Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Lefferts stairs need repair ASAP

From Impunity City by JQLLC:

I have to wonder if Mario’s son, Governor Andy, will take his new found proactive helmetless casual Friday style down to the Dirty Southeast Of Queens and get a look at the Lefferts Blvd. station. Where it takes longer to build a pair of stairs than it is to stuff big trains into little tunnels and have big time artists take months making portraits of themselves.

This was supposed to be completed by Thanksgiving, it should be noted that the other staircase was supposed to be finished last year too and got done in fucking June. I don’t have much hope for the MTA, the worst fucking transit system in the universe, to get it done, even if they have the technology for time travel. Look at that sign taped indelicately to the partition wall.
That’s right, January 2016. That is just awfully discouraging. If only the governor makes the time to assemble a garrison of contractors down to Richmond Hill to fix this miscue.


Anonymous said...

The new self-proclaimed Mussolini doesn't care one ioda about the outer boroughs.

Anonymous said...

For the amount of time it took to rebuild one set of stairs at Broadway Station (31 St Astoria), one would have expected the MTA to have put in an elevator (there is not one at any stn on the Astoria line). ps: It took 13 months to bld the Empire State Bldg in 1930-31, & nine months to rebuild one set of stairs in the 21st Century.

JQ LLC said...

It took 13 months to build the Empire State Bldg.

Bingo. It's taking 2 years to replace 2 sets of stairs. The new year is days away and they don't even have stairs on the east side of the station entrance.

There's supposed to be an elevator here too. This renovation is the biggest joke going.

The station also has become a pigeon habitat. There is feces caked to the turnstiles that hasn't been cleaned in months.

(sarc) said...

But the highly skilled and overpriced union labor is working safely...

Anonymous said...

Queens is the forgotten borough.
We are faceless, uninportant and a cultural desert.
It's residents, for the most part, are like the Stepford Wives that willingly believe every piece of crap that politicians feed them to be fillet mignon. Remain silent and get shit.

Anonymous said...

ok you know the drill

where is your councilman?

where is any elected official?

where is the community board?

now lets add another - where is Transpiration Alternatives?

authorericarstinson said...

I think they meant January 2017 not 2016. I just had my morning chuckle because apparently they can't even get the years correct much less a set of stairs

Anonymous said...

Not only does it take the end of everyone's natural life span to see even the smallest bit of structural improvement throughout the MTA, but the Lefferts Boulevard branch of the 'A' train is the forgotten train (and unreliable schedule). According to the MTA, Lefferts Boulevard 'A' trains are supoosed to depart every 8-10 minutes, when I have often waited DOUBLE and even TRIPLE that time for the train to reach my station. It's an appalling, phantom schedule that only reinforces how this unaccountable behemoth of a bureaucracy betrays its riding public with impunity. The whole transit system itself is an embarrassment to 21st century public accommodation.

Worse, the systemic breakdown is a decades long, 'Cause & Effect' failure of the total collapse of the vastly overpaid incompetents currently infecting City Hall itself, what with their endless waste, unconscionable fare hikes and bloated bureaucracy that only accomplishes higher taxation without representation for the rank and file (and 32% pay raises for the entire city council)!

Please, Preet, I implore you: Nab this corrupt, dishonest and derelict mayor already and clean up City Hall, which makes Boss Tweed's City Hall of a century ago look like simplistic amateurs!

Joe Moretti said...

Christ, my grandfather and his buddies built a couple houses faster than this. Why is NYC so fucking incompetent. It doesn't help that this is part of the dirty SE Queens area, which no one give a fuck. Might as well just wall the whole area off and call it "Escape from SE Queens".

Anonymous said...

They keep raising the fairs....for poor service...the workers go slow on the job and are highly been paid..this is the worst transit system in the world...the projects are so over price and still the projects are cannot complete on a timely manner..

JQ LLC said...

@ sarc

If only there was any labor, I have not seen any safety vest clad contractors there in months, which makes me believe that they must have been summoned to 2nd ave to get those station cum pretentious art galleries finished (although I am a fan of Chuck Close, his works should be in MOMA and not where it will be easily defaced by incorrigible kids and tagging.)

@ Ms. Stinson

Thanks for the recognition, I think all those years watching Daily Show, Colbert and reading the Onion and yes even those de blasio campaign tools at Gothamist has rubbed off on me. But they actually meant November 25th 2016, but here we are and there are not even any stairs at all. The sight of people getting off after work is like pigs going to slaughter, if they were looking into their iphones and galaxies.

I don't give a damn if this borough is bereft of culture, for current pop culture is horrible, uninspiring and unchallenging. I, as well as hundreds of thousands of commuters who use and live by the stop, I just want it fixed goddamnit

I would be slightly mollified if they got a bunch of beavers to build it.

Gary W said...

Yes get those stairs fixed so some maniac can push another poor woman down them. Did you see what hapened in Forest
Hills the othet day? Disgusting!

Anonymous said...

The MTA and City Hall only hire unskilled laborers. But their supervisors get paid six-figures.

Anonymous said...

James Oddo gets better results from the MTA than the goombah elected officials from Queens. Too bad he mostly cares about his white Catholic constituents.

Anonymous said...

so much workers on this project and and still cannot complete...almost 2 years...this is what you get for unskilled workers....

Anonymous said...

MTA cannot even get the subway to run properly so how they gonna finish this project? where are the councilmen for Queens?

Anonymous said...

A lot of our money is wasted by government for honest graft.

Spending, when looked at with results, is totally out of control.

The overseers in government that is supposed to watch out for this is not doing their job.

The public's attention is not focused yet on this.

A real outrage.

JQ LLC said...

"...but the Lefferts Boulevard branch of the 'A' train is the forgotten train (and unreliable schedule). According to the MTA, Lefferts Boulevard 'A' trains are supoosed to depart every 8-10 minutes, when I have often waited DOUBLE and even TRIPLE that time for the train to reach my station. It's an appalling, phantom schedule that only reinforces how this unaccountable behemoth of a bureaucracy betrays its riding public with impunity."

The A lefferts schedule is not much of a mystery. Because of the combined hyper-over-development, cultural and status interest of living in the niche areas and gentrification rezoned areas of fucking Brooklyn, that when the lefferts makes it's stops in downtown manhattan, it's stuff to the gills of commuters getting off a few stops later, usually by Jay, Hoyt, and Norstrom Ave, that the thousands that have to take it to the end are left hanging. Also that the MTA are running more trains to Rockaway than before, probably because of the surprising tourist attraction, sudden economic interest and federal funding that was just allocated for the peninsula.

It's a goddamn disgrace.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad ...they just keep ignoring this neighbor hood...look at Jamaica and Sutphin Blvd. with all the development going on there and how fast they are working.
Same speed needed at Lefferts Blvd.

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