Saturday, August 13, 2016

Maspeth homeless shelter meeting was quite a spectacle

I will try to summarize the most relevant points about the Maspeth homeless shelter meeting below.

This video shows the first 30 minutes or so of the meeting, featuring a screeching Liz Crowley and Yabba Dabba Joe Addabbo. Some of the first public speakers are also included.

(Incidentally, I believe this is the video that Gothamist reporter Emma Whitford used to write her false headline which Brooklyn BP Eric Adams then got his knickers in a twist over. Why actually attend a meeting and gather your own facts when you can just crib off someone else's work and call yourself a reporter on your résumé?)

I don't know if anyone has an estimate of how many people showed up Thursday, but suffice it to say that hundreds were inside the auditorium and hundreds more were turned away.

Perhaps the best comment of the night came from Maspeth activist and Republican Assembly candidate Tony Nunziato, who pointed out that people are upset because the city wants to dump something in Maspeth that will require security and additional police manpower in order to protect the community from it. (Incumbent State Assemblywoman Marge Markey did not attend the meeting.)

Those who couldn't get in marched down to the hotel to protest. When the meeting concluded, many others joined them. One person received a summons for disorderly conduct.

Lincoln Restler attended but did not speak. He spent the whole night with his nose in his cell phone. Acacia Network did not send a representative to answer questions for some reason.

There was no mention of the "alternate" plan proposed earlier.

Today it was revealed that the Acacia Network has been looking to hire social workers for the Holiday Inn shelter since July, well before the secret meeting at the Maspeth Library.


Anonymous said...

The biggest spectacles amassed will not stop the city's plans to continue to dump shit into the far corners of Queens.
Notice how that homeless shelter for northeast Queens was quickly squashed without a rally. The covert planning commission of NYC plans to dump everything not wanted by the northeast into pockets of Queens that have been crapped on for years. It's about containment. Contain the crap in what the city sees as the "crap" nabes and leave the "desirable" ones alone. Thems r da facts. Like it or leave it. That is the way your crooked pols see it. Chew their asses off at the polls if you want change.

Anonymous said...

Very fitting that Crowley and Addabbo turned their backs to the people. Didn't have the nerve to lie to there faces .

Anonymous said...

Makes me want to loose my lunch watching Lizzy say to the people she is on their side. She did nothing to stop Glendale shelter and Maspeth is in deep shit if they are counting on her.

Anonymous said...

Civil disobedience, ah, this could get interesting.

Anonymous said...

This crowd has the right attitude, tar and feathers should be next.

Anonymous said...

any elected official that is in that district should be replaced if the proposal goes forward- no if and or buts- saying that you are on our side does not mean anything- if the homeless shelter goes up it means you have failed as a local political leader and should be replaced-

LibertyBoyNYC said...

I was one of the early speakers, the one waving the video camera. I lost my temper - sorry!! So I called the comptroller and the office told me to write a letter, gave me a by-name referral. The community is clearly under attack, targeted. The press coverage is wholly inaccurate if not altogether dismissive of the unwashed rabble who dare speak truth to power. This shelter plan benefits no one. The city jumbles true hard-luck cases with repeat sex offenders, hard drug addicts, and the mentally infirm and then boxes them all up together and ships them to a place with scant public transport, no medical facilities, few service jobs for the taking, into a facility that has no kitchens and will not be provided security, across from public parks. It's an assault. We in Maspeth know that our properties sit on a crossroads, three miles from midtown, with no trains running through. We know the value of what we hold. We understand that property values depend on location. Who are these inbreds kidding?

Anonymous said...

If Liz Crowley is "with us" and on our side, she should have no problem using her discretionary funds to hire an attorney to represent us against the shelter. What about Addabbo? What about Markey? It's time to put up or shut up. They are supposed to represent their constituents (us). Time for them to earn their salaries by banding together and hiring a lawyer to fight the shelter. Let's see who is the first one to expend that money.

JQ LLC said...

Right On liberty boy. Especially focusing on those with hard luck, mostly from wage stagnation, layoffs and the pestilence of gentrification displacing people from homes. Mayor Big Pussy is a stone spineless coward for refusing to show himself and send that sap commissioner in his stead. Which he happens to do all the time. He even hands the mic over to his advisers and certain officials so he can duck out of a question. He clearly knows not what he's doing, but he's good at campaigning and raising and laundering money.

Be wary of these devils, for they like to control the narrative, and they have a compliant subservient local news media to do their bidding. Especially a duplicitous newssite like gothamist

This is for gothamist: stick to writing about overpriced artisanal food and events featuring your buddies at the Brooklyn Night Bazaar (Gentrification's useful idiots). Because you are out of your league here.

Anonymous said...

Massive Civil disobedience and the media attention it will bring to these corrupt politicians is going to be the only way to stop this.
The city is likely doing this to get federal $$ money from Obama to house adult refugees (including Syrian) The feds have a gag order on disclosure of this as part of the deal. People need to look at the bigger picture, this could very well be far more serious then it appears now.
Maspeth is in big BIG BIG BIG trouble if this isn't stopped !!

Middle Villager said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Middle Villager said...

If Liz Crowley is "with us" and on our side, she should have no problem using her discretionary funds to hire an attorney to represent us against the shelter.... Just laughed so hard I pissed my pants.

Ned said...

No, state, county, neighborhood country can preserve it’s liberties and quality of life if their rulers are not warned from time to time that they work for their people and THOSE PEOPLE reserve the of right lawsuits, rebellion and large scale civil disobedience. The media loves that shit !!
Now heed this quote from Thomas Jefferson who like Ben Franklin saw this shit coming and warned of it.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is it's natural manure”
-Thomas Jefferson November 13, 1787


Anonymous said...

Bring me the head of Gilbert Taylor. he screwed up so bad that Banks is doing his job and Taylor's.

Terminate Banks, he's out of his league. go back to harassing mayors Banks. You've allowed the Caribbeans, convicted felons and illegal immigrants working at HRA to destroy a city agency. where are the White Americans employed at HRA? They're not there because the black Caribbeans, Africans and Pakistani's won't allow it. Shame on you Banks. Can't wait until a black woman forces you out of your job. Oh I forgot, HRA tried that. The black women Affirmative Action hires all scammed too much money and it cost the city millions to settle. Verna Eggelston? remember her.

Anonymous said...

deport illegal aliens, that will free up many apartments and jobs.

Anonymous said...

What portion of that 1.7 Billion Dollars went to the lazy do nothing employees at both DHS and HRA? Those city employees are a BIG part of the problem. Get rid of their unions, because their unions help them to DO NO REAL WORK.

Anonymous said...

Dept of Social Services = HRA. the employees of this agency are THE problem.

As for the poster who writes about relocating Syrian refugees, they are right. I've seen signs in multiple languages put on NYC public HS saying this location is refugee center. Dept of Social Services has entire center dedicated to illegal immigrants.

Anonymous said...

Looks like they're making Republicans.

Anonymous said...

It was the same thing with the Pan Am protests--"get a job," etc. The deck is stacked with media outlets looking for a quick click bait approach to the story. They want the insensitive NIMBY angle because it stokes the flames of the narrative(s) they want to believe are already there about middle class America. I remember that from the DNA Info article a few years back--look at the signs!!!--now look at that area and see for yourself how it is. Disgraceful.

Sad part is, the aforementioned outlets are going to find that angle no matter if it is there or isn't. They find their way to feelings instead of the truth.

Meanwhile, this DHS/shelter stuff, as Queens Crap has so diligently documented over the past few years, is BIG $$$$$ for the pols and the developers. I almost can't believe the dollar amounts that are being kicked around all of NYC as it relates to this issue. It's deflating that this garbage is allowed to continue, with the money trail covered up by everybody's hurt fucking feelings.

Big ups to the people of Maspeth who came out to fight to keep their neighborhood from these shady dealings, as futile as it might be. Shine a light on the money trail, Crapper! It's the only way to get out from under all the sobbing and whimpering that allows this scam to continue to be perpetrated.

- Former Elmhurst Resident

Anonymous said...

Did anybody else have a problem listening to Elizabeth Crowley's speech? It was like going to the dentist. What a horrible council woman!

Anonymous said...

Amazing that Dizzy Lizzy Crowley always has to read from a script. She sounds like a 6th grade student reading an essay. You'd think that by now she would know the facts about the shelter and would be able to speak about the issues without reading from a typed statement. Try using bullet points instead of a prepared script written by one of your 22-year old staffers.

Anonymous said...

"Amazing that Dizzy Lizzy Crowley always has to read from a script."
If she only had a brain.

Res Ipsa said...

Dept of Social Services = HRA. the employees of this agency are THE problem.

As for the poster who writes about relocating Syrian refugees, they are right. I've seen signs in multiple languages put on NYC public HS saying this location is refugee center. Dept of Social Services has entire center dedicated to illegal immigrants.

Wrong. THE problem is the leadership. That means the Commissioners and the person who appointed them...aka the mayor. Getting mad at the rank and file employees is like spitting in the wind. The rank and file folks have a job to do. The people at the top of the chain (Commissioners) are the ones who are creating the strategy/policy regarding this issue. Those folks can only do what they do at the mayor's direction. Take for example Steven Banks, head of HRA & DHS. He was an advocate for homeless people for decades prior to joining this administration. Is it any surprise that he would advocate for more housing and shelters for homeless people? That's what he devoted his entire career to! If you're looking for someone to limit the amount of homeless in this City and/or send them back to their home states and cities, it will not be someone who has made a life out of trying to get more housing for homeless people.

Don't make the same mistake in 2017.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like she has a speech impediment. She's barely literate.

Anonymous said...

Amazingly, Tony Nunziato was beat up for running against Marge Markey the first time. He was told to back down or deal with the consequences. He didn't adhere and all the major local businesses, including Maspeth Federal, took their business away from him as a punishment for running against Markey. Look who showed up and defended Maspeth when they needed someone. I hope Maspeth remembers that on election day. It shouldn't be about voting down party lines, but voting for the official will fight for their constituents. Get out and vote Maspeth!

Anonymous said...

This is a City issue not State. The only one who can do anything is Liz Crowley. You don't really think Cuomo would stop this,do you?

Anonymous said...

Crowley, Addobbo and Markey are all in this together. They are working on putting a shelter in our area and not actively fighting to keep one out. They can deny it all they want, but actions speak louder than words. Ask them why the residents of Glendale and Middle Village had to fund their own lawsuit and neither politico would support the fight.

Anonymous said...


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