Monday, April 11, 2016

Rent regulated apartments restored

From the Daily News:

State authorities say they have returned 50,000 improperly deregulated apartments in New York City to rent regulation while restoring more than $2.25 million in overcharged rent to tenants in the last four years.

Homes and Community Renewal’s Tenant Protection Unit in 2012 began tracking down rental apartments in the city that had disappeared from state data.

Notifying owners who failed to register rent-stabilized units since 2009 resulted in restoring tenant rights, officials said.


Anonymous said...

Good news for law abiding tenants. Bad news for greedy landlords...

Anonymous said...

More fucking bullshit dished out at gunpoint from the Marxists. The dam shares of gardening maintenance, heat & taxes on the square footage most these tenants have cost more then the rent they pay. Many are elderly and bitch about EVERYTHING always calling call the cops 8PM every Friday & Saturday night over music & noise. Why is a landlord forced at gunpoint to put up with these pain in the asses plus give them never ending private welfare ?
The public and these fucking bleeding heart liberal judges simply do not understand what landlords already go through in this dam city and hostile to landlord laws
In Manhattan millionaires, wealthy famous actors, their children, relatives are paying $450 a month (1973 dollars) for 1500 SQ foot pads on the west side 74st. NOT FARE NOTHING BUT NEVER ENDING F*CKING SOCIALIST BULLSHT ONE MAY AS WELL LIVE IN FRANCE !!!

Anonymous said...

"...paying $450 a month...for 1500 SQ foot pads on the west side..."

I know a woman who lives on W. 78th Street in a seven room apartment. She got the apartment because she was living with her grandmother when the old lady croaked. That was back in 1973. She still lives there and is paying $738 per month due to the fact she doesn't work and collects SS. However, she has a home in upstate NY where she spends the summer and earns extra cash, and a lot of it, by hand making children's dolls that no one is supposed to know about.

Anonymous said...

Property taxes and other fees are very high, landlords have no choice but to pass them on to the tenants.

Camel bladder said...

Anon #2 is absolutely correct. This whole system of government telling property owner who they can rent to and how much they can charge is socialism at best but really is approaching communism. Where the fuck does any government agency get off telling people how they can rent out or not rent out their private property. This whole rent control sceme was started during World War Two as an emergency measure for families of soldiers. Now it has become an unfunded government welfare program. As a society we are in big trouble folks when the majority of our population doesn't see this as very wrong.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the luxury real estate business in NYC is not doing so well.

"The developer put the project into Chapter 11 bankruptcy this week"

Anonymous said...

"I know a woman who lives on W. 78th Street in a seven room apartment. She got the apartment because she was living with her grandmother when the old lady croaked. That was back in 1973. She still lives there and is paying $738 per month due to the fact she doesn't work and collects SS. However, she has a home in upstate NY where she spends the summer and earns extra cash, and a lot of it, by hand making children's dolls that no one is supposed to know about."

Good for her. What the fuck is your problem?
That you cannot fleece people for $10000 a month?
Your taxes are high? Take it up with the corrupt system or fuck off.
Go after the trillions that disappeared on Wall Street starting in 2008.
The toxic mortgages that for example were put in Scandinavian pension funds and took the world's economy down the drain.
Complain about that you stupid moron.

Anonymous said...

"Good for her."

My problem is with a victim of idiotism like you who think it's OK to gin the system, not pay taxes, cheat and lie on government forms and play the citizens of NYC for fools. By lacking even an iota of cranial horsepower you wouldn't recognize that.
So take your attitude and you vapid vulgar insults and crawl back into the hold from whence you came.

Anonymous said...

**"Good for her, you cannot fleece people for $10,000 a month"**
This stupid moron (future Sec-8 case on free Medicaid) apparently never heard of Communism now taught in universities as progressive progress!!
God help us if this hipshit republicrat Paul Ryan or another Democrat like him are "chosen" for president in this rigged election and a liberal gets appointed Supreme Court. They will take our guns then flush the constitution straight down the toilet, take our money and property under more "re-distribution" of wealth. This is the ONLY way people like Sanders can pay for all this FREE STUFF he is promising our stupid young people.

Now to stupid moron: Wall street crooks & speculators that stole and hid trillions, elect our politicians (an now apparently presidents)Media industry CEO's and other multi millionaire's like Madonna, Christopher Walkin and countless others TV and movie people make up a the biggest percentage of wealthy paying $450 -$750 a month for a several rooms, 24-7 doorman, electric, hot water & heat worth $10,000+ a month. You stupid asshole !!! (must be another hipster for Sanders) Go shave and get a fucking job. Better yet go back to Iowa, Denver whatever and f_ck a cow !

Anonymous said...

> This is the ONLY way people like Sanders can pay for all this FREE STUFF he is promising our stupid young people.

There's plenty of other ways, like raising taxes on the high end, reforming the ponzi scheme called "Social Security", ending Quantitative Easing, corporate welfare, and other governmental schemes that transfer wealth from the general public to the .000000001%.

(sarc) said...

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

Anonymous said...

"not pay taxes, cheat and lie on government forms and play the citizens of NYC for fools."

If stupidity would hurt you'd be screaming.
Ignorance doesn't hurt, but sticks out like a sore thumb.

So here watch this little tidbit and tell us who is cheating and why:

Now you can crawl back into your hole.

Anonymous said...

"This is the ONLY way people like Sanders can pay for all this FREE STUFF he is promising our stupid young people"

Sanders is not part of the chosen candidate gig. Neither is Trump.

So what the f....h...:) are you talking about?

Here is my advice. Think, don't drink and type.

Anonymous said...

do I smell a landlord troll or real estate scam troll? ewww it stinks in here. You've heard of a Bronx Cheer. Well this is Queens Crap at it's finest.

Anonymous said...

Landlords that worry about little old ladies here is for you a bit of great news.

"HUD Threatens To Sue Landlords Who Screen Tenants For Felonies"

Makes those little old ladies positively attractive if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

do I smell a landlord troll or real estate scam troll?

You forgot the Wall Street troll.

Anonymous said...

More pinko commie bullshit !!!
What little old lady's, they in most cases have long passed and are resting in peace in the crematory ?

Whats in those apartments are usually the children who showed up when the lonely poor parents or grandmother croaked. In Queens lots of single moms with many children, they have obamaphones and free internet, different men in and out the apartment all hours. Unlike grandma these these people in most cases are f_ing garbage. Rent control is for the Identity and SS# of the person not a last name.

The hostility towered landlords, small business and sole proprietors in this city is becoming unbearable. If Cuomo II and DiBlasio want my building to play robin-hood with they should pay for these freeloading garbage parachuting in when grandma dies not landlords !!

Anonymous said...

If Cuomo II and DiBlasio want my building to play robin-hood with they should pay for these freeloading garbage parachuting in when grandma dies not landlords !!

No comment needed I think your bias shows big time.
Sell your building, I'm more than sure you are not an owner because you are loosing money.

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