Sunday, April 17, 2016

Inside Compstat

From NBC:

This was the exchange the I-Team witnessed in an unprecedented look at Compstat, a crime-fighting innovation that helped make New York City into America's safest big city. It requires police officers to not just question suspects, but each other.


Anonymous said...


georgetheatheist said...

What's the legal deal in NYC as a result of the Heller Supreme Court decision? Are we NYC citizens allowed to have a hand gun or not? Anybody in Queens Crap know precisely what's up? If we can own one, where and how do we go about doing this? Any explication would be appreciated. Thanks for any info.

JQ LLC said...

Nice to see transparency for once despite how staged it looked. This meeting may have been ordered from the top since the Blaz is getting probed and it gives a moral impression. So now these meetings should be aired on CUNY TV like every other meeting in city hall.

And the FBI does audits of these reports, although the units doing the research are woefully understaffed

Compstat as with every other tech innovation, it's prone for abuse. Downgrading felonies to misdemenors, fudging crime descriptions. And it seems now that this program is being used and maybe in the last 10 years as a tool for REBNY to make the area safe for lux development. The way Compstat was being manipulated should be just as damned as Citytime and 9/11 upgrade contracts

And with everything in government, a way to make money off and suck the life out of middle class and working poor people, and to make more with gifts from the feds for a glowing report. I wonder if some of those gifts were military gear and weaponry.

JQ LLC said...

I think it's time to find this guy and give him a wide media platform. The NYPD practically renditioned him from his home and tried to have him committed for exposing their frauds.

Isn't it really funny when former commish R. Kelly accused Bratton of manipulating the crime stats? Judging by his decade of command, he must have learned real well and beat his mentor at his game

Molan Labe said...

i'll give you detals later
gotta take the kids to sunday services

JQ LLC said...

It looks like a well-regarded militia in here.

Anonymous said...

Fake, staged event.

Anonymous said...

They knew the media was there so they put on a "good show". Commanders would NEVER call out any of his men in front of his staff.

Anonymous said...

Stalinist show trial

Anonymous said...

That was bogus. You'll never see the real deal....brutal.

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