Tuesday, November 15, 2016

De Blasio's top adviser exhibits serious lack of judgment

Lincoln Restler, fauxgressive extraordinaire, and senior adviser to Mayor de Blasio, didn't see any problem posting this photo on Facebook. It's beyond stupid, especially coming from a member of an extremely well to do white family.

Does it scare anyone else out there to have people like Lincoln Restler advising the mayor?


Anonymous said...

He needs to be FIRED!

Anonymous said...

Now you wonder why there is so much division in this country.
Not only are the progressives ruining neighborhoods. These will be the very same to move out once it looks like a crap hole.
i guess the racial divide will continue. Sure the terrorists must love this.
It is a pure shame how the message of Love is next to racist comment and black lives matter.
How much were they paid

Anonymous said...

And of course no one in his administration will see an issue here. but if it was a sign that read "F**K Blackness" everyone would be up in arms. so tell me, when did it become a crime to be white? because this idiot in City Hall seems to think being white automatically makes a person racist and xenophobic.

(sarc) said...

This is what happens when you teach people that they have no self worth, no pride, and no respect for themselves.

This is our youth and our future.

You reap what you sow...

Anonymous said...

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others - Animal Farm, by George Orwell.

JQ LLC said...

What color is that fucking douchehag, Lincoln, you stupid fucking hipshit? And why didn't those two older fauxgressives tell her to take down that divisive sign.

Lincoln Restler is a trustfund baby, by the way. He is the seed of rapacious investment firm and energy trader. And entered politics under the tutelage of one Vito Lopez. This worthless parasitic prick is also behind the homeless warehousing plan.



And it obviously clear the loathsomeness and the rising fringe in both political party supporters. Seeing this and the recent racist bragging and assaults on Trump's side really gives me no hope for this nation or humanity if that's a bit hyperbolic.

If these folks don't accept this election and that pitiful excuse of a man that won and march in the streets, that's fine, that's why we have freedom of assembly. But they have to watch their own if they want any credibility or be right on the issues and tell stupid cunts like Lincoln's stupid friend there to dump that sign.

Little Lincoln seems to think that the use of vitriol and hate is okay since Trump campaigned and won with it, so it's fair game. Also that he thinks bad publicity is good duplicity is the law of the land. This guy needs to be put down and sent back to his room without supper and video games.

Jackson Heights Johnny said...

Before moving to Jackson Heights at the age of 13 (I'm now 68), I lived on 98th Street in East Elmhurst, a block that was well integrated long before integration became "fashionable".

I played with other kids of every race, color, and creed, and never thought anything of it because my parents taught me to respect everyone.

Every life (black, white, red, yellow, or polka-dot) is precious in the eyes of God.

Now, our political leaders are telling me that I should hate MYSELF because I was born white. Am I less important in the eyes of God than other human beings of other colors? I think not!


God must be pissed! Oh, that's right: we mustn't talk about God either..

Gary W said...

Reminds me of another little white privileged turd. Bill Ayers

Anonymous said...

Who are the two women with him?

Anonymous said...

That is Lincoln Restler's father, mother and sister in the photo. I assume Lincoln took the photo.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else suspect these fauxgressive political hacks who are getting rich (richer) by the homeless industry all meet every year in the Hamptons and trade stories about the outrageous stunts they have pulled off while comparing bank accounts?

Anonymous said...

Racists, selfhating degenarates.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Freud says: This boy is self-loathing and is punishing himself by projecting his hate on other members of his race. Probably the result of his father not giving him enough attention as a child.

Anonymous said...

So this is how the rich spend their leisure time? Glad I'm poor.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln Restler, hired by DiBlasio -- the Mayor who calls Maspeth racist!

Anonymous said...

My whole life I got along with everyone. Lived with all people. Worked with all people.
I can not believe voting for someone would label me a racist?
Now we all know everyone one day in their lives thought a racial thing and maybe even said it.
We are not a perfect people.
Was I a racist because I did not vote for Obama? Bill Clinton?
And as a woman I did not vote for Hillary because one reason...did not like another four years of Obama. We need a fresh outlook.
Let's give Trump a chance.

Anonymous said...

Will major media networks grab hold of this story? NY1, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, Bloomberg? Probably not.

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a mental disorder with a death wish attached to it.

Joe Moretti said...

So now that we will have a new president who made tons of racist remarks on the campaign trail, puts a major racist on his staff (white nationalist Steve Bannon) as chief strategist, divides the country in so m any pieces, I guess NYC should have a mayor who does the same.

Dumblasio’s top advisor, Lincoln Restler, should be immediately FIRED for any lack of judgement. Do you think he would be taking a photo, if the sign said “Fuck Blackness” or “Fuck Islamness”.

What is wrong with this guy, who should have known better.

I guess we truly are in for a long dark period in America and having deBlasio’s top advisor posing for this photo splashed all over Facebook just adds to the dangerous environment we see unfolding in Trumpland.

Welcome to Civil War II.

One things this proves there are assholes on both sides, but I must say that this behavior of a so-called liberal does even more damage. Are liberals supposed to be better than this. I guess not for some.

But no matter what, the government and the elitist (who are in both parties) win, the more they separate us, the people, the more we lose all power as a democracy.

Anonymous said...

This is what diversity and tolerance has gotten America. Liberals rammed it down our throats and this is the outcome.

kapimap said...

The problems in the friggin country. You can make and laugh at a movie like White Chicks, by the wayan brothers, but god forbid the reverse! There would be rioting in the streets!

Stand up white folks, its not ok ! Dont feel guilty, right is right.

Anonymous said...

Wait--is it really true that this is Restler's family in the picture????
They spring from super-White CANADIAN roots and got rich from Daddy ENRONING the employees at his company holdings. This is truly a laugh--sue them for defaming the White race. What is so wrong about this!!!
I come from a poor working class, uneducated White family that lived in Brooklyn and Queens for years--they did not need an education in their minds because they could work in a factory at a young age. I fought for education as a woman, and went on to college--and when the time came for graduate studies, I had to deal with Affirmative Action and race-based scholarhships, and later for a job in higher education in the 1970's--my Whitemess held me back! And now in my later adult years this whole bag of sh*t is happening again! I have had enough. "White Self Hatred". HA! Let the Restler family donate their fortunes to the "less fortunate".

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Is that a man or woman on the left ?
I bet "It" don't even work or vote !!

Anonymous said...

The illegals voting for you huh DeBlasio?
In a law and order society we respect and follow all laws, remember that.
You and your clowns want to turn the country into a Banana Republic.
Won't work.

Anonymous said...

Something's very very wrong when rich, ultra-privileged white males find that they can shut down all dissent by pointing out that the people who disagree with them are white.

We're going to have to suffer through 4 years of Trump due to exactly this sort of arrogance, and since they're protected from any sorts of repercussions due to their class privilege, it doesn't look like they're going to stop this behavior any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Of course the self-hating hipster little filthy rich boy Lincoln Restler has to act this way. Wouldn't you if you had to look in the mirror every morning and that face is staring back at you? Yikes.

Anonymous said...

That is one fugly family.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that the white-guilt-espousing de Blasio administration has not (yet) proposed paying reparations to the descendants of anyone who suffered under slavery, Jim Crow, prejudice, discrimination, etc, etc, whether it took place in NYC or elsewhere in the country. The gravy train will be pulling out of the station...

Anonymous said...

"Something's very very wrong when rich, ultra-privileged white males find that they can shut down all dissent by pointing out that the people who disagree with them are white."

Last time I checked George Soros was white.So were the rest of the powers to be.
The Clintons are white. So your point is?

"We're going to have to suffer through 4 years of Trump"

Poor thing.Try Mexico.Or Canada so you don't have to suffer.

JQ LLC said...

I meant bad publicity, although duplicity is more apt being the two-faced hypocrites these deplorable people are and how the glom off movements to exploit desperate people's emotions and beliefs. Kind of like how our corrupt mayor exploited and manipulated voters the day he got arrested at LICH.

So this is the entire Restler family. Love and anti-whiteness and all. This family are mongrel hatemongers, craven coattail riders, neoliberal scum and 1 percenters to boot. They think if provoking and inciting people worked for Trump it will work like gangbusters for liberal thinkers too. Everyone on the streets still protesting better get a good look at these people and shun them. They are only using people and movements to enrich themselves

Has this made the mainstream news media yet? Or maybe even that lame ass Gothamist yet, the go to site for LCD clickbait?

As of this time, No

Anonymous said...

A vote for trump was indeed a vote for racism. He was endorsed by the KKK.

My ballot had 4 names on it - two were deplorable major party candidates... I chose one of the others, and I sleep far better at night knowing I 'threw away' my vote instead of giving it to a neolib or nazi lunatic.

Both major parties need to do better, or close up shop and let sensible people take over.

BTW this is my country too, if you disagree. I ain't moving anywhere. Some of you loons want sharia law go move to Iran.

Anonymous said...

That is the whitest picture that I have ever seen!!

Anonymous said...

This is so silly, it is hard to be offended.

Anonymous said...

A serious lack of judgement, just like their boss....clueless, mentally unfit, Duh Blaz!
Make sure that der mayor Wilhelm is a one termer.
A second punch in the balls will completely wreck the city!

Anonymous said...

Give Trump a chance? LOL!
What alternate universe do you live in?

PJ said...

Dig the Perrier bottle...

Anonymous said...

Can someone send this moron back to his real father, Al Franken?

Anonymous said...

""A vote for trump was indeed a vote for racism. He was endorsed by the KKK"

Pure Nonsense !! If you run for some kind off office or job and some group comes out the woodwork with a endorsement comment that make you what they are ?
The media or some "professor" spoon-fed you this "crock logic" didn't they ?

Anonymous said...

>Last time I checked George Soros was white.So were the rest of the powers to be.
>The Clintons are white. So your point is?

My point is that super-rich, super-rich privileged super-white people are the very last ones who should be holding signs reading "Fuck Whiteness".

>Poor thing.Try Mexico.Or Canada so you don't have to suffer.

I think you're confusing me with a Clinton apologist.

Anonymous said...

>A vote for trump was indeed a vote for racism. He was endorsed by the KKK.

Clinton was endorsed by BLM, and by racists like the ones holding "fuck whiteness" signs.

Does that make voting for her a vote for racism?

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Anonymous said...

"A vote for trump was indeed a vote for racism. He was endorsed by the KKK."

You are pathetic. Mr. Trump did not endorse the KKK, has no affiliation with the KKK and is only the lowlifes like you and the corrupt media that would come up with such nonsense!

Now how about some real KKK members like Senator Robert Byrd, Hillary Clinton's mentor?

You can only talk stupid with stupid people, but some of us really know the facts.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

JQ LLC said...

Trump was endorsed by the KKK. He never accepted it because he wouldn't acknowledge them. But he never repudiated them.

Trump reportedly called and thanked Alex Jones. Steve Bannon is a bottom feeding provocative lowlife bigot and he's now his official strategist. The only position that has remained steady in the transition.

Recognize the divide and call them out. Both sides of the divide.

Anonymous said...

We deplorables drink tap water, not San Pellegrino

Anonymous said...

But he never repudiated them.

Repudiate what? The klan that he never acknowledged?
Hillary Clinton praised Robert Byrd. Talk about double standard in your observations.
Steve Bannon rubs the globalist the wrong way. And their henchmen the media.
Good. Is about time we get some real news instead of talking points, leaked debate questions and major ass kissing from the media.
Alex Jones? Really? Do you really wnat to go there? He is anti globalist. That's all he is. They hate him because back in the old days he filmed the powers to be doing some really crazy shit, like praying to an owl.
So there you go chief.

Anonymous said...

But he never repudiated them.

Repudiate what? The klan that he never acknowledged?
Hillary Clinton praised Robert Byrd. Talk about double standard in your observations.
Steve Bannon rubs the globalist the wrong way. And their henchmen the media.
Good. Is about time we get some real news instead of talking points, leaked debate questions and major ass kissing from the media.
Alex Jones? Really? Do you really wnat to go there? He is anti globalist. That's all he is. They hate him because back in the old days he filmed the powers to be doing some really crazy shit, like praying to an owl.
So there you go chief.

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