Wednesday, February 22, 2017

De Blasio wanted to keep gang member

From the Daily News:

Mayor de Blasio lashed out Tuesday at Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials after their agents scooped up a 19-year-old Salvadoran immigrant in Queens.

ICE officials issued a detainer order to the city Department of Correction in May, telling them to place a federal hold on Velasquez. But the city released Velasquez from Rikers Island on Thursday after he served nearly five months for disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor.

Later that day, ICE agents busted Velasquez, whom they described as a gang member and a potential threat to public safety. Velasquez was in the midst of being deported late Tuesday.

De Blasio cried foul.

“The detainee was released after he pled guilty and served his time for an offense that does not qualify as a violent or serious felony under the city’s local laws,” said Rosemary Boeglin, a mayoral spokeswoman.

ICE officials said Velasquez admitted to agents he was a member of the MS-13 gang. He was one of at least 41 people the agency detained around the city in the last month.

Velasquez entered the U.S. illegally, ICE officials said. And in November 2015, a judge ordered he be deported. His criminal history in the U.S. includes reckless endangerment, criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, and disorderly conduct, ICE officials said.


Anonymous said...

And why not?
The Democratic party's political gangsters....who are in the pockets of the NYC real estate development indusyry (like big Bill himself) have a lot in common with real gangsters.
It is up to you voters to deport these pol-gangsters from government.
Let them find a real job somewhere else than NYC government.
Career politicians are gangsters.

JQ LLC said...

MS-13, Where have I heard that name before? Oh, Long Island.

Mayor Big Slow is fucked in the head. Enough with exploiting Trump's ill-willed and scattershot immigration policies and the voter pandering. For I am sure that the hispanic communities wouldn't give a shit if this gangbanger was dead.

JQ LLC said...

This also

Anonymous said...

Mayor Prozac should bring Mr. Valasquez home to Gracie Mansion and let him hang out with Dante.

Anonymous said...

A true bleeding -heart liberal!

Anonymous said...

This jerk needs to go away. He's a crook and plays by his own rules, so sick of him. Also city agencies have gotten worse and are exercising inexcusable behavior because they can get away with it under DeBlasio.

Anonymous said...

Please remember this when your taxes get raised to offset the missing Federal $. Saving gangsters, that's Progressive?

Anonymous said...

Can't any 'reporter' ask DuhBlazio why he puts this criminal, illegal, non-taxpayer above everyone who pays his salary?

Is that such an unreasonable question?

If he likes him so much why doesn't he rent his home to them?

Anonymous said...

Is called professional courtesy if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

and he'll probably be reelected because New Yorkers don't pay attention to candidates, just the party

Anonymous said...

His constituency and voters. Viviviviverito and her homies. Only 9 years left, right?

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with everyone in here, get the illegal out and the fact that deBozo disagrees is another slap in the face to us. The problem for us is that the NYC area has become so pro immigrant that anything done against an immigrant, illegal or legal, even if the guilty, and the whole city takes the immigrants side, sickening. This is how deBozo will get in again, unless we have a revolution!

Anonymous said...

Under the de Blasio administration, I was asked to leave the Public Advocate's office on Friday, May 9, 2014, and was escorted out of the building by two building security officers, all because de Blasio's pal, Director Laura Acosta refused to answer questions about my unresolved pension issues for which the Public Advocate's office unbelievably screwed up (and continues to ignore), that are STILL unresonved to present day!

I'll never forget that day (and I had a witness with me who saw the entire debacle). It was like living in Nazi occupied Germany, and being escorted out of an office where I had legitimate business by the Stasi Police.

And, because of the mayor's dereliction of public duty (and now the Public Advocate's Office), I am at the mercy of collecting food stamps and SSI that were arranged by Assemblyman Michael Miller (D-Woodhaven), in lieu of all restored pension benefits that I should be collecting right now, but for the fact that there is a criminal enterprise and cover-up at City Hall and other rogue agencies that refuse to allow evidence and facts to prevail.

Since a criminal sociopath like de Blasio became New York City's 'default' mayor, I've been bullied into submission by the greatest thugs in city and state government that make actual gang members look like amateurs. Now, de Blasio's assistant, Jean Ross, hangs up the telephone when I call, and she is not alone. What kind of government ignores its constituents with impunity (and without consequence)?

Anonymous said...

This filthy Commie turd always puts his agenda above the safety and welfare of the people he swore to protect. He belongs in Gracie Mansion like a diseased sore-covered feral hog belongs there. And his fellow Commie shill Viverito, who is far more a lobbyist for Puerto Rico than for the idiots that voted for her here. When has she advocated ANYTHING at all that benefits NYC? All she wants is money and more money for Puerto Rico. If DiDumbDumb thought he had legal problems before, he should be tossed into prison for obstruction of justice, protecting a dangerous illegal invader gang member over us and trying to prevent his lawful incarceration and deportation.

Joe Moretti said...

As a liberal Democrat, each day, I dislike the Democrats and bleeding heart liberal more and more and it is BULLSHIT like this which does it and which ultimately put an unqualified person in the White House. I mean what the fuck don’t you get. It is bad enough this fucking dirt bag city is a sanctuary city to waste money and take care of people that are other states problems.

This mayor and his administration certainly does not seem to care about us LEGAL hard working tax payers who pay his fucking salary. Instead he is concerned with people who are here ILLEGALLY and some of those folks who are criminals or have records. He is more concerned with homeless people, improperly, by warehousing them in shitty hotels and then dumping them in certain areas (low income, black and immigrant communities) and allowing them to camp out in subway stations (Jamaica Center, LIRR Sutphin Blvd, 179th Street) and ride in subway cars while us tax payers have to deal with their filth and erratic and dangerous behavior).

THANKS FUCKING ASSHOLE DUMBO, you fucking coward. It seems the Democrats today no longer care about hard working tax payers and their quality of life.


NO MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

William M. Tweed said...

His criminal history in the U.S. includes reckless endangerment, criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree, and disorderly conduct, ICE officials said.

His rap sheet reads like most De Blasio voters!

Of course the Dope from Park Slope wanted him released, he's gonna need every vote he can get this November!

Anonymous said...

decent individuals must begin to ask themselves why the Democrats are protecting criminals (legals or illegals). I found only one answer to that question..

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe Moretti
You are sounding more Libertarian and conservative as time goes on.
I think you might agree with lots of the Conservative party positions.
Ed Koch would say if you agree with me on 8 out of 12 issues give me a chance with a vote.
If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 go see a shrink.
Who knows, we may get you on the Trump Train in a couple of years :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to America where illegals can literally get away with murder while the taxpayers suffer everyday. Illegals get everything here, welfare, medicaid, section eight, public housing, free public school access, college financial aid. They get more than a regular taxpaying citizen does and thats a damn shame! This country in general should be ashamed of itself for allowing us to be walked all over by these illegals. What a fucking society!

Anonymous said...

Pothead Bill to the rescue of a comrade!

Anonymous said...

Power to the People——and, NEVER Power to the Party! The two-party-machine-failed system is DOA——and, so are the reelection chances of an instensely incompetent, stinking elephant turd like de Bl-ass-io, who along with his entirely hand picked confederacy of sycophantic dunces are the very worst 'kakistocracy' (government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power), that City Hall has ever accommodated!

Further, this crooked-and-corrupt administration is also the worse that reinforces a taxation without representation edict, as this default, rogue mayor has no regard for any and all of his constituency (that he disregards with impunity), as he now DEVALUES all honesty itself!

Anonymous said...

Not to be a nit picker, but the mayor doesn't take an oath to protect anyone! See the attached, Bill Clinton swears him in, they don't have the 'against any enemies, foreign or domestic' in the oath.

He takes an oath to fulfill the duties of his office.

Anonymous said...

@Joe Moretti said... Well said !

Anonymous said...

I hope NYC gets a few thousand of those new ICE agents Trump is asking for. We desperately need them.

Anonymous said...

***ultimately put an unqualified person in the White House***

What a load of crap. Was Bubba qualified? Or W the drunk? Not to mention the community organizer. For sure Hildabeast was not qualified, she is someone's wife.
You liberal democrats cannot understand that your party is over and done with.
You have some mentally disturbed individuals in charge who are controlled by Soros and his money like puppets on strings.
I was not a big Trump fan, but he is a breath of fresh air after all these losers mentioned above.
Maybe we need one like him in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Power to the People——and, NEVER Power to the Party! The two-party-machine-failed system is DOA——and, so are the reelection chances of an instensely incompetent, stinking elephant turd like de Bl-ass-io, who along with his entirely hand picked confederacy of sycophantic dunces are the very worst 'kakistocracy' (government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power), that City Hall has ever accommodated!

Further, this crooked-and-corrupt administration is also the worse that reinforces a taxation without representation edict, as this default, rogue mayor has no regard for any and all of his constituency (that he disregards with impunity), as he now DEVALUES all honesty itself!

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