Friday, August 19, 2016

Astoria Park getting an upgrade

From NY1:

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the funding for the five parks on Thursday: St. Mary's Park in The Bronx, Highbridge Park in Manhattan, Betsy Head Park in Brooklyn, Astoria Park in Queens, and Freshkills Park on Staten Island.

Each will get $30 million to add and improve amenities like soccer fields, comfort stations, running tracks, and hiking trails.

City officials said the parks were chosen based on historical underinvestment, high surrounding population, and potential for development.

Okay, but Astoria Park has had millions poured into it over the years and how much more can it be developed?


georgetheatheist said...

I wish they would deaden the sound of the traffic on the overarching Triborough Bridge. What a racket!

Anonymous said...

$30 million for one f***ing park?! Jimmy is rolling in the dough. What about the rest of Queens that really needs it?

Queens Crapper said...

Costa, not Jimmy

JQ LLC said...

Forest 'dark' park needs more lights, and repaved roads and sidewalks. And a lot trees are dying there too, last time I rode there, there were huge broken branches strewn about the curvy roads. One day, a biker or runner is going to get killed from above.

JQ LLC said...

I guess the mayor hasn't been to Melinda's beloved flushing meadows. Hopefully, maybe that kanye west parking lot concert will make some sort of contribution.

Anonymous said...

This is a total scam. Take a close look at these "underfunded parks in poor neighborhoods..." Fresh Kills? A forever project; Lacks public trans access.

Anonymous said...

Parks money for "less advantaged communities", what the hell does that mean?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

newfound money in the budget?
couldn't waste more on homeless?

Anonymous said...

Money going to Astoria Park to provide amenities for the waterfront projects that will never get built and the Vallone Family Entertainment Center that will.

Anonymous said...

How about Cunningham Park? You have a high school cross country course that the Queen's kids run on that is an embarrassment. The Bronx get a world class course in Van Cortland park and Queens gets a weed lined rocky path. And while you're at it, how about putting in a running track. It would look much better than those piles of dirt and debris that take up half the park.

I bet these improvements could be made for not so much money.

Anonymous said...

For what, and for whom?
This is just to buy votes from the local residents.

ron s said...

Is any money going to the lame Vallone diving pool project? Note that it is currently a fenced in, weed overgrown hole with stagnant water. What a community addition!

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