Monday, August 15, 2016

An attempt to minimize patronage

From the Daily News:

City jobs would have to be publicly posted for two weeks before someone is hired under a bill set to be introduced in the City Council this week, in a move meant to cut down on patronage.

Councilman Ben Kallos (D-Brooklyn) is sponsoring the legislation to require 14 days of online job postings before interviews are done for government jobs.

Kallos said he wants to rein in patronage hiring at the city Board of Elections — where officials have long resisted calls to publicly post all their jobs.

It's nice to publicly post jobs, but they will reserve the positions for their friends and relatives anyway.


(sarc) said...

It is always who you know!

That is why everyone wants to know me...

Anonymous said...

Notice how the people in Queens say nothing when their taxes are diverted from their community to the rich waterfront developers.

When you have a poor self image and are from a traditional society it is perfectly fine for your wife and kids to stand in a slushy puddle, then a half hour bus ride to your little hovel while the more savvy Manhattanites ride subway trains.

People, when you learn to grow a pair you might get treated with some respect.

kapimap said...

When someone is a "sure win".he is already hired. No biggie waiting 2 weeks, the fix is in.

Most city jobs are fixed. They are also segregated, by race! You cant hide it.

How is it that parking enforcement, school security,parks department, all dominated by 1 kind!

If you are a real nyker', you know this already.

Jobs are steered in the right direction by other gubmint agencys.

Anonymous said...

Meaningless gesture by the Council to make it look like they do something.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it won't be too effective, but It's a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

It's a start. Or will this just delay everything for two weeks?

Anonymous said...

More bullshit that changes nothing. I am a permanent city employee who applied for more internal positions that anyone I know, and I thought that I had an edge because I earned a Master's Degree, on the way to post doctoral work.

The Irish at the Transit Authority are the worst and they openly practice their racism against any and all of Italian extraction! Despite my stellar background, these empowered idiots (with a high school education), prefer pretty little Black women with no pedigree. I was up for a senior management position that was clearly part of the Affirmative Action quota system, and I was merely interviewed as a courtesy for a six-figure position that ultimately went to a younger Black woman with no qualifications whatsoever!

So, there you have it, folks--the MTA's hiring by way of cronyism and nepotism that is alive and flourishing. MTA: Mismanagement, Trauma and Arrogance!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Notice how the people in Queens say nothing when their taxes are diverted from their community to the rich waterfront developers."

but Dizzy Lizzy has "participatory budgeting"

Anonymous said...

It the Irish,OK idiot,my brother is very high up there in one of the major civil service positions and he is one of those racist Italian haters according to you,now let me tell you how it works,as per him,his department always has multiple open positions with many young black women among others applying and he interviews all applicants THEN HE IS ORDERED LET ME REPEAT ORDERED BY THE COMMISSIONER TO ONLY,ONLY,ONLY HIRE BLACK,HIS DEPARTMENT IS 100% YOUNG BLACK WOMEN, most don't last long and then he has to let them go then deal with the lawsuits,they get 8 to 10 chances just so the courts see how they bend over backwards to make Thierry case,most settle for cash and walk to make room for Get Ready the next young black female,if he was allowed to hire company Italians like you his department would be 100%white,productive,educated loyal employees I'm sorry you feel it's Irish racism.

Anonymous said...

Competent Italians,sorry for the typo.

Anonymous said...


He needs to go to the media and blow the whistle on this blatant racism.

Anonymous said...

City jobs have become very racist. I don't understand how so many Chinese are working in the post office now when last I heard many years ago, there was a long wait list of people trying to get city jobs through civil service exams. In the hospital systema they only want registrars to be bilingual which I think is total garbage because people should learn english when they come to america. Something is not right within the city jobs hiring. The way they do it is very unfair and very racist.

Anonymous said...


The Commissioner must like them booties.

Anonymous said...

Now, before you 'go off the rails,' Anonymous, your Irish brother in civil service is no different than whatever racism I experienced from the Irishman who interviewed me with contempt, and I frankly couldn't care less WHAT nationality is doing the abuse and discrimination. That doesn't absolve your brother from accountability, ethics and fair play, or anyone else who willfully engages in discrimination, cronyism, nepotism and every other tactic that betrays public trust (whether forced or voluntary).

And, calling names online only makes yourself look foolish. I'm not the idiot here, but there are plenty of paid idiots in civil service who are ORDERED to look the other way because there jobs and paychecks are at stake, as they do the unlawful, discriminatory bidding of the higher-ups that always wind up weakening and eroding the entire civil service system (the remnants thereof), to a raw sewage plant of political patronage and the worst qualifications that continue to destroy the system from the top on down---and, your brother, Irish or otherwise, is one of the reasons why the system no longer works.

As long as this vicious cycle of 'hiring out of fear' continues, then the entire city loses, not to mention the already overburdenend taxpayer at the mercy of more of the same taxation without representation.

I have no pity for anyone who plays this game without blowing the whistle--despite the almost certain consequences of job retaliation. Practices like this have destroyed civil service to smithereens!

Anonymous said...

Last anon is correct: "I was ordered to do it under threat of termination" is absolutely zero excuse for corruption. It is in fact the key to its perpetuation, and carries full guilt. Either blow the whistle or quit. However much discretion or dramatic a gesture you want to make of either is your call.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you care thus the Irish racist,I was turned down by an Italian women in the fire department ,never thought to call myself a victim of Italian racism,I see your point now,thanks.

Anonymous said...

OK Serpico,everyone should be a whistle-blower.

Anonymous said...

And, if everyone actually used their First Amendment rights to whistleblow, last Anonymous, whenever corruption is witnessed (you, know: 'If you see something, SAY SOMETHING,' as city and state government strenuously emphasize), then it would disarm and alert the dishonest powers that be that their bullshit and bullying tactics will finally result in serious consequences--NOT for the messenger--but for the abusers themselves!

And, YES--everyone in the rank and file SHOULD be a whistleblower---you got something against calling out corruption??---what are you a corrupt, Queens politician trolling about on Queens Crap??

Serpico was a true hero--we could urgently use a few more thousand like him right now i this filthy, corruption laden city--despite how the purportedly honest city governemnt, public service system attempted to first kill Serpico, then ambush him to oblivion altogether.

Is that what you are suggesting, Anonymous??---to conitnue living in a city based on government fear and paralysis in order to FOIST their corruption, graft and greed on everyone else??

❝Those who surrender freedom for security deserve neither.❞ ---Benjamin Franklin

❝Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.❞ ---Voltaire

Anonymous said...

"I was just following orders." - Germany 1945, Queens 2016

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