Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Enforcing parking restrictions in residential zones

From the Queens Chronicle:

Just as President Eisenhower worried about the “falling domino” principle that would spread Soviet influence in Indochina, Maria Becce of the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners Association is concerned that a few instances of illegal parking practices in her neighborhood will become widespread.

“One house does it and it’s a domino effect,” she said. “We have three active complaints; one seems to have been resolved. We don’t want it to be 30.”

Broadway-Flushing, with its well-preserved Tudor Revival homes and cavernous lawns, is a rare breed of Queens neighborhood. With a large portion of it protected by the Rickert-Finlay Covenant, a deed restriction that limits homes to single-family usage that is not enforced by the Department of Buildings, the homeowners association must litigate to preserve the rule, and its members are vigilant about notifying city agencies and elected officials when they see misconduct of any kind in the neighborhood.

The DOB issued violations in October for the creation of an unpermitted parking pad at 35-69 168 St., an apartment building, according to a spokesman for the agency. Violations were also given for not complying with area parking regulations and work without a permit.

The agency also gave a violation at 35-66 165 St. for the illegal usage of the side yard as a parking lot in December. The Chronicle saw three cars in the property’s side yard on Wednesday.

And at 35-28 163 St., where a car was parked on pavers in the front yard when the Chronicle went to the site on Wednesday, the DOB issued a violation in October for not complying with a residential district’s parking regulations.


Anonymous said...

Wow, these people need to come to Maspeth where people block driveways/hydrants/cut their own curb to park in their front yard/put out garbage cans to block spots/put snow mounds in front of their house (weather permitting) just so no one will park there. All illegal, yet everyday occurrences.

Anonymous said...

>put snow mounds in front of their house (weather permitting)

How does that help? They'd need to shovel their car out, then shovel all the snow back, and then shovel it out again why they get home.
Some people are just crazy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these people need to come to Maspeth where people block driveways/hydrants/cut their own curb to park in their front yard/put out garbage cans to block spots/put snow mounds in front of their house (weather permitting) just so no one will park there. All illegal, yet everyday occurrences.

When a neighborhood like Broadway-Flushing bands together to keep interlopers in line, things get done, rules get enforced, and those who break the laws and regulations learn quickly that their neighbors aren't going to put up with having the neighborhood turned into a third world colony. Why can't Maspeth do that?

Anonymous said...

Didn't these houses originally have side or under garages that were converted to rooms ? Take the darts, bars & pong-pong or pool tables out and convert them back !!

Anonymous said...

In Boston, they have a tradition of putting lawn chairs to save parking spaces during snow storms.

There has been a van parked on my block in North Flushing for at least six weeks, and it hasn't been moved once. Unfortunately, doesn't have commercial plates - but a vehicle is supposed to be moved every seven days. Nothing has been done about it.

Noticed a truck with commercial plates parked on 32nd Ave near Stinky's neighbor for at least two days - wonder if he'll call 311 to complain?

Anonymous said...

Maybe that BFHA church lady should offer those two house their....LOL...bronze "historic" plaque for free.
That program is totally useless and confuses anyone who passes by , that these pointless recognition plaques indicate some kind of landmark protection. They most certainly do not!
That's why I, as a Broadway homeowner, wouldn't waste my money ordering one.

Anonymous said...

Only a lawsuit will end this.
NYC does not care.

St. Andrew's parishoner said...

Yeah, stick to your cakes and pastries at the BFHA social hour , church lady.
And stop kissing Paul Vallone's ass!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That prudish backward 18th century Pollyanna hasn't got a clue.
Ms. B. Will never change her spots.

Anonymous said...

>put snow mounds in front of their house (weather permitting)

How does that help? They put the snow in front of their house and use their driveway. the people they rent to (ILLEGALLY) park in front of neighbors houses. Nice huh?

Anonymous said...

That snow mound placement idiot is handing themself a snow job. Agreed! How the hell does that solve the problem?
Some people are just plain dumb. Others are "dum". Still, others are "dume". Can't even spell "dumb" correctly.
This one is a real bonafide dumb ass!

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