Saturday, August 27, 2016

Untidy tree pit tripping hazards

Hi Crapper,

On my way home from the Met game Friday night waiting to board the Q16 bus I could not help but notice some serious sidewalk trip hazards.You can see in my attached pictures how dangerous the sidewalk is. There are a total of six empty tree pits in the middle of 39th Ave between Union street and 138th street. Most are filled with litter including broken glass and cans along with commercial garbage from the local establishments. It just angers me why some home owners in Queens are being nickel & dimed with fines over minute sidewalk and curb conditions while these serious trip hazards are allowed in the middle of a busy transportation hub.

Thanks... The Queens Sentry


Anonymous said...

I'm all for planting trees in the city but they need to replant the cut down trees quicker so that these empty pits do not sit creating both a hazard and eyesore.

JQ LLC said...

What happened to Mayor Fun Size's (now CEO of Bloomberg Philanthropies, HA) million trees program, did they already plant them all? And how did they miss these pits, considering it's in a very populous area with some of the shitty council's most influential members?

Anonymous said...

Half the trees that were planted since 2000 have already died and the contractor who was required to replace any dead tree within 2 years of it's planting has already replaced most of them....but those too have died. Big Fail.

Anonymous said...

The sidewalk in these pictures was made wider a few years ago. The tress were originally planted on the curb. They were attractive and provided much needed relief from the sun while waiting to board the buses. When the plans to widen main street were disclosed by the city a few weeks ago I can imagine the same "Crap" happening too. !

Anonymous said...

What kills me is that they spend all this money on buying trees, planting them and then no one takes care of them. What about those lazy slobs at the Parks Dept? Instead of buying weed, smoking it and glad handing with the homies, they could be taking care of the tree pits. Thanks to Affirmative Action no one gives a crap anymore. People used to care and business's and home owners would take care of the trees and pits. What happened was Affirmative Action. No one does anything out of the goodness of their heart when NYC is paying.

Anonymous said...

It's not a trip hazard if you are paying attention while you walk.

Jerry Rotondi, former Flushing enthusiast said...

Lucky it was not human waste.
I have noticed some of that too, which was left on Flushing's back streets.
And where is Koo, Stavisky, Meng, CB7, Flushing Chamber, the BID ?
Busy spin doctoring how vibrant, bustling and great that Flushing is.
LIARS, all!
Though it costs me more, I use the LIRR.
Wouldn't set foot in the downtown hub except if absolutely necessary!


Anonymous said...

Those trees used to provide shade to the pedestrians as well as the people who were waiting for the buses. Unfortunately those trees were cut down illegally during the construction at 136-82 39th Avenue without Park Dept's permits. Seems neither Park Dept. nor Building Dept. care.

Anonymous said...

"It's not a trip hazard if you are paying attention while you walk"
How about when it snows ?
How do you think the blind and handicapped people get around ?

Anonymous said...

Queens County: Garbage everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Wrong! Those trees died and were replaced by Marigold flowers long before the construction across the street started.
Proving what? You can't have beauty and shade where barbarians roam the streets. Pearls before swine!
Notice those women around the corner on Union Street squatting in tree pits hawking veggies grown in those contaminated community gardens intended only for planting flowers?
This is how your town fathers of Flushing treat their turf. They are only there to milk it for political gain.
If CB7 vanished tomorrow, it would not make a difference. Marilyn Bitterman would miss her $90,000+ a year. That's all.

Anonymous said...

>How do you think the blind and handicapped people get around ?

By paying attention, presumably.

Anonymous said...

Please explain to us WTF does "One Flushing" actually do?
With sooooh many organizations in Flushing, how come the place still looks and smells like shit?
Hmmmmm....especially during the sizzling summer season!

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