Friday, April 29, 2016

A scholarship exclusively for native New Yorkers


We at the Law Offices of Ivan M. Diamond, like you I'm sure, are big fans of New York values. Attorney Ivan Diamond was born and raised in NYC and believes the city made him who he is today.

For that reason, we have launched the $2500 NYC Born and Raised Scholarship for students who were born and grew up in New York City and personify the values of NYC.

We are hoping to get as many applicants as possible. It may be a bit off topic for you but if you could share our scholarship information with Queens Crap readers we would be extremely grateful.

(Application Form)

Thanks for your help.

Kind Regards,
Sam Maher

The Law Offices of Ivan M. Diamond


Anonymous said...

That is a nice gesture. Good for him.

Anonymous said...

Who knew that Queens Crap had Bronx cred!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure some bleeding heart liberal will call it racism and file a suit on behalf of non citizens.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure some bleeding heart liberal will call it racism and file a suit on behalf of non citizens.
more like something a party hack would do so the organization can keep money into their social service network. any money spent to benefit the public should be on buying votes with frivolous public projects (bike lanes and dog runs) and services for program to keep the party faithful employed.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure some bleeding heart liberal will call it racism and file a suit on behalf of non citizens.

There are scholarships for non-citizens (so-called "dreamers"), that citizens are not eligible for, so turnabout is fair play.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I'm sure some bleeding heart liberal will call it racism and file a suit on behalf of non citizens."

These presumptions and demonizations of people with varying political views is why we are stuck with two gridlocked, uncompromising, abominations that we call political parties. The sensationalism and the all or nothing views and values each party holds has divided us from seeing that the best set of policies would come about individual thought and collaborative discussion. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid on either side, and actually have an intelligent conversation without regurgitating the liberal media or Fox News. Then maybe you would be able to participate in our democracy effectively and wouldn't have to resort to spouting ignorance anonymously on the internet.

Anonymous said...

This guy Diamond just became my hero.

Anonymous said...

"These presumptions and demonizations of people with varying political views is why we are stuck with two gridlocked, uncompromising, abominations that we call political parties."

No, we're stuck with two uncompromising parties because the Democrats went insane long ago in their rush to the left, with open borders, criminal coddling, global warming alarmism, cries of racism where it doesn't exist, bathroom lawsuits and so forth.....and every once in a while Republicans stand up for common sense and try to slow down our descent into a third-world socialist country.

The fact is the idea of a lawsuit like the one the other poster brought up is quite within the realm of possibility thanks to the criminal, anti-American left.

There's some of that intelligence you asked for. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

'Stop drinking the Kool-Aid on either side, and actually have an intelligent conversation without regurgitating the liberal media or Fox News. '

At least someone admits that the media is liberal and the conservatives have ONE CHANNEL!

I don't even think they are that conservative. They had Alan Colmes on for years, they have Juan Williams after he was fired from NPR, and they certainly don't pull punches with questions to conservatives like a liberal network, like CNN, will do with liberals. Think Megyn Kelly and Trump. Most of the CNN crew used to work for Hillary anyway.

Anonymous said...

Illegal aliens and the suport they get from democrats are going to put trump in the White House.


JQ LLC said...

"These presumptions and demonizations of people with varying political views is why we are stuck with two gridlocked, uncompromising, abominations that we call political parties"

And why our nation will have to choose between two horrible immoral candidates.

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