonymous said...

Alas, there is a crisis in honest, ethical, inclusionary, NOT FOR SALE leadership (that leads by example) in New York State and New York City government (and the purportedly honest and transparent media are nowhere to be found), and the empowered idiots who remain in power continue to devalue honesty itself, as evidenced by a pathologically congenital liar, cheater, thief and con artist named Bill de Blassio in a ravaged City Hall——versus the LEGAL crime ring of corruption, graft and endless greed (and cronyism, nepotism and favoritism on We, the People's publicly unauthorized tax dollars), run by 'Gargoyle Andy' up in Albany that completes the cycle of full blown, openly practiced corruption——and, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Anonymous said...

To First Anonymous: de Blasio is as transparent as the 'O-BOMB-A' administration was, which is nil. Alas, in the rarefied world of lying politicians and their henchmen: Anything can be justified!

I couldn't (and WOULDN'T) even call this City Hall parasite a mayor of anything, because he continues to lie, cheat and steal——easier than he breathes——and, so does the rest of his unfunny clown staff of desperate sycophants, all of whom are an embarrassment to primates!

But, who continues to pay the price of this OPENLY PRACTICED corruption, graft and endless greed, mismanagement and profligate wanton waste??——you guessed it, scavengers: We, the People——and, the public be eternally duped, bilked, scammed and damned!

Even Banana Republics worldwide are laughing at New York City and New York State's 'KLEPTOCRATIC KAKISTOCRACY-PLUTOCRACY' of de Blasio's cognitive disonance, and his hollow, nihilistic, dystopian sphere of corruption, crime, graft and greed that never ends!

Anonymous said...

""will someone with common sense please run against this hack""

We had a strong hopeful however the dope 'flipped" and showed his true colors committing career suicide with his communist internet speech ban bill 4561.
--not very smart !
I am now convinced all these liberals & democrats are no dam good, its a matter of who's worse. Voting booths may as well have 3 levers or push-buttons:

Time to move :(

Rob In Manhattan. said...

Voting booths may as well have 3 levers or push-buttons:

Geez...How the hell OLD are you?

The problems in our politics are the undue influence of good ol' CAPITALIST MONEY and greed....and idiots, just like you vote for trump.......


Anonymous said...

Are all of the comments here written by the same person?

JQ LLC said...

Not me.

Gary W said...

I'll give him voting booth, just like people still dial a phone number, tape a show, buy a record.

faster340 said...

He's such a pussy. He probably got his ass beat on the playground when he was a kid...

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