Monday, November 14, 2016

De Blasio thinks Trump voters are after him

From the Daily News:

Mayor de Blasio is fundraising off Donald Trump’s victory, warning the same “small pockets” that supported Trump in New York are trying to defeat him as mayor.

In an email to campaign supporters Sunday, de Blasio reiterated his vow to resist any effort to deport undocumented immigrants who live in New York, or to take away health insurance or reproductive rights.

“Now, that will probably make us a target of Trump supporters in our upcoming re-election,” de Blasio wrote. “While he only received small pockets of support in New York City, much of it came from people who are prepared to spend a lot of money to defeat us next year.”

He asked for a $3 contribution to his 2017 re-election campaign, in line with his strategy of going after small dollar donors.

Yeah, it's a lot more than Trump voters who won't be voting for you next year. You managed to piss off most of your own party as well, so good luck.


M. How said...

Has anyone come forward to run against him in the next election? If so, I will volunteer to start a petition signed for the person running against him to get him or her on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is always afraid of change.

Jawaharlal Nehru

Anonymous said...

Truth. In many ways he has squandered his chance to lead this city. We need a serious third party challenger to run against him, or a very centralist republican who can not go the authoritarian route that Giuliani aspired to.

JQ LLC said...

With all the dividing and conquering he's done and the all the dark money he accrued in city hall and which he's obviously still doing at that fucking restaurant he hangs out in every friday, and storing poor families and human beings in undesirable rental market rate areas in buildings with shitty upkeep and hotels under neglect, these are the reasons for the collective hatred against him and not a convenient strawman enemy like our president-elect.

it's the refuge of a scoundrel

Anonymous said...

He's right for the first time in his administration, he's right...

(sarc) said...

You can get endless free condoms from all sorts of social services.

So no "reproductive rights " have been cut or limited. The president elect is not yet sworn in.

Has anyone noticed that sexually transmitted diseases have exploded and are up significantly?

How is that working out for you?

Did the comrade sober up for a few days to realize that the political winds may have shifted?

We the People are angry and the useless powers that be are oblivious.

They are pulling out the the same old Alinsky playbook of endless lies and division.

How did that work in the presidential election?

The people are looking and aware.

This may not work so well this next time around...

Anonymous said...

Ha! LOL! He's a smart man!

Anonymous said...

If he reads this I am happy to say it did not take Trump to become president to have me not re vote you in. I did not vote for you to begin with.
In my opinion you have done nothing for us. You with your progressive ways want nice neighborhoods to become like Oregon with drunks, drug addicts and those who do not want to work roam around the community. You do not care how the communities feel about this. You want every one to have their fair share of this on the backs of tax paying citizens and the homeless families who work but fell on hard times. This includes the homeless who lost their jobs too. You make a point of exploiting these people. Then you call the neighborhood people who protest racist and children haters.
Hey you do not even take care of the mentally ill. They are out there roaming our streets a walking time bomb waiting to happen!
For all those young protesters who did not even vote you have no idea what illegals and undocumented workers do to the American workforce. You do not realize it because most of you all go to very expensive colleges and when you enter the workforce you will see it. You will see your money just go to taxes and you are paying for some to sit at home who are abled bodied and can work. You are paying for it. Your parents are.
Then I guess you all missed the class on how the president is elected. Electoral votes always! Never by popular vote.
Hey I am all for peaceful protests and no violence. Yes you will face ignorance and it's on both sides! But get over it he is our president and he has a very big job of cleaning up this mess.
As for the mayor you will be voted out. Plain and simple. You are the swamp monster and corruption is your middle name. Hopefully your sanctuary city will leave and the homeless get back on their feet. You can only help those who want to help themselves. It's no Holiday at the Holiday inns..and the people are watching you!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have seen the look on his face when he found out Trump won. I can't wait to see him start freaking out when the feds come into NYC and start deporting Diblazio's precious illegals and there won't be anything he can do about it.

Joe Moretti said...

As a person who voted for Hillary, dangerous dumblasio certainly will not get my vote, I would vote for anyone else on the ticket than vote for one of the worst mayors in this city. Trump should have run for Mayor of NYC first, to gain some political experience, even I would have voted for him as Mayor as opposed to this fake progressive.

Anonymous said...

So he is asking/begging taxpayers for money to protect those amongst us who are not paying taxes yet use our social services?

Why doesn't he pass the hat around among the illegals he loves so much?

Maybe at Riker's, and ED waiting room, or on line to get food stamps?

How about for once a DemoRat stick up for the taxpayer and not their future blind voters?

Anonymous said...

Sick Marxist bastard knows he's next to have the flush chain pulled on him.
Yes the feds may even come for him, who knows how many skeletons Trump and Rudy G is going to dig up on this administration.
The most corrupt in NYC ever superseding Boss Tweed and all the mob together.

New Sherriff in town Mr Mayor and he's not under your control or on your side.
Bye Bye asshole !!

Anonymous said...

""Has anyone noticed that sexually transmitted diseases have exploded and are up significantly""

True, and its due to the illegals. They are uneducated, big on prostitution services, refuse to use condoms with partners and cant control themselves. Epidemics of STDs in Westbury, Brentwood and South Hampton long Island. Medicaid, county and state hospitals are at the breaking point.

Anonymous said...

De Blasio is a paranoid!
I hope Trump sticks Duh Blah Blah's head on a pike on Brooklyn Bridge!
Let's make New York great again!

Anonymous said...

"Truth. In many ways he has squandered his chance to lead this city. We need a serious third party challenger to run against him, or a very centralist republican who can not go the authoritarian route that Giuliani aspired to."

A first term Rudy is exactly what we need - a socially liberal - fiscal conservative - law and order type.

Anonymous said...

Again...with the rise of STD in the young community I guess they missed that class too.
So what do they learn? I guess how to protest and what makes me laugh some did not even vote?

Anonymous said...

De Blasio thinks Trump voters are after him. At last, a rational, lucid thought from this patronizing asshole.

Gary W said...

Seriously who beats this guy? Does he lose a primary to some other Dem hack? What change would that be?

Does Donald Trump Jr. throw his heat in the ring?

Prepare for another four years of this, or move.

Anonymous said...

He's right! He's history!

Anonymous said...

What has he done for us??
More traffic congestion
Vision a zero...
Bike lanes..
Hotels converted into homeless shelters
Not plowing neighborhoods during the snowstorm
All I saw is how his friends got positions and raises and how corruption is following him
All I saw is his treatment with police and protesting is ok by Trump Tower but not by Steve Banks house?
When chants say Black lives matter....a very important word is missing TOO! Black lives matter TOO...but I want to hear ALL LIVES MATTER....we are people of color....
Saw the tale of two cities still extist DeBlasio and the rest of us.
The movement has begun MR are out of here!!!

Anonymous said...

Did I just read he wants to delete the database of undocumented people living here in NYC???
Wow...and we thought Hillary was bad?
"C"...corruption at its best.
This is the man who wants to be mayor again?
Who in his administration will be in charge of this???...Imagine what they can do to us the little people??? Hint...label all protesters racists and child haters.

Anonymous said...

Hey, shithead Bill dumb Blasio: It's not Trump voters who will be after you, or even Trump himself (well, maybe, and for good cause). You should be afraid of the law to finally nab your crooked, hyper-corrupt, intensely incompetent tail for SO COMPLETELY betraying all pretense of public trust, ethics, integrity, accountability and transparency, that you and your ENTIRELY CORRUPT adminsitration now DEVALUE all honesty itself——to pathologically high treasonous, traitorous and tyrannical effect!

Worse, this idiot and his arrogant staff don't answer letters and telephone calls, and when I finally get someone on the telephone (usually by ambush), they can suspend all cognitive function at will, whilst practicing 'selective' and 'occasional' representation.

Even his sleazy Council Speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito has never returned my calls, despite repeated messages left by staff members! What a filthy disgrace. No wonder democracy is DOA!

Anonymous said...

Not just Trump voters.

Anonymous said...

and rumor has it that hillary clinton will run unopposed for mayor of NYC

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that Trump gets rid of sanctuary cities.
This mayor wants it and why? These people these undocumented workers do they really want to be citizens here? No they take the jobs here and send money back home and when the house down there is paid off they go back. All on the taxpayer dime.
Some don't even work and want a hand out. While we bust our humps here. This is the American dream?
When my great grand parents came from the old country they had a sponsor here and a job in the family fruit store business. No hand outs there. They worked and put three children into college.
They worked seven days a week and never went back to the old country. They became citizens are where proud! They embraced the American dream and always said hard work paid for everything. They lived within their means and that has spread through the generations. Hard work and live within your means.
Now a days these young people do not understand once they graduate college and get a job...who will pay for all these undocumented people? Their health care, shelter the working class people.
So all you 18-35 people who think it's great to be a sanctuary city think again. Don't complain about the crime and the taxes. It is sad to say you will be the ones who will be paying into the social security for people like me...if it is still there. God help us and time to get him out of office.

Anonymous said...

Will Trump be the latest way for DeBlasio to blame everyone but himself for his unpopularity?

Anonymous said...

I hate this loser with a passion. He should be deported himself. I vote to throw him over the new wall that mexico will pay for with the all these illegals!

Anonymous said...

Trump can't get rid of sanctuary cities. He can withhold federal funds from cities that don't report or cooperate on illegals. The cities themselves have to start reporting illegals.

What a DemoRat thing to do: put illegals over your own citizens. How many illegals live in Chappaqua? Even the landscapers are white!

The best thing he can do for the future of this country, after the wall of course, is VOTER ID!!!!!!

That would be huge.

Anonymous said...


Flush socialist Wilhelm De Blasio down the toilet.

Anonymous said...

Trump can't get rid of sanctuary cities. He can withhold federal funds from cities that don't report or cooperate on illegals. The cities themselves have to start reporting illegals.

CORRECT! This is how it will be done and should be done. Money talks. Just threaten to take way that free Federal money from them. Libs/Dems have bullying the states for years this way. Threatening to withhold highway funds and more.

Anonymous said...

"and rumor has it that hillary clinton will run unopposed for mayor of NYC". But first she has to move to NYC. May I suggest Trump Tower, I heard it's very nice and the Secret Service can do double duty.

Anonymous said...

Most illegals work harder than the average new yorker. Not all, but most. I would respect them and losing them will destroy the economy, since most Americans won't do their jobs. And yes Trump voters are after DiBlasio and he will most likely be defeated. He was a middle of the road mayor and kind of passive anyway. I thought this was Queens crap and not Long Island crap by the way, what's with all the long island comments. That's the country and DiBlasio has nothing to do with out there in strip mall land.

(sarc) said...

"Voter ID is racist!!!"

Anonymous said...

Preet please take notice and take this piece of demented trash out of public life.

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that Trump gets rid of sanctuary cities.
This mayor wants it and why?

Because they vote democ-RAT. Like 3 million undocumented for Hillary. Add the dead people who don't, can't attend rallies (obviously), but they always vote democ-RAT.

Anonymous said...

Here the mayor is asking all Americans to protest Trump.
Most Americans that voted for Trump, the whole election results map is red!
Talk about a total dumb ass.

This dude needs to be voted out at the first opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Most illegals work harder than the average new yorker. Not all, but most. I would respect them and losing them will destroy the economy, since most Americans won't do their jobs. And yes Trump voters are after DiBlasio and he will most likely be defeated. He was a middle of the road mayor and kind of passive anyway. I thought this was Queens crap and not Long Island crap by the way, what's with all the long island comments. That's the country and DiBlasio has nothing to do with out there in strip mall land.

OK we are not arguing over their work habits. We are arguing over the fact that they are illegally here. They should do what all immigrants do and come in legally and struggle just as hard as immigrants before them. My grandmother came here legally, worked 3 jobs to support 8 kids while my grandfather was not a good man. They struggled and back then there was no such thing as welfare and medicaid. Why is it fair that a regular citizen has to juggle three jobs to survive these days and then are told that they don't qualify for medicaid just because they are "over the threshold on income" and they work 3 part time Jobs or 2 full time jobs just to be told such a thing, meanwhile, the only reason they did not get insurance through their jobs is because they couldn't afford the pay cut because you have to pay so much for rent and then they get thrown into obamacare which is pretty damn expensive. Meanwhile the illegal doesn't pay any taxes on his pay, makes up a fake Ss number whenever he goes to the hospitals or is entitled to some kind of medical assistance. Alot of these illegals go through charity review to pay for their hospital stays If they could not fraud the government out of medicaid. Then they send all their non-taxed money back home to their motherlands while they sleep 6 grown men in a one bedroom apartment (this is why nyc Rent is so high) or live 2 families In a 2 bedroom apartment. Then in 15-20 years they have saved enough money to build a nice big house back in their motherlands and have enough saved from American money so they can either retire in their own countries or only work a little part time job there and live very nicely. Meanwhile, back at home, the citizen thar worked 3 jobs or 2 full time jobs most of their lives, can not afford to retire because medicare premiums are so high and rent is still ridiculously expensive and they didn't save enough because they had to pay off 100k in student loans studying a field that just keeps getting outsourced to Indians and they had a hard time finding a job because she isnt a foreigner or "no habla Español" or any other language for that matter. And this is where the working class citizen got screwed.

(sarc) said...

Most low pay jobs are being eliminated, especially when the local government is forcing employers to give raises to those who do not deserve it. Minimum wage is going to be fifteen dollars an hour.

Did you notice the new kiosks in the local fast food establishments?
Have you seen or heard about the self driving Uber cars?
Robotic hamburger machines?

So many jobs will be eliminated by technology in the next few years, and all of the uneducated, undocumented, and illegals will be in homeless shelters permanently on public assistance that the rest of us will be paying even more to support...

GaryW said...

Anyone who supports sanctuary cities is G-Damn Neo Confederate. A city can not just pick and choose what Federal law it wants to abide by. Look at that moron county clerk who didn't want to sign off on marriage licenses for gays(she was a Dem by the way) boy the left sure got huffy and puffy when she decided not to obey Federal law. Sanctuary cities? Silence!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes this is Queens crap but when people say bus them Upstate etc...just want to clarify that NYS is a right to shelter....they will be in every community...five boroughs, Upstate and Long Island.
We are all getting our fair share of this and our progressive mayor will be pushing this more down our throats because he has no real solution to this and he is all for the sanctuary city.

Anonymous said...

a giant CRAP sandwich
the more bread you have the less crap you gotta eat

Julie B. said...

I predict that deBlahBlah will be re-elected. Why? No one will challenge him in a primary, and Republicans are neither numerous or motivated enough to vote their candidate in. I'd love to hear from you that I'm wrong and why, but we can see the future.

Anonymous said...

I never thought that I would be finding myself wishing that Bloomberg was back.
This torpid turd is far worse than Mayor Mike.
Change your meds, big Bill, or change your psychiatrist.

Anonymous said...

>No one will challenge him in a primary, and Republicans are neither numerous or motivated enough to vote their candidate in. I'd love to hear from you that I'm wrong and why, but we can see the future.

We had 20 years of Republican mayors before DeBlasio. Why would you think a Republican couldn't get elected, especially given how widely disliked the mayor is, and given who just got elected President?

Anonymous said...

> while they sleep 6 grown men in a one bedroom apartment (this is why nyc Rent is so high) or live 2 families In a 2 bedroom apartment.

Stuffing more people into fewer apartments means less demand, which makes rents lower, not higher.

Julie B. said...

Anonymous, that's because three-term Bloomberg wasn't a red-state Republican, and Giuliani ran to change NYC after it had been a toilet since the mid-60's. Also, we now have a lot more people who want free stuff. I voted for Lhota--how many were with me just 4 short years ago?

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