Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Swans saved - for now

From Sheepshead Bites:

Mute swans have a new look on life now that a bill was passed by Governor Andrew Cuomo ending the Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) prohibition of the species, according to State Assemblymember Steven Cymbrowitz, who wrote the bill.

Cymbrowitz has doggedly tried to place a moratorium on the state’s plan to cull New York’s mute swan population — which the DEC targeted for extermination in 2013. Governor Andrew Cuomo has twice vetoed legislation that would halt the DEC’s effort to eliminate the swans, which the agency says are an invasive species that threaten local ecosystems.

“The people have spoken and I’m pleased that the Governor has listened,” Cymbrowitz said. “Tens of thousands of New Yorkers signed petitions, sent letters and emails to the Governor’s office, and, in my community, called my office to tell me how much they enjoy watching the swans in Sheepshead Bay and Manhattan Beach. People were very vocal about their support of this bill, and I have to believe it made all the difference.”

The bill establishes a two-year moratorium on the DEC’s plan to manage the mute swan population, which were introduced to North America from Europe in the 1800s. It also requires the agency favor non-lethal management techniques and provides stronger evidence that the swans endanger ecosystems.


JQ LLC said...

This is good to know, for the DEC could have come up with more brutal tactics

Anonymous said...

So glad they were spared. We are killing to many things. They are beautiful.
For the ecosystem man is doing its fair share in destroying it.
Gone is the brown bat....increase of mosquitoes.
The pesticides used are killing off the honeybees.

(sarc) said...

Would it not be best to cull, pluck, and cook them?

We could feed the many homeless and eliminate the excess "crap" in the grass as well...

Anonymous said...

the greatest killer of bats and birds including the national bird - bald eagles ?
another story nobody wants to talk about

Anonymous said...

To the person who said:

(sarc) said...
Would it not be best to cull, pluck, and cook them?
We could feed the many homeless and eliminate the excess "crap" in the grass as well...

I can tell to go cook your pussy and eat it instead you heartless and ignorant piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

This is what our useless legislature is wasting our tax dollars and time on?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 4:

Maybe no one talks about it because it isn't true? Where's your proof?

Do you have a similar theory about solar power?

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Joseph and Mary?
Aren't there far more pressing issues like cleaning up crooked government?
Yeah! Right!

Anonymous said...

"Maybe no one talks about it because it isn't true? Where's your proof?"

From now on do your own research before mouthing off and showing how stupid you really are.

Here you go punky:

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