Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's that time of year again!

Well folks here we are on Election Day again. It's time for a handful of NYC voters to shlep to the polls and re-elect the same shit that's been giving us a giant kick in the ass for many terms. And if by chance there is an election where there is no incumbent, please do not take a look at the qualifications of the candidates. Simply darken the circle next to the name of the machine-backed candidate with a big D.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it. No incumbent, choose D?

Anonymous said...

The revolution has begun....today is our day to make our voice heard and hopefully begin the change we so desperately need. We the people have spoken.
During this whole Election bid I do not feel good about the possibility of the first woman president being Hillary Clinton! And I am a woman. I see with in the 100 days of her presidency the emails will surface. Corruption and a cloud will be over her. I am not voting for her.
She asks if we want a dark and divided country?
We do have it. With so many going homeless and so much division. Donald Trump did not divide this country. It was divided already.

JQ LLC said...

Manifest Hillary or Don Worthless. Straight up in your face or a kinder gentler fascism and plutocracy

if this is the new normal...


Anonymous said...

Today is our voice to be heard....to drain the swamp. Get rid of seat warmers. Get rid of corruption.
Get our jobs back here. Help all people here.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. No incumbent, choose D?

My fadda' voted'a' Democrat, his papa voted Democraten, mein tata vus'a Demokrat, AND I'M A DEMACRAT!

A little history lesson for you.

Anonymous said...

Rather than voting against someone, I voted for someone who I actually think would make a good president: I voted for a Third Party candidated. I will be able to say that I didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump.

Ned said...

"I voted for a Third Party candidate"

Typical Queens voter throwing away a vote that could have been used to combat the nasty socialists & barbarians at the gate.
Can someone s'plain me why are Brooklyn & Queens voters opt for committing suicide every election ?
NYC has a big problem and its not just the politicians

Joe Moretti said...

PART ONE: Let’s face it, the powers that be have had decades and decades to improve our voting system and to this day in 2016, it still sucks and is chaotic in several areas across the country. Lack of early voting for many places, too small a location for the number of voters, signs not properly displayed for your district table to provide your name and get a ballot and so on and so on and so on. Welcome to CIRCUS VOTING. I mean REALLY, how damn hard can that be and knowing yet again, with a big presidential election, you think the Board of Elections would have figured this out by now, but NOPE.

Walking into my polling site, the Merrick Blvd Library in Jamaica, at 6:30am, there were already about a 100 people. When you first walk down the hall entrance to the main room, it seemed to be backlogged with people all over waiting in line, but then I realized it was several people who had questions to one of the workers, who should have known better to move these people aside, so others can go to the main first table to tell the workers their name and which table to pick up their ballot. So people where standing in line for no reason at all, because this area was clogged with those having questions . Chaos #1. Once going to the main table, the workers then tell you which table is your district so you can pick up your ballot. But of course the signs they had were somewhat confusing. My district table seemed to have two signs on each side with two different district names, making you think this table was for both districts, which it was not. The damn sign for the other district was turned inward to my district’s table as opposed to being turned to the right for the correct district table. Chaos #2 and some people waiting in line for my district table found out they were standing in the wrong line, some for 15 minutes. To make matters worse for my table, the sign for my district was placed to low to see through people. Chaos #3, although after voicing loudly that this was not thought out too well, they eventually raised the sign to the proper height & then moved the other district’s sign toward that table. It would make sense to have all signs placed at the same height so everyone coming in could see (and keep them as separate from the other sign, plus it would help to have much bigger signs that you could see without having to squint or go right up to the sign to read. Next my district sign stated, A-M left side of table and N-Z right side, EXCEPT, it was actually the reversal. So if your last name began with A, you stood on the left side, but in reality the left side was for N-Z. After voicing again loudly for way too long, others then began to realize that it was already a mess early in the morning with only about 100, I mean what the hell would it be like after work and then started to voice their frustration. Of course one lone person voiced her concern that I was interrupting her voting. Let’s face it, you fill out the circle below the person’s name you are voting for and run it through the machine, not rocket science. She should have been more concerned about this irresponsible set-up by the Board of Elections. And let’s face it, when you are voting in areas where English is not always the first language, there are going to be some people who are confused or not sure where to go, so make the damn system even more easier and much more clear.

Joe Moretti said...

Part TWO: Amazing in this country, there is not a damn uniform process of voting across the country, where no matter where you go to vote, the process, the machines, etc are all the same. Applying for a passport in this country, no matter where you live is the SAME UNIFORM PROCESS, as is many other things, you would think that one of our most important privileges and rights, would be as easy. And with a huge population in NYC, there should be an early voting MONTH or better yet, a USA on-line voting process.

So no surprise that my experience of voting early this morning was as messy as this whole election.

For the record, Hillary, Chuck and Senator Avella got my vote, while I went with the Republican challenger, Michael O’Reilly against Congressman Meeks, because being in office for decades with little to show for your Southeast community, one like Meeks does not deserve my vote. Same with assembly member Alicia Hyndman, who had no challenger, she did not get my vote.

Come on powers that be, fix this fucked up system for once and for all, don’t make it a chore to vote or is that the purpose. We can make fucking phones that do everything imaginable, but we can’t have a uniform proper voting system, but instead what we get are new phones coming out every other week to take people’s money and a banana republic voting system.

Joe Moretti said...

ANON: Donald Trump did not divide this country. It was divided already.
And the con man he is, he took that ball and went running full warp speed with it. With Trump's horrendous viewpoints of women, his pretty much stating the would reverse Roe vs. Wade, why would a woman even think of voting for this unintelligent douche bag who would not even be qualified to be president of "Trump University". And as far as Hillary's email, give it a rest. One the FBI already exonerated her, plus THE FACT that there is no legal wrong doing on her using a private email server with certain emails. GIVE THAT SHIT A REST.

And voting for a third party candidate while may be noble, that is a total lost vote.

I get the whole vote for change, but Donald is not that change, Change of Chaos, but not the change that is needed. Remember with people like Christie and Rudy behind them, a banana republic would be the result with this clowns.

Can Donald even name the three branches of government, because he sure as hell did not know what the Nuclear Triad was. That enough should disqualify him for being the next leader of the free world.

Wait in four more years for a proper & intelligent candidate of change.

Anonymous said...

today's the day that all the people who complain every day about "Virginia Joe" Crowley not only re-elect him, but give him 75% of the vote.

Vote all the incumbents out!

Anonymous said...

As my husband and I stood on line to vote, a poll worker stood with the couple in front of us. He held a woman’s driver license. When they got to the front of the table he explained that the woman on line wanted to sign the book for her sister who was upstairs and couldn’t come down to vote because she was handicapped. And with that he handed the gentleman at the table her driver’s license who (wisely) asked “is this legal?” The poll worker said yes. Thankfully the gentleman asked another worker who said she didn’t think one person could sign the book for another. She then asked another man who said “no”. “If she wants to vote she has to sign the book herself”. Then they took the book upstairs while the rest of us waited and the line got longer. Makes me wonder what kind of training these Election Day workers have and why on earth they don’t have a way to get voters downstairs in a public school.

Gary W said...

Ha that's rich, complaining about the system and voting for Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Voted Republican all the way except I voted for Chuck.
Next year is what I am waiting for...the one where we get DeBlasio out of office and Dizzy Lizzy too!
Had no issues at IS73..went very smoothly and no waiting and no lines.
What ever the outcome is this president will have their hands full with trying to bring together this great nation! Too much division. We also need our jobs to stay here and not go overseas!

Anonymous said...

Too bad Bernie did not get in! This would have been the first time I would have voted Democrat!
But we all know the push for Hillary to be president. It does not concern me that she might be the first woman president. There are much better woman to be in that spot!

Anonymous said...

The Republican party still has "traditional" marriage and an anti-gay platform in their 2016 platform position online. What year is this? It's still wrong to be gay....good lord.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Gary W said...

Ha that's rich, complaining about the system and voting for Hillary.

Don't people anymore comprehend what they read or is most turning into Trump. Voting for Hillary has nothing to do with the actual voting process.

Anonymous said...

Joe Moretti, you lost me when you said that you supported 'Crooked $hillary' and Chuck Wagon, two insidious public fools who are more lethal than nuclear proliferation. Thank goodness that I didn't read your entire, vapid manifesto. As soon as I heard that you voted against your own self interests, I retreated with great speed.

And, here is what else you supported with a vote for one of the most corrupt and corporate fascist bought puppets of the insane and maddening world of crooked politics (just like another lethally failed sociopath, 'O-BOMB-A':

Further, if you are a '$hilldabeast,' corporate fascist condoning supporter, then please say these words—and OWN THEM:

I support fracking.
I support privatized, for-profit prisons.
I support Big Pharma.
I support TPP.
I supported NAFTA.
I supported DOMA.
I supported the maddening repealing of the Glass-Steagall Act.
I support GMO producers.
I support Citizens United.
I support Offshore Drilling.
I support voter suppression AND massive election fraud.
I support arms deals with dictators.
I support drone bombing of innocent people.
I support war with Russia.
I support the WILLFUL selling of weapons to Saudi Arabia for ISIS.
I support the rescinding of welfare benefits for women.

Because if you support a candidate—then you support their platform!

Anonymous said...

vote 3rd party.

Anonymous said...

>"I voted for a Third Party candidate"

>Typical Queens voter throwing away a vote that could have been used to combat the nasty socialists & barbarians at the gate.

Given that NY is not a swing state, your Presidential vote does more good voting for a third party candidate. If the Libertarian or Green party gets 5% of the vote, they become eligible for federal matching funds.


It's a step in the right direction towards breaking the two-party system that has given us two terrible candidates this year.

Anonymous said...

Voted third party for Pres., Rep if there was one for all other offices and wrote in "Pedro" where there was no opposition. Best I could do under the circumstances.

Anonymous said...

"THE FACT that there is no legal wrong doing on her using a private email server with certain emails."...Tell that to the people in jail or have ruined their career for doing just that with Classified materials. Stating something is a fact in caps does not make it true.

Anonymous said...

Anon 16:
The words of the Good Book:
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination" --Leviticus 18:22
"And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." --Leviticus 20:13

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, did you have a small stroke? You usually make sense. Destroying evidence and lying to a Congressional Committee are still crimes, ask Martha Stewart. Oh yeah, and I believe letting your maid print out your Classified documents is not Kosher either. Trump is far from the ideal candidate but way less dangerous than someone who has 30+ years scamming the people. How's that Obama Care working out for you?

Anonymous said...

It's not going to matter anyway....the electoral college will just throw who they want in.

Anonymous said...

"An America that is militarily & economically strong is not enough. The world must see an America that is morally strong w. a creed & vision. This is what has led us to dare & achieve .For us, VALUE COUNTS"


Anonymous said...

If the millions of Obama Refugees,ILLEGAL ALIENS & Va. felons just released by Gov. Mc Cauliffe
vote for Trump ,American citizens might have a chance @ CONSTITUTIONAL GOV., instead of a BANANA REPUBLIC.

BTW G.SOROS OWNS THE VOTING MACHINES IN 16 STATES.see discoverthenetworks.org

Anonymous said...


Remember that Mitt Romney's son and other Republican supporting businessmen own the other voting machine companies.

Electronic voting without a paper trail is a recipe for stolen elections.

JQ LLC said...


This would end with old fashioned paper and ballot boxes. And those glorious old lever machines.

Computer scanners are unreliable and obviously more vulnerable. Technology is ruining everything we hold sacred. Reportedly a lot people that voted for Trump lost their jobs via app related services.

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