Monday, April 24, 2017

LIC residents want park, not another tower

From LIC Post:

A local development company filed plans to build a new 18-story residential and commercial tower in Long Island City yesterday, but a community group is looking to fight the project.

Rockrose Development, a company with several projects in Long Island City, filed plans yesterday to build an 18-story, 123-unit residential tower, with retail space on the first floor at 43-12 Hunter Street. The site is known by residents as ‘The Lot.’

According to the plans filed with the Department of Buildings, the project would have an outdoor terrace and amenity room for residents on the tenth floor, and another terrace and lounge on the 18th floor, as well as an exercise room. There would also be a lobby, laundry room, and mailroom on the bottom floors.

The new building would be 228 feet tall and would have 4,054 square feet of retail space. It would also have 86,562 square feet of residential space, meaning each apartment would average just over 700 square feet.

The Court Square Civic Association is attempting to fight back against the development, as the site has long been used as a public gathering space, despite the fact that it is privately owned.

The group has launched an online petition today calling for elected officials to work with Rockrose to save the property as open space and to generally create more open space and public parks in the area.


(sarc) said...

The petition signatories should pool their moneys and purchase the lot.

It can then be donated to the the city with the stipulation that it is to be a "park".

I love when people who have no money, nor earn any significant money, tell people with money how to spend it...

faster340 said...

Like the city is gonna give a shit what the residents want. As long as they get their revenue.

Anonymous said...

Did the city developers forget that LIC is classified as a major flood zone?! Every square inch around here is being cemented over. How will our tree grow without sunlight? We are looking more and more like Manhattan. Treeless streets without sunlight. WE NEED GREEN SPACES!

Queens Crapper said...

"The petition signatories should pool their moneys and purchase the lot. It can then be donated to the the city with the stipulation that it is to be a "park". I love when people who have no money, nor earn any significant money, tell people with money how to spend it..."

Um, ok, this is the exact problem with Queens. Anywhere else, the citizenry cries out for a park and the electeds find a way to fund the purchase of it. (See the recent acquisition of Bushwick Inlet.) In Queens, not only do the electeds tell you to raise the money yourself, but the dopes that live there do as well. And guess what? The TAXPAYERS aka residents, are the people who have the money and earn very significant money. They have every right to tell lawmakers how to spend it.

Anonymous said...

The city should work to zone areas for green space. There is no way citizens can go up against the money of developers.

Anonymous said...

Willing to bet every one of them voted for deBlasio, and thinks more "affordable housing" should be a top item on the mayoral agenda, as long as it magically appears somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Don't spend MY tax money on a park for LIC!

Anonymous said...

Careful guys, Jimmy helped form you to provide 'civic' input into development and as a sounding board to find problems and solve them (read community activists or community opinions that do not fulfill the developers' plans). If you squeak Jimmy may withhold your coffee and donuts money - or worse, try to form a civic like that that sorry group that still meets to represent what is left of Dutch Kills.

Only question is did they learn anything from what Jimmy and his team did by splitting the community over the Elks Building - a shameful act if we every saw one, from his empty promises to his BS 'we stand together with you like our activist days.'

A hack for the crony ridden Queens Library is no 'activist'. I knew John Kennedy, and Jimmy, you are no John Kennedy.

Anonymous said...

This is amusing. Both stories today, this one and the one with the towing company have private companies/individuals thinking they have rights to someone else's (private land or public street) property!

And the comments are on opposite sides of the spectrum! They should force the property owner to make his land a park, or at least not another tower, and they should kick the towing company off the public property!

Bizzaro Queens Crapper!

Anonymous said...

good luck with the politicans getting involved especially JVB -

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that Rockrose wants the city to install a curbside seating area on Jackson Avenue one block away - this seating area would be in the current 1hr. parking lane on the west side of Jackson.

This is typical Rockrose nonsense: they no longer want to maintain what essentially is a part-time park today, and they want the city to replace it with a few seats next to the most traffic-choked road in the area - all at taxpayer expense.

But hey the people asking for a permanent park are the problem right?

S.O.L. said...

They left out one important fact in the building description, rents the average working Queens resident can't afford.

Anonymous said...

The petition signatories should pool their moneys and purchase the lot.

This. Nothing is stopping them from buying the lot, and putting it into a trust. You don't even have to get the city involved. Run it like Gramercy Park.

Anonymous said...

"This is amusing. Both stories today, this one and the one with the towing company have private companies/individuals thinking they have rights to someone else's (private land or public street) property!"

Th petition says, "We are calling upon our elected officials to help rectify a problem that is spiraling out of control." an asking the electeds to purchase the site from Rockrose. Nothing wrong with a good old fashioned negotiation.

Anonymous said...

So where has Jimmy Van Bramer been all of the years that developers have been overbuilding?
Extremely busy taking their contributions to his political campaigns.
Back door politics Jimmy has been playing games with the votes you dumb voters have him.
Wait until he decides to run for mayor, then you will really get the royal screw!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Yes, indeed!
I was present at the city council hearing when Councilman Van Bramer voted yes to approve Wolkoff building two 40 story buildings on the former 5 Pointz site.
He refused to recuse himself from voting, as I requested, even after taking $10,500 from the Wolkoff family.
JVB is just another shady Queens machine politician....bought and paid for by REBNY!
Petition signatures mean exercise in futility.
Money talks.

Anonymous said...

"We are calling upon our elected officials to help rectify a problem that is spiraling out of control." an asking the electeds to purchase the site from Rockrose... 1 major stumbling block, name one NYC politician that doesn't take $ from REBNY.

Anonymous said...

I like how the residents should 'purchase the lot' while their elected whom they pay spend all their time subsidizing the developers with public resources.

Anonymous said...

The city should use the 4 million dollars they are wasting in Bellerose ,Queens to purchase this lot. The city is updating a park in Bellerose that when done will be a very expensive paint job with out much of an improvement in the park.Almost all the money is being used for a non drainage issue that we are being told needs to be done with the renovation. The park could use some updating but not for 4 million plus dollars.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And hey the dope from park slope just announced today they will pour millions into a 'greenway' along the east side of manhattan - where all the parks are well maintained and here in Queens? Nothing. We get nothing. And we're told we shouldn't ask for anything or pay for it ourselves.

I sure as F didn't vote for JVB.

Anonymous said...

Important lesson here - if you let the community use your private property while waiting for an opportune time to build, they'll never let it go.

Anonymous said...

This civic association is filled with entitled babies. They live in the towers that gentrified the neighborhood in the first place. If they want green space use your hoverboard or take an Uber 3 blocks to Murray Park or the park at Court Sqaure. Stop whining. You knew what was here when you moved here. This is insulting to those of us that have been displaced and priced out of our own neighborhood.

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