Saturday, December 10, 2016

Lutheran Church of the Messiah likely to be replaced with crap

"Messiah Lutheran Church in Flushing has been sold. Not sure of the new owner, landmark status, or zoning. All I know is that all the local AA groups, Choir practices and both congregations must be out by January 1st. The property is massive..." - anonymous

Looked it up, and thankfully it's contextually zoned: split between R4-1, R5B. Of course, that doesn't mean that there aren't a bunch of Fedders specials coming here.


Anonymous said...

More Asian crap coming your way.

Anonymous said...

This breaks my heart - I can't stand to see churches or synagogues torn down or turned into discount stores.

Anonymous said...

Another H Mart.

Anonymous said...

Nice piece of land to be developed.

baverso said...

Can you expound upon that a little further? The "More Asian crap" part.

Anonymous said...

"Can you expound upon that a little further? The "More Asian crap" part."
Either you have never been to Flushing before or you are a troll.
If you can't see the Asian crap Please have your eyes checked !

Anonymous said...

This has become Korean row.
Look down the block and see the huge Korean "church" facilities and "school" .
Are you blind?
Northern Blvd has lots of Asian takeovers...or shall we say an inv-Asian has taken place all the way out to Little Neck.
But this was to be expected. This is underutilized land and worth millions.
How many more people can you fit on the Q12, Q13 bus?
Destination Main Street where the sardine express makes its trek to Manhattan.
The overcrowded lifestyles of Orientals are being foisted upon us.

Anonymous said...

Religion is dying.
This is not a noteworthy piece of architecture.
What will replace it, in the words of Trump, will be "HUGE"!
That's the problem.
And our elected officials do not give a damn about ANYTHING, but their election and re-election!

Anonymous said...

"Can you expound upon that a little further? The "More Asian crap" part."

Sure thing. Illegal gambling, illegal, over sized houses (to do illegal gambling), prostitution (sometimes protected by the cop of the year), drugs (karaoke bars are known for these activities, also protected by cops - 109th pct) 20 people living in a 3 room apt, overcrowding in general, utter and complete disregard of all civilized behavior, spitting, puking (mainly due to inability to handle liquor), complete disregard of traffic laws and laws in general, bribery as a form of doing business as usual (DOB is preferred by them).
Any questions?

baverso said...

"Sure thing. Illegal gambling, illegal, over sized houses (to do illegal gambling), prostitution (sometimes protected by the cop of the year), drugs (karaoke bars are known for these activities, also protected by cops - 109th pct) 20 people living in a 3 room apt, overcrowding in general,"

That's pretty awful. So the general consensus about crime activity is that it's frequently concentrated in certain blocks. Now I'm not familiar with the plot of land in this article. Is it logical to conclude that this plot is therefore going to be at risk to illegal activity? Can we substantiate the claim that this crimewave is happening, presently?

"utter and complete disregard of all civilized behavior, spitting, puking (mainly due to inability to handle liquor), complete disregard of traffic laws and laws in general, bribery as a form of doing business as usual (DOB is preferred by them).
Any questions?" Yes, while I don't like any of that myself, I'd like to know if it's illegal in America to do those things, and if it isn't should we make it? How will we enforce good manners and punish them?

Thanks, I hope I don't sound like a total moron. Just trying to understand the issue better.

Anonymous said...

And let us not forget that Councilman Paul Vallone, spearheaded the conversion of a public park space, at the juncture of Nothern Blvd and Roosevelt AV. Into a plaza for Koreans. That's where the Mc Donald's used to be, now replaced by a Korean BBQ joint.
DUMP VALLONE! He is a stooge of anyone who contributes to his campaign fund. He is a lobbyist for developers!

Anonymous said...

I'll expound even further.
Villa Bianca-Reception House...a Steve Chon boondoggle...SUPPORTED BY PAUL VALLONE!
Old Villa Bianca reception hall....south side Northern Blvd. ....Korean church.
Further west, same side, a newer Korean church that replaced an older one that blew up in a gas explosion. They were running a big catering operation out of it...about 5 huge restaurant ranges.
Station Road, adjacent to Broadway station....another huge Korean church catering facility which had big box tricks delivering food from its production.
Across the street from Temple Beth Shalom....another Korean church.
Did I omit any?
This amounts to a hostile take over....pulling properties from the tax roles.
That leaves the residents to pay an increase because of these "not for profits" making a profit off of our American system.
Trump is right. Take backAmerica. Tax these "churches"!
I did confirm that the U.S. Constitution DOES NOT FORBID THIS.
It only points to the separation of church and government.

Anonymous said...

It will take a messiah to prevent a giant brick box, built to the max FAR allowable to stop it.

Anonymous said...

Where is Don Paulo Vallone on this?
With his goombah supporters in Malba Beechurst Whitestone.
A political mobster, perhaps, kissing the rings of real mobsters for laundered campaign money.
But, like any mafioso, Vallone puts on a pious face when he kneels at St. Andrew's.
You are being screwed royally , in case you're too dumb to know it.
When Vallone finishes with your neighborhood, he will pick up and move on, just like he did in Astoria.
"Wham! Bam! Thank you maam"!

Anonymous said...

"So the general consensus about crime activity is that it's frequently concentrated in certain blocks."

Judging by 162nd street a few blocks away, it will be prostitution parlors, gambling dens, karaoke bars.

The issue is not the loss of the property or church. It is the loss of history. Bowne House is basically a log cabin, quite ugly, but it is historic. This church here goes back 100 years and represents a former working class community that is now abhorred and reviled by "new" NYC. When a large community is judged to be inherently racist, sexist, patriarchal and ignorant, it is so much easier to tear down there monuments. Old Flushing will be erased.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you referring to the Italians?

"Sure thing. Illegal gambling, illegal, over sized houses (to do illegal gambling), prostitution (sometimes protected by the cop of the year), drugs (karaoke bars are known for these activities, also protected by cops - 109th pct) 20 people living in a 3 room apt, overcrowding in general,"

Anonymous said...

utter and complete disregard of all civilized behavior, spitting, puking (mainly due to inability to handle liquor), complete disregard of traffic laws and laws in general, bribery as a form of doing business as usual (DOB is preferred by them).
Any questions?" Yes, while I don't like any of that myself, I'd like to know if it's illegal in America to do those things, and if it isn't should we make it? How will we enforce good manners and punish them?

Actually, technically yes....spitting in public is against the law if it is done in a hateful manner at someone or if it is done in front of a restaurant, my ex bf got a ticket for spitting in frony of the white castle on northern.and bell. So technically it is illegal depending on where and how it is done. The asians have no courtesy towards other people or the environment that's why china is so polluted and people take dumps anywhere they can. This 10 year old chinese boy pulled down his pants in another country in an airport and just took a dump where everyone can see him because his mother told him to. Also, one night as I was sitting in ny car in Flushing waiting for my friend, I seen this Asian girl get out of the car, cop a squat and peed right on the side of the road in front of an apartment building and one of her friends handed her some toilet paper out the car door, it's obvious that wasn't the first time they ever did that because I've never seen people carrying around rolls of toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you referring to the Italians?

Where, in Falasheng?
You must be living in Europe, otherwise wouldn't ask such a dumb question.

Anonymous said...

C'mon...this is not the Parthenon!
Get over it!
And unless BSA allows building to a larger FAR, the area is zoned for smaller buildings.

Anonymous said...

Why not call Paul Vallone, or is this Peter Koo's district?
No matter. Neither one of them gives a crap.

MichaleenFlynn said...

I attended Messiah Lutheran Church of Flushing for 54 years.

Baptized, confirmed, married in its sanctuary, like my father before me. My daughter was confirmed there. I taught Sunday School there, attended Girl Scouts there. Was the church secretary for awhile. Spearheaded a few committees over the years, including food bank collection and the preservation of our beautiful stained glass windows.

IOW, MLC was a huge part of my life for a long, long time. and I was devastated when it closed and eventually sold.

Its interior architecture is actually pretty special, especially the sanctuary and narthex, and aforementioned stained glass.

It's a long story, but there was bad blood between what was left of our congregation and the ELCA synod, our parent body, which we gave control of the property to in good faith.

The upshot of it all is this: the city has purchased this property, and it is earmarked for low-income housing. At least, that is the rumor: congregants have been frozen out of actual information on the sale itself to date (I am working currently on this)

So IMO and IME, we can pretty much expect a worst case scenario...

(One puzzling thing: the sale only happened this year, how did the author of the article know about it 14 months ago?)

Smdepping said...

Wondering if there is any update as to what is being done with Lutheran Church of the Messiah.

I attended Messiah for many years until we moved out of state. Baptized, confirmed, married, and taught Sunday School there; sons were baptized there as well. Junior and senior choir, Girl Scouts, ballet class....

The stained glass and the pipe organ are (were?) both particularly special.

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