Thursday, August 18, 2016

Van Bramer wants discount Metrocards for welfare recipients

From NY1:

A new bill would help some of the poorest New York City residents pay for their MetroCards.

Queens Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer introduced legislation on Tuesday that would require the city to provide half-priced MetroCards to welfare recipients who need to travel to work in order to receive their aid.

“It seems obvious to us that if the city requires folks who are on public assistance to work in order to receive public assistance, they should be able to get a discounted ride to get to work and be eligible for public assistance in the first place,” Van Bramer said.

Van Bramer said he was not sure how many residents would be eligible for the discount, though he said it was “an investment worth making.”


georgetheatheist said...

Hey Jimmy. Why not provide each welfare recipient a discount for the Citibike program? So they can make use of the way-underutilized bike lanes? (Take Queens Boulevard's lanes. They're empty as they are right now.) In any event, it will provide the welfare recipient with good, healthy exercise.

Am I right or wrong? Whadya say?

Anonymous said...

Van Bramer plays politics with by denying public funds to undercut programming for groups that dare to disagree with him on public issues.

Since he wants to throw them in poverty could he expand that program to cover the financial burdens he imposes on them, too?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wtf? Most people who are on welfare in this city shouldn't even live in this country to begin with. The other part of the people who are on welfare, are just too lazy to work. It's sad what this country especially this city has come down to....low lives who have drug problems who do nothing but complain or illegals who have no business being here who do nothing but demand free services and complain. It's one or the other and it's a sad sad situation.

JQ LLC said...

Beat me to it George. But I wanna triple dog dare Top Jimmy and whoever the transportation commissioner is, let's call him or Sadik-kahn Jr. and suggest that Citibank, who can't help but plaster their logo everywhere and want to turn the all the streets in Manhattan into pedestrian and bike fairways on the weekend, give the homeless and the destitute of middle Queens and the rest of the city free Shitibike memberships to allay any expenditures so they can muster up some savings to buy food, clothes and get a decent affordable place to live (if there is anywhere anymore in this town). Kind of like...a bailout. Call it the Emergency Transportation Stabilization act.

Loyal Queens Democrat said...


Why stop there? Shouldn't I get discounts on malt liquor too?

Former Bernie Sanders Supporter

Anonymous said...

Quess we'll see discounted Metro Cards being sold outside of train stations soon just like they used to do with Food Stamps

Anonymous said...

Discount metrocards should only be given to the elderly and the disabled. NUFF SAID !!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that the White Privileged Crowd won't mind my half priced metro card fee put on Thier property tax.
White Privilege must pay up for its sin,guilt and pain.

Anonymous said...

I don't want 1/2 off,I want free and your seat.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant on the part of Crappy to suggest Bull-Shitty Bikes for persons 'in need'!

This will kill those damn bikes for we know that hips-shits, tho not bright as a rule, are really savvy to empty things like image
which the city has done everything it can to build for those bikes
despite common sense shows their real lack of usefulness.

Doing something like this - giving it to the disadvantaged, is a spot on idea,

but will not happen as it will make the bikes no longer 'cool'
thereby hurting efforts to lower the carbon footprint,
which in turn opens the door for more development,
which is the real purpose behind the hype behind this bike bullshit.

Anonymous said...


Boss Tweed. Bread and soup down at the docks.

Anonymous said...

This city will one day be down to twelve people with full-price metrocards, each paying $3,486,347.50 a month.

Anonymous said...

"provide half-priced MetroCards to welfare recipients who need to travel to work"

But if everyone is going to make $15+ cooking fries at McDonalds, then they don't need any other subsidies, right????

Isn't that double dipping? Forcing wage hikes to cover living expenses, then providing free/discounts on living expenses.

georgetheatheist said...

Action speaks louder than words

C'mon, Jimmy. By proposing this, you're admitting that the bike lanes are a USELESS means for transportation.

Anonymous said...

Why not?? Anything else somebody would like??? I am very happy to work for it to help pay for it. That way, I will avoid taking my vacation and others can save up their money in order to pay for plane tickets for the whole family to visit their country. Discounted food, rent, health care and now transportation. They could now probably take an additional round trip plane ticket! While we struggle and save for a regular vacation here in the US we can drive to.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Howabout giving discounts to people who work their asses off daily, waking up and have to go to work no matter how tired or sick they are and no matter how much they have to pay out of their pockets for transportation and healthcare so the so called "underprivledged" aka lazy asses can hang out on the benches or corners, perhaps going to the beach and walk their pedigree pet around the housing they get for free and the wonderful Mayor giving them free WiFi and cable. Now that is "Queens Crap"!!

(sarc) said...

Has anyone ever thought about a check on the immigration status for all the free benefits and perks???

JQ LLC said...

Howabout giving discounts to people who work their asses off daily, waking up and have to go to work no matter how tired or sick they are and no matter how much they have to pay out of their pockets for transportation and healthcare so the so called "underprivledged" aka lazy asses can hang out on the benches or corners...

As a guy who works his ass off wakes up and goes to a city that has clearly no use for me or other hard workers anymore and has basically told us to, like ford and the feds once said, drop dead, I like to ask...what health care?

Anonymous said...

Let him donate some of the thousands of dollars he gets from his real estate industry developer friends and campaign contributors.
As I see it, Van Backdoor is on municipal city council welfare at the expense of us taxpayers.
No, Jimmy, you might be used to it, but WE DO NOT BEND OVER FOR YOU?
Vote the sniveling , nasal, whining SOB out! This little traitor has fucked his district royally, with a spiked dildo!

The Investigator said...

What kind of air freshener does Van B's staff use when his reamed-out ass walks by their desks?

LibertyBoyNYC said...

Hard to ride a bike when you can't keep your balance on a good day.

Van B's staff said...

"Jimmy, wipeand clean off your ass, or get the hell away from us!"

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