Saturday, July 30, 2016

Developer plans to preserve Child Restaurant exterior

Via Facebook:

A G.A.H.S. Exclusive!

"At long last, attached, please find the rendering for project at 36-01 Broadway in Astoria.

"As you will see, all the architectural detail is being preserved. Additionally, I am proud to announce that we will be installing same limestone above the current DII Store at 3611 Broadway so that the façade appears unified.

"I would like to thank our architect Mr Walter Marin and his team for working hard and fast to prepare these drawings. I would also like to acknowledge the building owner for her cooperation and her guidance in satisfying the requests of the neighborhood.

"As stated previously, we at DII Stores are committed to the local Community and residents of Astoria and aspire to meet their wishes to preserve its history and culture. We are confident that our investment of time and money will be rewarded with increased patronage and continued loyalty. DII has been part of the Astoria Community for over 35 years, and we look forward to serving Astoria for generations to come.

"Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments."

Morris Dweck, DII Stores


georgetheatheist said...


Anonymous said...

Now compare Morris Dweck and Walter Marin with those zhlubs of the Steinway Mansion: Loria, Lucchese and Caliendo. Day and Night.

R185 said...

More developers should be taking this approach.

Anonymous said...

A "caring" developer whose verbal agreement and quickly produced computer renderings is to be trusted.
Hmmm...this is a densely zoned area. Perhaps he might change his mind and decide to build six stories.
Yeah...a caring honest developer. If I'm wrong this will be a first, and I will gladly apologize for my cynicism.

Anonymous said...

Hubba, Hubba!
Big accomplishment for Queens.
Put against a list of the really great stuff that was demolished, this amounts to a fart in a windstorm.
Yes, I am very cynical, but no dope!

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe they bought that lot to have a one story business.

I would be suspicious of this. Maybe a screen to take the heat off while they pursue their plans.

If its true that is wonderful news.

Anonymous said...

He is from Brooklyn. Nuff said.

If he was a Queens developer he would ignore the community and it would be destroyed.

What did the electeds do? squat. The fact of the matter is Costa walked away from the Steinway mansion (but DID put in a cute piano shaped water fountain at a local park that the Vallones stripped the Steinway name from) and the local business non-profit DOES host multicultural stuff featuring the large Astoria Peruvian community (wha?) but seemed to be non-nonchalantly clueless about what to do here except not help make this happen.

The leadership of Queens is venal as the electorate is clueless.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe they bought that lot to have a one story business.
I would be suspicious of this. Maybe a screen to take the heat off while they pursue their plans.
If its true that is wonderful news.

The old lady that owns this doesn't want to sell - lives in Greece. When she goes, this building is toast because you could put in 5 stories easy. The local little munchkins thinks this is all that is needed to 'save' it.

georgetheatheist said...

And when all is said and done, why not put some historical signage replete with old-time photos in or on the building somewhere to educate the passersby of the import of the edifice in front of them. Look at the Trolley Barn tower that was saved in 1989 by local preservationists on Northern Boulevard. No explanatory signage of that locale's and building's import.

Anonymous said...

Ah the Trolley Barn. As it was recalled, the Developer got an award from Clare for 'saving' the building while the grass roots people that actually did the work and stood in front of the bulldozers were ignored.

The problem in not Landmarking the Astoria Childs are the other half dozen or so Childs restaurants that are endangered in the borough. The community is letting down the rest of Queens if they pat themselves on the back declaring 'victory,' striking their tents, and returning to la la land or where ever Queens residents go while the world around them grimly marches on.

Anonymous said...

I have a bridge to sell you. The developer will find some sort of structural defect along the facade and will ultimately tear everything down. That's how it always goes. They will say that they tried to save it, but..... Don't believe them.

Anonymous said...

A brow beaten historical group thinks that a victory has been won. Great , it it's really true.
Sounds more to me like the Stockholm syndrome, where a captive eventually gets to like their captor after a long period of isolation and captivity. Uh....maybe I'm wrong, being only human.
We will see what materializes. Is this Jimmy Van Bramer's district?
If so, he will be the first one to sell you out.
He is climbing the steps toward being the first openly gay mayor of NYC
Only decelopers' campaign contributions can raise the cash that back room politics Jimmy needs.

Anonymous said...

this was never a child's restaurant only the "Fascade" people should read up on this -- as usual people only believe what they want to believe -

Anonymous said...

Did not see anywhere that anyone that knows what they are talking about has declared victory.

Its Costa's district.

And Van Bramer has his own issues despite kissing up to Bloomberg during the convention. Transportation is not going to be fixed - LIC heading to a big crash when they discover that little issue.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, dear, it was a Childs

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