Monday, December 19, 2016

Avella kicks off mayoral campaign outside controversial hotel

From WPIX:

After an unsuccessful run in 2009, State Senator Tony Avella is officially throwing his hat into the ring for New York City Mayor in 2017 -- taking on Mayor Bill de Blasio.

"It's time to stop the failed top down planning approach in this city and allow every neighborhood every resident to have a voice -- a real say in what happens to their community," Avella announced in a press conference.

The Queens democrat and State Senator of the 11th district since 2010, is often a vocal critic of the De Blasio administration -- specifically in its handling of the homeless crisis -- which is now close to exceeding 60,000 people in the city. He formed a homeless crisis task force in Albany last year.

"I believe we have reached a crossroad in the direction our City should be taking. Under Mayor de Blasio we have more homeless than ever - our taxes continue to rise and it is more expensive to live here than ever before, all of this, while our quality of life fades away," he said.

Avella kicked off his campaign at the Holiday inn express in Queens -- one of at least 69 hotels where the de Blasio administration has placed homeless people right next to paying guests.


Anonymous said...

With Albanese running,there are gonna be votes siph hoe off.....
The only way to get Avella in is to dig deep into your pockets.

Anonymous said...

I think this is great news! Out with de Bozo!!!

Anonymous said...

Tony is the ONLY honest pol in Queens, if not all of NYC! He also knows how to work a full day! Go Tony!

Anonymous said...

Ok a great start let's see how many more run against the is corrupt clown?
Someone out there has to change things here.
We still have the tale of two cities.
There is absolutely no transparency with this guy and we the taxpayers are paying for everything and do we get any breaks? No just increased taxes and the big question I ask myself is should I move out of NYC/Maspeth? The place I have lived in 40 years plus and become a full time resident upstate?? Right now a part timers but ask myself every time I come back home why do I do it?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Avella would be perfect for the job.
Is up to us to make it happen.

Anonymous said...

He needs a Wilson-Pakula from the GOP. Maybe then he'll stand a chance.

(sarc) said...

Never underestimate the stupidity of the New York voter.

Notice this past time around we reelected the same fools that gave us this mess...

Anonymous said...

Run, Tony, Run!!!!

Anonymous said...

That little troll Adam Lombardi is already spreading lies in the bayside facebook group. The clubhouse is lining up against Tony.

Anonymous said...

Lombardi isnt part of the clubhouse. Hes just a half sized half wit

Anonymous said...

I think that Tony would be a great mayor and turn things around from the idiot we have now, but I have to be realistic here. This city is filled with such stupid voters, and because of this I believe we will see a second term of Diblasio. I hope that I am wrong though, and Avella can pull off a win.

Anonymous said...

You know the Queens dem machine lead by Virginny Joe Crowley will pull out all the stops to kill Avella's chances.

Watch, soon the local supermarket throwaways will start publishing fake negative stories about Tony. Schnepps will take the lead with her shit papers and her new acquisition the bankrupt Times News Weekly will march in lock step.

Avella needs some big help. Perhaps he should run as a progressive republican since they have no one on deck.

Anonymous said...

When is Melinda gonna throw in her hat?

Anonymous said...

>Ok a great start let's see how many more run against the is corrupt clown?

We get too many people running against the Mayor, it'll split the vote and make it easier for him to win.

Anonymous said...

No chance once Trump Jr. throws his hat in the ring!

Anonymous said...


Julie B. said...

I admire Avella's courage. That said, I predict DiBlasio wins the primary (pure political chicanery) and no Republican will be moderate enough to capture the NYC majority in November. Yeah, Trump won, but this ain't Middle America.

Anonymous said...

If you want a better NYC for all, vote for Tony Avella in the primaries, donate to his campaign and spread the word! Tony Avella cares about this city and each neighborhood and our great city will benefit from a leader like him.

Unknown said...

Dig deep people it's up to the people to get Tony in office we need to save our wonderful City. Vote, donate and campaign for TONY AVELLA!!!!

Anonymous said...

If he is the only candidate ,it can be done.once you have a 2 or 3 , the vote splits . When does deblahsio start bringing his son back and will he make hm grow the Afro back???

Anonymous said...

Avella is as honest as they come. BUT ...deep down in his ALL honesty....does he really believe that the city political powerhouse will allow him to win?
I hope this will be a good upset election...unlike Trump's...and Tony will take NYC!
Then we will see some improvement.
Beware! Scott Stringer will be supported with tons of cash. It's a matter of money and soldiers in the field.
Does Avella have a capable army of support with bucks to beat Scittie?
We shall. See. He gets my money and vote. You can bet on that!

Anonymous said...

Tony runs for every office he can toss his hat in the ring for.
The ultimate dishonesty is self delusion. Coitus interruptus Queens borough president. A failed mayoral run.
Now let's see if this gets posted on what appears to be a pro Avella website.

Anonymous said...

If he wins (a long shot), would County pick Liu to run for his vacated Senate seat?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 22:

There you go. Let your pals at REBNY know that your post was published.

Anonymous said...

To second to last Anonymous: You got THAT right. Avella is a 20th century, warmed over white politician (not public servant), who is just as dishonest, dishonorable, sleazy, corrupt and crooked as every other cradle-to-grave politician.

Ask yourself then, if he was such a good public servant, then why hasn't he done something else other than his public payroll life (ANYTHING!), instead of showing up every four years to run for something else where he's 'BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!' already, ad nauseam! Isnt' there any FRESH talent BESIDES the Avella Travelling Carnival Show?

Hence, We the People need to stop looking to politicians to make our world better. Because, politicians don't make the world a better place (nor have they EVER, except for FDR). Everthing that has ever made the world better place has come from inventors, engineers, scientists, teachers, artists, builders, philosophers, healers and people who choose love and inclusion over hate and division (like all crooked politicians, of whom Avella is one).

Also, Avella, during his fledgling city council days in Bayside pretended to help my neighbor by actually writing a stern letter to the NYC Department of Investigations (which I saw), as he urged them to investigate corruption that was evident, and then he never followed up. When my neighbor asked his chief of staff why there was no follow up, he said that if my neighbor ever called their office again, then they would call the police (for what was never mentioned).

I never forgot that WILLFUL arrogance and total dereliction of public duty. Nice leadership, Avella, which proves my point that it's the SAME CIRCUS——SAME UNFUNNY, CRADLE-TO-GRAVE CLOWNS!

And, the public be eternally duped, bilked, scammed and damned!

Anonymous said...

"Tony runs for every office he can toss his hat in the ring for.
The ultimate dishonesty is self delusion. Coitus interruptus Queens borough president. A failed mayoral run.
Now let's see if this gets posted on what appears to be a pro Avella website."

You piece of shit. Pro Avella website? You degenerate, is against corruption and tweeding and you have the nerve to trash both Avella (Mr. Avella to you asshole)
and the website?

Got into a cab today and our corrupt mayor is on the screen, touting NYCID to everybody, including illegals. Nice. Breaking federal laws and advertised to passengers (like illegals can afford the cab ride) - way to go Bozo. But have no fear Preet is here, Trump will take down your corrupt ass if you don't lose the election.
I'd say win-win situation.

Anonymous said...

"To second to last Anonymous: You got THAT right. Avella is a 20th century, warmed over white politician (not public servant), who is just as dishonest, dishonorable, sleazy, corrupt and crooked as every other cradle-to-grave politician."

Getting desperate huh? Your shit did not work for Hillary and will no work here.
We are sick and tired of assholes like you.
Mr. Avella to you moron, stop lying you piece of trash, Mr. Avella is God compared to the corrupt assholes you work for. Shill.

Anonymous said...

All they have to do is portray him or his constituency as the slightest bit racist or sexist and he's already lost. That's how easy it is. Jared Kushner's newspaper already called him an "angry white man" with a "home owning, car driving" constituency. They also called him "outrageous" and - you guessed it - compared him to Trump. No one will challenge the mischaracterization. This is what NYC's self absorbed electorate will hear and believe.

The democratic party has moved so drastically to the left that unless you are in step with them and their social engineering obsession, you're the enemy. It's a shame, because he could really make the city better.

Anonymous said...

Has no Chance

Anonymous said...

Alas, the only one here who is desperate is you, Anonymous, because not only am I not a $hitlary supporter, where the only asshole here is you yourself, because I just told you the truth about a cradle-to-grave government hack like Avericious Avella and instead you choose to: Attack And Retreat, and Accuse And Evade.

And, anyone who refers to a politican as a 'God' doesn't deserve ANY purported representation, much less pious redemption, when delusion and a straight jacket is what is in order for your immediate future——the sooner the better!

Anonymous said...

"Cradle-to-grave government hack like Avericious Avella"

You are talking about your employers right mofo? Still Mr. Avella to you, crackpot.

"Attack And Retreat, and Accuse And Evade."

Listen dumbo, here is/are you and your trolls/shills attacking.
We don't retreat, we don't accuse (Preet will do that to your bosses) and never evade. We are blue blooded Americans that are sick an tired of you, your commie socialist politicians.
Got that asshole? Good.
Now go, get the fuck lost and entertain your family with your stupidity.

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