Saturday, November 12, 2016

Maspeth step street finally cleaned up for Liz Crowley photo op

You may recall our past coverage of the condition of a Maspeth step street which has been covered in graffiti, dumped trash and has been frequented by drug dealers in recent years. There's also been an eyesore of a stalled site there.
Well after more than 10 years of visual nastiness at that location, it got cleaned up for a Liz Crowley photo op. It turns out she is renaming the step street and has invited an alleged terrorist to unveil sign the alongside her.
Only in Queens, folks. Only in Queens.


Anonymous said...

Conaming a street after a religious holiday?

JQ LLC said...

I guess that means we can name a streets after Joanne Chesimard or Omar Abdel-Rahman

Charles Witek said...

It's not a religious holiday, it's a historic event, the Easter Rising in which the Irish people rose in rebellion against Great Britain.

The fact that Gerry Adams, who sought for years to reunite North Ireland, currently a part of the United Kingdom, with the Republic of ireland, will be featured should have provided a clue.

Anonymous said...

"Conaming a street after a religious holiday"... Really, I forgot we stopped teaching history especially when it comes to Europe. It's not good for the New World Order.

Anonymous said...

Dizzy Lizzy is pandering to her Irish base. Something tells me the Maspeth Irish will not forget the Holiday Inn. I know I won't.

Anonymous said...

The "Easter Rising" is a reference to the day the Irish Republic declared it's independence from foreign powers.

BTW in Some quarters Gerry Adams is regarded as a freedom fighter...

Anonymous said...

But he is a white European terrorist so it's okay.

Anonymous said...

My feeling is this area was neglected for years.
An eyesore and suddenly she decides to fix this up and after this Easter rising is finished will it go back to an eyesore?
This is a little to late for me. While you knew this mayor's progressive ways and putting a shelter in our community you never told us. You want us to vote you back in. It is time to get on this movement of draining the swamp. You and this mayor will be gone.

JQ LLC said...

Is Gerry like an Irish Nelson Mandela? I recall the ANC being defined as a terrorist group.

Those battles between the brits and irish were brutal. If this is simplifying it, it's kind of like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which doesn't seem and probably will never end.

Anonymous said...

Will this be like this from now on?
Or will like become an eyesore again?
Who owns this property?
For years it was neglected and a eyesore.
I hope to see this area kept up with nice plants
and no longer an eyesore

Anonymous said...

These bums in office just do nothing but feed at the trough of our taxes to pander for votes and solicit campaign donations.

10 years this looked like a dump. now its Uprising Way.

Our entire landspace is now named for the crazy little world the pols live in: like the JFK Bridge, the Koch Bridge, etc etc. Reminds me of North: Korea 'The East is Red' Bridge and 'Chairman Kim' Highway.

Anonymous said...

Not enough will be full of graffiti soon again.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Brian Barnwell was there? Or did he go back to massapequa because he doesn't need votes anymore?

Anonymous said...

Easter rising is finished will it go back to an eyesore
Without question !!
This twit just wants votes from those hordes of Irish people living in those towers.
Once the asshole voters re-elect her it will go back to a slum.

Easter Uprising Way. What a shitty name for a street!! "Step Street" was perfect, it seems all these bastards like Crowley want are tributes to themselves. I'm sick and tired of all this street and bridge renaming. If the Crowley's hate New York so much they should move back to Ireland and try pulling this street-renaming shit there and see what happens.

(sarc) said...

Imagine that.

Looks like her campaign is starting today...

Gary W said...

They couldn't think of one fucking American event to name this thing after?

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, how are these steps a street and not a walkway and why dedicate it there for an event that happened in Ireland? Looks like Crowley is just doing something for the Irish vote to me. Either way it's good to see the steps area spruced up now good luck keeping it up.

Anonymous said...

I have walked these steps many times.
They have always been a crap hole and will revert to one again after the clean up.
Isn't there a landmarked street lamp located nearby?

Anonymous said...

Adams was and is a terrorist. Only he's Irish, not Arab, so it's OK.

Anonymous said...

Adams is a scumbag. A carpetbagger who came down south to the Republic to get his nose in the trough, without the slightest clue of how things operate here.
Didn't know the tax rates, didn't even know the price of milk, and any time someone called him out on his lack of knowledge, it was all a "plot by the establishment"
Spends more time trying to be funny on Twitter than actually doing anything constructive politically. It's always "Give people free stuff! Who cares how we can afford it! Pay rises for everyone! tax cuts for everyone! Except anyone who's slightly better than working class! Bring in as many immigrants as we can! Socialism Wow!"

The guy's been in charge of Sinn Fein for 30 something years, never been challenged. it's like North Korea crossed with the Movementarians out of the Simpsons. "Jarry is good, Jarry is great, we cross Jarry and seal our own fate!"

And they're still looking for the bodies of the people Gerry's friends "disappeared"...

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