Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Illegal truck parking causes a hazard in South Ozone Park

"Look how dangerous this is. Trucks obstructing drivers views of traffic coming west on busy south conduit ave, the trucks are here daily and sometimes don't move for days. Their are about three of them, they also parked on the south conduit intersection and block fire hydrants, NYPD reported no evidence of a violation in regards to my 311 complaints. Address for this location is 125-20 125th street and south conduit."
"Another complaint i did Saturday night at 9pm, I put commercial overnight parking is prohibited on city streets from 9pm to 5am and officer Clarke waited till 5:00 on the dot Sunday morning to respond to the complaint, done it purposely too." - anonymous


Anonymous said...

We really need a crackdown on this. Its going on all over Queens.

Anonymous said...

this is another example of how playing 311 is a big waste of time.

you have to go after your electeds on this. if they have all that time going after trump on your dime they should have some sense to do things to actually help their community.

and this, my friends, is yet another example that they just don't care and have not cared for a very long time.

protecting the agenda of the democratic party is not really important any more, we need to force them to address the neglect of our communities. this is what must take center stage.

and if they continue to place party over people we need to find someone who will not.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should report it to the Department of Investigations. Apparently, however, getting these moved is a big deal because there aren't tow trucks that can just tow them away, and the owners of these trucks feel it is cheaper to just pay their tickets than to pay the cost of parking legally.

Anonymous said...

Ozone Park is one of those shit holes of Queens. Government simply ignores this nabe in favor of the upper class nabes like northeast Queens. What this particular privilege nabe gets, is denied Ozone Park. The haves steal more services from the have nots. Just check your history.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

Apparently, however, getting these moved is a big deal because there aren't tow trucks that can just tow them away, and the owners of these trucks feel it is cheaper to just pay their tickets than to pay the cost of parking legally.

NO, they have special heavy duty tow trucks for this purpose.

Anonymous said...

That is probably the worst place to park those trucks. For it blocks the view of drivers trying to enter the conduit on the left and entering the conduit on the right. There is something rotten going on here besides vagrant parking with impunity. The only way to stop this is to take photos of the plates and whatever contractor name is on the door, or, and I in no way condone this, with vigilante vandalism, like spray painting dicks all over it or other extreme measures. Actually the latter might be effective because these idiots parked in places where there are no cameras.

Anonymous said...

And remember, po clarke will retire before 50 on a nice fat pension from us suckers, uh, tax payers, for this terrific job of police work!

Anonymous said...

I have a hydrant in front of my home. Many nights, someone will park there, I'll call it in to 311 only to find the same message in my email and then look out the window and the same car is there. Our tax dollars at work

Anonymous said...

Tell them it is a truck hauling supplies for a Trump rally! The Dope from Park Slope himself will come down to tow it!

Anonymous said...

They do have heavy duty tow trucks for this, but they would have to separate the cab and have another cab take the rig, and tow the cab if the driver wouldn't move it.

It is easier to wait them out.

Anonymous said...

Joe -- Heavy duty tow trucks...Yes....but not enough of them to conquer this increasing problem all over Queens Borough South Command. (...and probably North as well)

Anonymous said...

Playing 311 is not a waste of time....there is a record trail that can be followed. Report it to DOI!

Anonymous said...

Playing 311 is not a waste of time....there is a record trail that can be followed. Report it to DOI!


Gary W said...


You want to draw attention to something, spray paint some swastikas on it. Nothing gets peoples panties in a twist like a good old fashioned swastika.

Anonymous said...

Swastikas? Yes, but you need permission to Democratic Party operatives to do these tags for that symbol is only used today to scare snowflakes that battalions of fascist brown shirts are rioting.

Whoops, only the fascist snowflakes riot.

Anonymous said...

It's going on all over Staten Island, too... doing our best to get Council to address, since DoT doesn't give a damn (it's an income stream, after all). I'd like to see the City (or Teamsters, or cargo companies, or SOMEBODY) create lots at the LEGAL areas (immediately off I95)- these drivers have no place to rest, or pee, or take a break.

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