Sunday, April 23, 2017

BDB can't take the heat

From the Daily News:

Mayor de Blasio tangled with callers to his weekly radio segment Friday, pushing back on criticism of his plans for new homeless shelters and to jack up the price of smoking.

Hizzoner treated callers to Brian Lehrer’s show on WNYC a bit like reporters — they were limited to the topic of public health and safety, and he repeatedly challenged the premises of their queries.

The most heated exchange was with a caller who identified herself as Fior, a Crown Heights resident opposed to the building of a homeless shelter who said her area has 1,700 beds already, while the mayor’s Park Slope has just 330.

“I myself have sons and I want the same opportunities that his son Dante had,” the caller said. “And I’m sure the mayor wouldn’t have raised his son around 15 to 19 shelters.”

De Blasio noted there’s a shelter about four blocks from his family home, and that his old neighborhood would get new homeless beds under his plan to house homeless people within their own community board districts.

But communities like Crown Heights have argued they’re already overburdened with social service facilities, and Lehrer asked whether the plan puts more burden on low-income communities with more homelessness.

“If they’re unwanted,” de Blasio said of the shelters, “then that’s a moral question. How can people feel that their very own neighbors and people who grew up and have lived in that community for a long time are quote-unquote unwanted? I reject that.”

The caller argued she’d not seen any data proving the people who’d live in the shelter were from Crown Heights — prompting de Blasio to say she “doesn’t know her facts” and calling the argument, used elsewhere in the city, “a smokescreen.”


JQ LLC said...

Go to WNYC and actually hear it. What's truly ridiculous is that De Faustio is doing his narrative controlling public query on the damn phone. This and that bullshit weekly show on spectrum 1 are the biggest jokes going on in addition to being propaganda outlets.

What's sick is that Lehrer was actually trying to direct his callers to stay on the topic of De Faustio's choosing, which was on public health. Fortunately it backfired, as the two callers described found some loopholes in his policies and referred his dishonest homeless shelter placements in Crown Heights and hypocritical raising of cigarette pricing to actual threats on health and well being. The latter especially funny because the caller recommended raising the price on soda and alcohol too. I would suggest burgers also, but that would effect the mayor's hipster constituency, probably the only base that supports him.

I cannot say anymore why this man must be stopped. For the next hour anyway.

Anonymous said...

Another page from the HRC handbook. She lost the unloseable election. All there needs to be is someone without a fatal flaw to throw their hat into the ring.

Hank said...

Now it's all about wanting President Trump to send you a check..........where were you (NYC) when they needed votes..............Do your whining to your Gov. and cry baby Mayor.

Anonymous said...

All there needs to be is someone without a fatal flaw to throw their hat into the ring.

I will vote for Tony Avella in the Democratic primary, and then we'll see who is on the ticket in November.

Anonymous said...

Fugazio is a bully in addition to being a leftist loser.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4 said:
"I will vote for Tony Avella in the Democratic primary, and then we'll see who is on the ticket in November."
All three major newspapers (NY Times, Daily News, Post) rarely, if ever, mention Avella when they discuss the Mayor's primary opponents. They write that there are no viable Democrat primary opponents.

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