Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bill may allow MTA to build contrary to zoning

From Curbed:

The MTA may be able to push forward unfettered development on the agency’s 656 properties throughout New York City should Governor Cuomo not sign a bill into law that amends ambiguous text within the city’s 2016 budget.

State law has traditionally read that, for “transportation purposes,” the MTA doesn’t have to comply with local zoning ordinances; but the definition of “transportation purposes” got a hefty expansion in April when the state budget was passed with a tweak to how those words are defined. Under the new definition, it includes not only infrastructure for trains and buses but also other developments that will help cover their costs by providing revenue.

Now, local lawmakers are worried that the cash-strapped organization may take advantage of the ambiguity to lease development rights at the sites to developers. As a result, historic preservation groups the Municipal Arts Society and Historic Districts Council are calling for Governor Cuomo to ratify the law that would restore the initial meaning of the clause by its deadline of November 28.

Under the new definition of “transportation purposes,” MAS says that the MTA’s 656 New York City-owned properties, as well as other properties owned by MTA in Long Island and the Hudson River Valley, would be opened up to unchecked development with a diminished public review process.

This includes 221 sites that are zoned for residential use within the city like 40 Quay Street in Brooklyn and 1190 Second Avenue in Manhattan. A series of case studies by the institution illustrate how the MTA would be able to build in extreme excess of what zoning laws allow should they so choose.


JQ LLC said...

Another reason to hate the worst transit system in the fucking world and Mario's motherfucking son.

I can't wait, as certainly others will, to contribute to this advantageous legislation and further shitty and overcrowded transit service with that extra quarter they plan to extract from my wallet every day.

Anonymous said...

Fucked again!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Government fascism hard at work, ignoring the rules for whom they oddly expect, insist and demand that everyone else diligenty comply.

And, that's why lawlessness, vigilantism and outright anarchy in the streets is on the rise under THIS totally corrupt-and-crooked administration that absolves the madness at the top, while everyone else continues to pay a soul-crushing price!

And, soon there will be revolution (mark my words!), because of an incurable illness called naked GREED!

Anonymous said...

Previous poster.

Don't know what they put in your cool-aide, but people in NYC, particularly in Queens (with few notable exceptions), pretty much go with whatever is tossed in their lap.

The Manhattan groups are fired up over this, but they don't need, nor care to, make common cause with Queens for obvious reasons.

Anonymous said...

When you lie to government it's a felony
When government lies to the people It's Politics
Move along.

Anonymous said...

Government is like religion,everyone at the top gets to fuck whoever they want with immunity and impunity.

Anonymous said...

"Government is like religion,everyone at the top gets to fuck whoever they want with immunity and impunity."

Tell that to the Hillary supporters. Everyone I know who voted for Trump grew up Democrats, and because the party bosses believe this statement they turned to Trump.

Anonymous said...

Thank God Broadway Flushing is on the national register of historic places.
This would prevent this kind of shit from happening.
State approval would also be necessary.

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