Thursday, November 17, 2016

Restler's stupidity gets press attention, de Blasio & Cuomo apparently okay with it

From the Daily News:

One Facebook friend called the sign inappropriate. “There are good White People, and you are not going to make me feel guilty that I am,” the man wrote.

A second person wrote: "And you represent our mayors office?"

Restler, who makes $107,625 at City Hall, took the post down. He could not be reached for comment.

De Blasio spokesman Eric Phillips said the mayor was not initially aware of the posted picture and doesn’t believe it’s appropriate.

Phillips said Restler’s sister was apparently protesting white supremacy. “No doubt the message was inartful and not clear enough in its intent and that’s why Lincoln took it off his page,” he said.

Restler was spoken to but not sanctioned. “He understands why people took offense to it and it certainly didn’t represent his views,” Phillips said.

But in his own Facebook post Monday night, former City Councilman James Gennaro, who now works for Gov. Cuomo at the Department of Environmental Conservation, resurrected the item and blasted the fact it came from someone connected to the mayor.

"It seems that to the Mayor's senior advisor, hate is okay as long as the right people (or the right racial “state of mind,” if that's what is meant by “whiteness") is hated," Gennaro wrote.

He also criticized Restler for taking the post down.

After seeing the Daily News story, Cuomo spokesman Richard Azzopardi said that "Jim Gennaro's online writings do not reflect the views of the governor's office."

Meanwhile, Maspeth took to Driggs Avenue to protest Restler where he lives:

Lincoln was seen several times peering out at the protest.


Anonymous said...

Politicians, and their operatives, are whores and weather vanes. They go which ever way the wind blows.
Most, blow, anyway!
Never let your life depend on the goodness of ANY politician.
If you do not take responsibility to make your own way, no political mobster will be there to rescue you.
That's life. Accept it or perish.

Anonymous said...

A Mayors hack said:

"No doubt the message was inartful and not clear enough in its intent and that’s why Lincoln took it off his page"

I thought it was plenty clear! Phillips, you haven't explained WHY he put it on his page in the first place???

JQ LLC said...

“No doubt the message was inartful and not clear enough in its intent and that’s why Lincoln took it off his page,” he said."

But he took the picture anyway, saw it appropriate enough as a birthday wish to his mother despite it's vulgarity and posted it for the world to see. He could have told his dumb ass sister it was 'inartful" no matter what the context of her stupid protest sign was.

Fuck you Lincoln, quit your position and take your warped city planning ideas and your family and get the fuck out of this city.

To all immigrants, legal and illegal, this guy is damaging your cause and he is using you to keep his corrupt cronies and his corrupt mayor boss in elected office.

Anonymous said...

"former City Councilman James Gennaro, who now works for Gov. Cuomo at the Department of Environmental Conservation..."
What does he actually do? is this one of those useless, no-show jobs?

Anonymous said...

Now you see with this we as a nation will never come together. The racial divide is growing.
Now president elect Trump is not even in office yet and I wonder if he brings back jobs to the USA will these protesters take a job or will they continue to protest? Also when he is strict on immigration and some undocumented guy kills a person or people what will the protesters do then??? Say we need strict immigration?
The guy is not even in office and you want to protest fine do it with no violence but you all are to did not vote! I heard it on did not vote.
Now DeBlasio and his people will see it again in 2017 when he is voted out and they are out of a job.

Anonymous said...

Wait til Trump cuts off funding to the Sanctuary City. These bums will howl.

All they care about is their jobs. The Democratic Party has contempt for the common man - the American citizen - and it is something that will bite them in the ass.

They will pay heavily for their betrayal of the public trust.

Anonymous said...

To the young lady holding F*** are white....not proud of who you are? Well you can not change it!
By the way....there is lots of opposition in communities where the homeless are shuffled around about you fight for them to get permanent housing? The people of color all have the same concerns about their communities. Remember we are all people of color and yes Black lives do matter but how about the sign saying All lives matter!
By the way??? Where does his family live??
A nice neighborhood free of the urban problems and DeBlasio free.

JQ LLC said...

Wait, Mario's son's spokesperson is repudiating the writings of Gennaro, who condemned and questioned the motives of Lil Lincoln and his stupid sister?

Joe Moretti said...

I love people like this in the photo and then just ask them what are all colors of the rainbow in your community and on your block. More than likely that Fucking Whiteness, that is what.

They are such hypocrites, carry signs then go back to your white block and white community.

Anonymous said...

This was posted over the weekend and it took three days for the story to break in the Daily News. Had the sign read F**k Blackness, it would have been the breaking news story on television Sunday night and it all would have been blamed on Donald Trump!

Anonymous said...

What does "LOVE" and "FUCK WHITENESS" have top do with each other, aside from brazen contradiction.

Gary W said...

Good going Maspeth, keep telling turds like Lincoln he does not have the consent of the governed.

Anonymous said...

I recall, just a few years ago, the NYC Comptroller fired one of his aides for referring to the President on a facebook page, as President Odumber. FIRED! not disciplined FIRED!
I'd like the same principle applied here...

Anonymous said...

What a disgraceful (and audacious!) waste of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY! How tragic then, that this is but ONE example of how We the People have been duped, bilked and scammed out of $107,625 a year of our taxpayer dollars for dumb Blasio's vacuous, six-figure errand boy (and that's in addition to the more than $300K that we've been forced to shell out for his wife Chirlane's two lackey assistants of her OWN, when she's not an elected official).

Couple that with one of the many of Mario's son's lackey James Gennaro at the Department of Environmental Conservation, (another patronage/cronyism job for whom everyone else pays a price), and the whole flagrant abuse of government power, position and public money is what guaranteed a DONALD J. TRUMP Presidency in the FIRST PLACE, as these same corrupt, Democratic politicians (not public servants!), will surely guarantee the headline that I already envision in four years: TRUMP wins reelection 2020, with House and Senate STILL controlled by GOP!

Alas, these empowered, criminally isane, mentally ill and OCD-infected psychopaths refuse to give back We the People's 50-plus year 'Hijacked-And-Held-In-Hostage' democracy back until they've squeezed every nickel out of it, or impeachment proceedings finally begin to eliminate the terminal scourge that continues to desecrate flag, country and Constitution with a vengeful impunity that is unprecedented, to date!

And, Wall-mart Street Chuck Schumer is just another neo-con schmuck to add why there is a DEMEXIT that New Yorkers oddly keep reinforcing as if there are no other choices that actually embrace and personify what REAL character, integrity and principle look like!


In simpler parlance: UGLY PEOPLE—UGLIER LIVES (and ALL OF THEM are only getting uglier by the hour)!

Anonymous said...

Good on Jim Gennaro for having the courage to voice his opinion, in opposition to his boss and the political establishment. Let's hope other politicians and former politicians show the same courage.

>What does "LOVE" and "FUCK WHITENESS" have top do with each other, aside from brazen contradiction.

In the minds of the regressive left, those two statements are exactly the same.

Anonymous said...

These people belong in straitjackets.

faster340 said...

faster340 said...

Only one word describes him. DICK....

faster340 said...

If there were anyone who needed a punch in the face it's him...

faster340 said...

Lincoln Restler's political career is officially over. Thank you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Surprised that rag, NY Daily News, ran with this story. Where is the NY Times and other fine bastions of journalism? Criticize Trump all you want but he has got the Media's number.

Anonymous said...

What was the purpose of Restler’s post, to show his family as a bunch of shitheads? If so he succeeded. Good to know our government is in good hands.

Anonymous said...

This little progressive snowflake soon will be out of a job when not my mayor is voted out of office.

Anonymous said...

This family is the embodiment of white privilege. Probably own a house in the Hamptons.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is there a bigger piece of hateable shit than stinkin' Lincoln Restler? He got a double hit of the ugly stick. No bigger piece of shit on this planet. Congrats you moron!

faster340 said...

Wow i read the article and comments in the Gothamist. What a rag that is...

JQ LLC said...

Fuck Fauxgressivism

Gothamist is an arm of the mayor's office city planning and EDC, in my opinion. Their article was a total whitewash and made Aja look dignified.

Hateful vandalism as seen a dramatic rise in the past week since the election of our nation's figurehead, especially media coverage of it and lil' lincoln's is being overlooked and should be included as such with all the heinous shit that's been leveled on muslims, spanish, blacks and even jewish people. The Restler family and their vile sign in the name of immigrant solidarity must be daily exposed.

This story must not go into the memory hole.

Anonymous said...

While Restler's family trash the white population and denounce white privilege, just remember that they sent little Lincoln to Brown University - an elite college. While it's obvious he didn't learn anything there, it's still carries a hefty price tag that most middle class people could never afford. He's just a spoiled little white kid. Restler should be fired asap. He needs to take his family and go home to his mansion.

Anonymous said...

Typical and disturbing....btw,the white uneducated folk will be putting you out of a job in November.

Anonymous said...

His sister wears combat boots. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't every single Council Member speaking up against this? I hear crickets....

JQ LLC said...

"His sister wears combat boots. Enough said."

And she's an ignorant slut, and her momma eats kitty litter

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