Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Out of state car registrations cost NY $93M

From Crains:

Newcomers are required to register their cars with New York authorities within 30 days of moving to the state, but many don't bother. As a result, they cheat the state and city out of millions of dollars in revenue while making use of precious free parking spaces.

Neither the city nor the state could provide an exact number of improperly registered cars on the road, but a 2011 state Senate report found that nearly 25% of all accidents in the state involving cars with Pennsylvania license plates occurred in Brooklyn—a number that suggests many of those cars' owners were New York residents, not visitors.

The report also found that motorists who live in New York but drive cars registered out of state cost the city $73 million in unpaid parking tickets and deprive the state of $1 million annually in fees for license plates, titles and vehicle registrations.

But those unpaid tickets and uncollected fees still take a back seat to the loss of potential sales tax revenue. A New Yorker who pays the average price for a new car—$33,560, according to Kelley Blue Book—must fork over about $3,000 in sales tax. Approximately 125,000 new cars were added to state Department of Motor Vehicles registration rolls in 2015. If up to 25% of residents' vehicles were purchased out of state, as the Brooklyn accident number suggests, New York could have lost out on more than $93 million in tax revenue.


Anonymous said...

Max enforcement. Tow them.

Joe Moretti said...

Well, the problem and we all know this is that simple phrase: LACK OF ENFORCEMENT. Many of our issues in this city are because those three little words.

Anonymous said...

That car registered in Washington State instead of NY is probably saving tons of $$ on auto insurance!

kapimap said...

Those vehicles with Penn plates are not new, but used, or salvaged.

There should be a way to tow these cars for unpaid tickets, why cant nyc do this?

Anonymous said...

There is at least one member of the Glendale VAC that registers his car in Pennsylvania..

Anonymous said...

And if we elect a mayor that does not require the payment of legal bills at the tune of $12 million (so far) we could save even more.

(sarc) said...

This is the result of the excessive confiscatory taxes fees and penalties.

There is something to be said about passive resistance to Government excesses...

JohnnyNutz said...

They should just ban out of state cars from using "free" parking spots, like they do in other major cities. Its a simple way to get more parking available for us NY taxpayers.

georgetheatheist said...

I bought a used vehicle with beautiful body work for $2500 3 years ago. I put in about $1000 repairs within a month and the usual expected repairs and maintenance since then: new radiator, starter, oil changes, etc.

$33 G's the the average purchase of essentially a box that gets you from point A to point B? You are nuts and a taken-for-a-fool schmuck. Plus I've got heat, ac, and a sound system. And the Triple A, when and if needed, tows me for free.

Plus money in the bank as a result. $33 G's? - you are nuts.

Anonymous said...

Require all out of state licensed cars to pay fora short term permit to park on NYC streets. That will solve the problem instantly.

Anonymous said...

I've reported some of these known tags, but precinct 114 is less than interested. Imagine what we could accomplish if the laws were enforced equally? I'm not trying to wave a magic wand, or orange umpalumpa hands. I would just like the parking/driving rules we had to learn at 16, to be enforced. No blitz or quotas. And if you reside in NYC, register your car here.

Anonymous said...

Every other car I see has Pennsylvania plates, yet I know they live here, they're not just visiting. Can you say "Insurance Fraud"?

Anonymous said...

More out-of-state than not on my block -- mostly Maryland and Pennsylvania

Anonymous said...

Yup. 5 years ago noticed that half of Brooklyn has Pennsylvania plates driving around. Imagine that.

Gary W said...

But our moronic Senior Senator thinks those out of state plates mean young people are visiting. Sheesh!


“A whole lot of Iowa, New Mexicos, that means young people from out of town coming to that neighborhood,” he said, pointing out plates in Williamsburg.

Schumer’s advice to New Yorkers who are shopping for property: “Buy a house in Ridgewood. When I ride there, I still don’t see many non-New York license plates. It’s about to go way up.”

Anonymous said...

Yet right under their noses on Queens Boulevard every morning is the North Carolina plated car with the plates CRTRPRTR (or some other nonsense indicating Court Reporter) in the reserved parking area.

Sometimes cleaning your own house is the hardest.

Anonymous said...

lol @ 114 pct giving a shit about anything. they have domestic abuse victims that died on their watch, they run every red light, there's drag races up and down 21st street, and were worried about how they're tracking out of state plates? i've called 911 when I saw a guy getting domestic on the sidewalk with his middle school aged daughter and the 114 called me back an hour later asking if they were still there. whole precinct is a sham and needs investigation.

Anonymous said...

Not enough cops.....

Anonymous said...

Nobody enforces anything in this city.... It's very sad.

Misc BS said...

Rate Evasion, that's the underlying issue. Sales taxes are minimal particularly on a USED vehicle registration. It's the cost of Insurance. It is actually a felony in Pa. Byt do you think NYPD can enforce PA Law? (Answer: NO).

Anonymous said...

You should see my block in Astoria...it's a rarity to see a NY plate...Texas, Iowa, Florida, Georgia, the odd Connecticut, Iowa...all the special snowflakes moving here from the flyover states

Anonymous said...

There is not a New York plates anywhere my entire block almost because these people come here, cheat the system with these out-of-state license plates when They have never ever even been to that state before and They get over on auto insurance. I really wish they would crack down. There's a guy in my neighborhood who constantly has paper temporary license plates from all these different states on various cars he has on the blocks that take up spots. We wish the police would look into it! We think the cars may even be stolen & he's hiding in plain sight.

JQ LLC said...

I have seen more pennsylvania plates in southeast queens than new york plates in the last few years.

Fuck you chuck schumer, enabling sell out asshole and save us your fake tears you Hillary backer. I hope you get sideswiped by a penn plate driving asshole like what happened to me the other day.

Anonymous said...

Not enough money for enforcement, but there's plenty of money for intersection cameras, speed cameras, and red light cameras? What's with all thes cameras?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if they did something about this and got back some of this 93m loss, we could have actual paved streets that are drivable. Again, just enforce th f*&#!+@ laws that we have.

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