Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A crap above: Brooklyn edition

There's nothing to say here. Let's just allow the photo to speak for itself. This colossal Brooklyn crap comes to us from IMBY.

Just think, someone went to architecture school to learn how to do this.


(sarc) said...

A pigeon coop???

JQ LLC said...

This is like building a treehouse. But less structured and secure.

I bet this looked a lot a better on that hack architect's surface laptop.

Anonymous said...

Just think, someone went to architecture school to learn how to do this.

I wonder if Trump University had an architecture course?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the architect was playing with Legos, and someone took him seriously.

Anonymous said...

Looks expensive and super trendy/cool. This kind of stuff has been happening in lower Manhattan since the 90s. I'd bet that home will be worth 5mil+ in no time.

Anonymous said...

Mount a machine gun inside and you've got a nice rooftop pill box reminiscent of a Nazi bunker.

Anonymous said...

The architect's name and address most be on the fence, someone take a picture and publish it, maybe he gets embarrassed and learn how to design properly.

authorericarstinson said...

They do this kind of crap around my area too. And what I hate is that it messes up the property values for other people here who may eventually want to sell. If all of the houses are rowhouses why would someone go and build a McMansion on the corner with these elaborate gold plated gates and everything, an inground swimming pool and all that other nonsense that the other houses do not have. They just make me sick how they just let people build whatever the hell they want to without any thought to the integrity of the neighborhood .

Anonymous said...

Very soon at night on that street you will hear from the heavens:

"I am the KING of the World!!!"

Anonymous said...

WTF are these people thinking???

Anonymous said...

Architect doesn't make this garbage a computer program does. The so called "Architect" operator just enters some budget & SQ foot data then selects and drags "boxes" and shapes around

The CAD computer program then will "tweaks" and make cuts in a way to use every inch of wood and building material to build fast, cheap and with simple labor. This is the primary reason these structures all look like lego garbage.
--All 2, 4, 12 and 45/90 angle cuts from cheap stock building material, no Phillip Johnson here that's for sure !!

--Now we have COMPUTERS, IMMIGRANTS AND POLITICIANS ruining out neighborhoods !!

JQ LLC said...

"Architect doesn't make this garbage a computer program does. The so called "Architect" operator just enters some budget & SQ foot data then selects and drags "boxes" and shapes around "

Thank you, I have witnessed this myself. Gone are the days of massive paper plans, pencils and instruments on the table. That parasite in park slope looks like something out of minecraft or tetris.

Sure blame the architect here, but some LLC collective or individual bag of dead dicks and shit who owns it is paying him or her to design that retarded playhouse. As well has the DOB for giving this building the air rights to do this.

Fuck Brooklyn, fuck this city. Breathe in breathe out. I feel better now.

Anonymous said...

"Made In Queens ! " Is being exported to the other boroughs !

Anonymous said...

@ JQ LLC "Fuck Brooklyn, fuck this city. Breathe in breathe out. I feel better now."
I know the feeling but it dose not last too long. Can't wait to "cash out " and live somewhere
better with a good quality of life.

Anonymous said...

Everybody claims to be an "architect" these days.
Even the "illustrious" recently elusive Wellington Chen, used to talk about "going to architecture school"!
BS! Usually you name the school you attended with pride...unless it was some dipshit college in Taiwan, where Chen came from.
My wife designs better buildings, for a hobby, with her computer programs.
Is it Caliende who is the king of computer put together goombah shit, passing for architecture?

JQ LLC said...

"Everybody claims to be an "architect" these days."

Reminds me of George Castanza, the zen master of aspiring architects and shrinkage.

Anonymous said...

"Can't wait to "cash out " and live somewhere
better with a good quality of life"

And go where, some place like west bumblefuck Pennsylvania where you must drive 10 plus miles to do anything and rifle through 1200 gals a year of heating oil to stay warm ? Worse states like Wisconsin & Vermont where you freeze your ass off 10 months a year. Illegals and immigrants with $$ are destroying every state including Texas not many places are left.

The Libs planned it that way so the damage and "rooting" cant be reversed. Agreed NYC and that mess called California are the 2 worst messes. They are now building towers in Hollywood, ever single small home on the hill has also been blown out into a plop of ugly tumors or completely replaced with ugly Computer looking garbage.

Anonymous said...

Driving 10 plus miles in PA sounds better than riding "The John Rocker Express" !
Also property taxes are low in PA and you can exercise your rights to the 2nd amendment !
Ten + acres plus a gun,pickup,dog and a cabin looks pretty good to me.
I can always visit NYC a few times a year to get my fill of "Crap" then go home to the country !

Anonymous said...

Yes, there was a secret agenda by liberals to get immigrants with money to "root" so it can't be reverse just because. That makes a lot of sense said no one.

>>The Libs planned it that way so the damage and "rooting" cant be reversed.

Anonymous said...

Wellington Chen, used to talk about "going to architecture school"!
BS! Usually you name the school you attended with pride...unless it was some dipshit college in Taiwan, where Chen came from.

I have no idea what school(s) Wellington Chen may or may not have attended, but there are plenty of beautiful buildings in Taiwan - and not just Taipei 101, which was built to withstand earthquakes - so unless they only hire non-Taiwanese architects, somebody must be doing something right over there. Or maybe the good architects stay there, and the bad ones come to the US to build crap...?

faster340 said...


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