Sunday, April 30, 2017

Homeless hotels raking in tons of $$

From NBC:

When New York City books a hotel room for a homeless family, the room rate is often higher than the price advertised to tourists and business travelers online, an I-Team investigation has found. Chris Glorioso reports.


(sarc) said...

This is how government moneys confiscated from hard working tax payers is transferred to the wonderful politicians through the hotel owners.

Such an incredible system we have...

Res Ipsa said...

I still don't understand why the City has to hire a vendor to negotiate a lower rate on these rooms. Just one more way to waste taxpayer money.

JQ LLC said...

What we have here everyone, is a scandal akin to the PVB racketeering in the mid 80's. De faustio's CONY scheme has nothing on the profiteering of poverty and disenfranchisement

Interesting no one ever brought up bulk reservation savings before. How did Steven "Weasel" Banks miss this? But recently he was to busy needling the girl scouts to accept homeless kids and start a special troop for them. (which I admit isn't a bad thing for the kids, but I am sure those kids would prefer permanent housing with their own room to play and sleep in)

I think the reason rates are low for guests is because who in their right mind would pay top dollar to lodge in the World's Borough if they knew that some mentally ill loon on parole was living next door or even if there was a family with 3 kids sharing the same bedroom, which is a depressing sight for travelers.

Anonymous said...

Look at the word - family. Does it include a woman who has children by three or four different men, none of whom will take responsibility for their child? Family means a mother and a father who take care of their children. Operative words being- take care of.

Why are we paying for irresponsible people to keep reproducing? They are being rewarded with every known government benefit, housing vouchers, child care vouchers and furniture vouchers. Medicaid pays for birth control pills, IUD's, abortions and condoms are free. They bring children into the world who are destroying it, when they grow up to be violent criminals, murders and rapists. And other people will always pay for them.

Single people do not get hotel rooms only these so called families.
Let's stop rewarding drug addicts, alcoholics and people who can't take care of themselves but who keep reproducing.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the rate for just four hours at this hotel??!!

Anonymous said...

It should be noted according to the sign posted that the "check-inn" and check out hours for a standard overnight rate are 8 PM - 11 AM. The rooms can theoretically be rented out for short stays between 11 AM and 8 PM. I would assume a typical homeless family stay is a series of continuous 24 hour periods. Also, the wear and tear on a room from a homeless family living in one of these rooms in likely to exceed the wear and tear from typical tourists or short stay lovers.

georgetheatheist said...

As Ann Colter has said, and which drives the collectivist nuts: The Federal Government is the "husband" and "father" of this so-called "family". Uncle Sam is the woman's "squeeze" and baby's "daddy".

Anonymous said...

This is happening not only at chain hotels; property flippers and real estate geniuses are locking is lucrative city contracts for half-way houses and smaller shelters in neighborhood homes. This is only moving in one direction-- more and more.

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