Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Kim & Koo want filthy Flushing LIRR station cleaned

From the Queens Chronicle:

“This is one of the worst Long Island Rail Road stations,” Koo said. “Our station doesn’t match the quality of life we deserve.”

The grassy area below the station, as anyone who’s been to the depot knows, is littered with trash.

“So, I’m asking the MTA representative here to relay my message to the MTA: Keep the station clean! Maintain it!” the councilman said, looking at Baptitse. “Look at the trash here! It’s a disgrace to our community!”

Koo, who added that when he rides the train, other passengers complain to him about the station’s issues, clarified that his anger was not directed at the project manager personally.

“I know you’re just the messenger. I am not blaming it on you but please relay my concern,” the councilman said. “I have been talking about this since I came into office.”

After the press conference, Koo directed heated words at the station’s manager, too.

“This is a great disgrace to our community, that we have such a lousy station here,” Koo told the Queens Chronicle, adding that he would follow up with MTA. “I want to put them on notice that we want this station cleaned.”

Speaking to reporters after the photo op, Kim also expressed concern about the trash at the station, but voiced confidence that it will be fixed in the future.

“Flushing produces the most jobs than any neighborhood in the city of New York,” Kim said. “Once we upgrade the entire station, I’m confident that all of this stuff will go away.”

Still, he added, reaching out to the MTA to make sure that the station’s trash is cleaned up will be the “next move.”

“And then, we have to follow up with education and outreach and making sure people maintain it and making sure we have enough MTA workers to maintain it,” Kim added.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if there weren't so many people in Flushing, with more on the way...

Anonymous said...

Poor Koo needs a cleaner platform for his rides back to his home in Port Washington.

First of all, that whole area is filthy beyond the platform. No one discards their garbage properly anywhere in Flushing. Plus the platform reeks of greasy Chinese food from all the vents wafting up from the low brow Chinese food places below the platform.

Anonymous said...

Koo is up in arms now!?!

This station is a dump. Painting a pretty mural didn't take away the trash that piles up for weeks on end, fix the eastbound sidewalk leading up to the stairs, the broken chainlink fences, or anything else that is the diversity of Flushing.

I sent in the photos from about two years ago that were posted here, and very little has changed.

Weren't we suppose to get an elevator this year? Instead, we got new railings. Still only have two ticket machines, none on the eastbound side. Both platforms only have two garbage cans on each side. That would explain the massive amounts of leftovers and noodle piles on the westbound stairwell.

Koo and Kim want it cleaned up? It takes two: the MTA and informing your vibrant and "diverse" community to not be filthy pigs.

Anonymous said...

How did the garbage get there to begin with ?
Between the litter, dirty greasy streets and sidewalks and spitting who thinks Flushing will ever be a clean Urban area ? Only enforcement of existing litter and heath code laws will change the filthy conditions.

Anonymous said...

Please concentrate on cleaning up ALL OF FLUSHING! It smells and there is filth and graffiti EVERYWHERE. Stop blaming the MTA for a few pieces of litter on their own property.

Anonymous said...

How about cleaning up ALL of flushing not just the LIRR?

Anonymous said...

Is koo blind? All of flushing has a quality of life problem. Who does he THINK he's fooling?

Anonymous said...

Flushing produces the most jobs than anywhere in ny? To who? Illegals and prostitutes? No actual real new yorker works in those places, just look around koo! Is he smoking crack?

Anonymous said...

Clean up the rest of Flushing first Mr Koo. It's a disgrace ! More of a disgrace than the station.

Anonymous said...

Flushing is filled with dirty streets, illegal vendors and hoardes of people. Why don't you just build more cheap buildings with rusty balconies, that's all you're good at. This kind of dirt and mess does not happen over night, it happens after years and years of neglect. Stop stuffing people into Flushing like a big fat sausage. The people deserve fresh air and clean streets, when was the last time you heard those words?

Anonymous said...

The same guy that denies Flushing is filthy? So he blames the MTA? Don't let that guy step foot into 7 Main Street. He might have a brain aneurysm yelling at the MTA about those disgusting conditions.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Koo and Kim can take this opportunity to educate their fellow Asian community on how to treat the area. The basics such as don't throw your trash wherever you please, don't hock looges on the sidewalks, clean up after yourself, etc.

Anonymous said...

“Our station doesn’t match the quality of life we deserve.”
Until the people realize when you act like an animal this is what happens then yes, it is what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

The filth is a direct correlation of the population which exists there. Third world values with no intent on assimilation.

Anonymous said...

The property tax on main st stores has increased 4 times since queens crossing opened, but what kind of civic services provided? The city can not just take money without providing the basics..

Anonymous said...

I take the LIRR to Flushing to buy my $25 Rolex and fireworks every a year.

The fix is more about domesticating those the feral 3rd world immigrant slobs who use because THEY ARE THE PROBLEM !
Its common to see people slurping noodles, fish and all sorts of shit out of plastic cups then throw them on the ground. They even change diapers right on the platform and leave the "mess" of soiled butt wipes on the floor to blow around in the wind, stick to your clothes or worse hit you in the face.
This is always going on at the east side of the platform where the steps are, sometimes people shit and piss off the step landings down to the brush below.

Joe said...

"educate their fellow Asian community on how to treat the area"


Anonymous said...

Pile in thousands of low class people with poor hygiene that have little value for civic manners and this is what you get ! No matter what the race.

Anonymous said...

And don't blow your nose onto the sidewalk. Use a handkerchief !!!

Anonymous said...

gee whiz....k and k want a clean railroad? look at the rest of frushing, dirty, smelly and disgusting. Most jobs my ass,most of those small businesses don't pay taxes and all illegal Chinese work there,5 different stalls ramed into one small store....send them all back where they came from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan M said...

The LIRR station should be the LEAST of these "officials" worries.. How about every single street corner, and front yard in all of Flooshing that is covered in trash. The station is exactly the quality of life your area is portraying.. Idiot.

Jerry Rotondi, longtime resident activist said...

I believe it was about two years ago that I first sent in some photos of the filthy trashy low down looking Main Street LIRR station to Queens Crap.

Since you , or your staff, monitor this web site, I felt it was the best way to make your office aware of the conditions existing. Finally you have taken notice. Yet I ask you, HOW COME IT TOOK SO LONG FOR YOU TO WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT iT, COUNCILMAN KOO?

Furthermore...beyond your rhetoric, what REAL follow up action do you intend to take?


John Choe took an admirable initiative with "One Flushing's" mural which started the ball rolling in trying to beautify the exit stairway area.

Clean up the area with action instead of politically expedient words. YOU are part of the problem of filthy Flushing, councilman.
You have certainly NOT done your best in promoting the area to truly be "a destination of choice".
Words are cheap emblazoned on Steet banners. Action takes sweat and caring beyond getting re-elected.

Anonymous said...

The station merely reflects the low life that inhabit Flooshing.
Chinatowns, all over the world, reflect the same unsanitary conditions that exist here...maybe San Francisco does not.

Anonymous said...

Rotten veggies, fish heads, paper crap get dumped into the manholes at night.
The chicken heads that supposedly represent Flushing, do not live there so they don't care.
"Forget it's CHINATOWN"!

Anonymous said...

It's obvious by reading these posts the Koo and Kim have some nerve pointing their fingers at a dirty train station when their entire community is disgusting with illegal massage parlors as covers for prostitution, hundreds and hundreds of business signs that the citizens can't read because they are in a foreign language, tons of illegal street vendors and their garbage and hundreds of homes being rented out as illegal SRO's. Shame on Koo and Kim. They act like they care but they have aided and abedded these problems for years by doing nothing about. But kick a bunch of loiterers out of your restaurant and Kim will stage a protest at your front door.

Anonymous said...

Your own people ruin it! This is how your kind chooses to live.

Anonymous said...

I am so offended by the gall of Kim and Koo. Flushing is pig sty that smells bad and they have the nerve to criticize anyone but themselves. I only wish queenscrap was in Korean and Chinese so that everyone could read it.

Anonymous said...

If Flushing was Japanese instead of Chinese it would be the jewel of queens and ny But it's not therefore it is more the Motherland in population and pollution,now all Flushing is missing is black smog to breath and
Mark Zuckerberg jogging with security
Just give it a little more time

Anonymous said...

They need to floosh all the shit down the drain!

Anonymous said...

Also, since I posted those pics two years ago, I also emailed them to Koo that day asking what will be done about the sad gross state of the station and surprise surprise, never received a reply. Not even the insulting "Thank you for emailing your councilman" email.

AJ Fala Sheng said...

Kim and Koo if you don't like the 3rd world environment that you and your compadres created well start educating them.
For an ancient civilization seem to be pretty clueless about sanitary conditions.

Anonymous said...

Hope that they take taxes from the billions of dollars invested in Flushing (that obviously most people here do not have or ever will) and clean it up.

Anonymous said...

Just think there is no stopping the growth of Flushing and it's coming to take over Bayside, Aurbandale and Whitestone. Atleast property values are going up and you can sell high and get out!

Anonymous said...

Peter Koo and Ron Kim are clubhouse stooges.

Anonymous said...

Where is "One Flushing"? Where is the Flushing Chamber of Commerce? Shouldn't they be pushing for a clean civilized Flushing?
Their leadership is Asian. They will not push other Asians, who are directly responsible for the crappy appearance, to clean up their unsanitary shit! Asians are used to living in crap so it makes little difference to them. This is paradise compared to their mother countries.

Anonymous said...

Shit is shit. Koo and Kim are part of that shit!
CB 7 doesn't do anything but approve over building contributing to more shit!
And Marilyn Bitterman gets about ninety grand a year for doung what?
Dump Chuck Apelian!

Anonymous said...

If Koo would have pushed for the Department of Sanitation to hand out fines for the filth accumulating ILLEGALLY on the sidewalks, Flooshing would not look like a third world Chinese colony like it does.
Asians will never push their fellow cup Yemen to do anything even if they are breaking multiple laws.
Egg drop soup is thicker than water!

Anonymous said...

Flushing is like nuclear blast fallout time to sell and get out.
You can no longer get a seat on the 7 train at any time of day and its disgusting to ride.
You no longer think your in America and it appears this is the future of all of all northern Queens in 5 years. The Asians aren't that bad compared to whats west.

Look at the bright-side:
When Trump starts deporting the family members of Hispanics the Asians are who your gonna want around when the rioting, looting and torching starts.
Look how well the "Koreatown" in LA handled the Rodney King riots READY FOR BUSINESS with walkie-talkies, fire hoses, guns, knives, swards and sticks. Not one cop in sight and no Korean businesses were looted or torched.

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a complete and utter joke. Peter Koo is brazen. Flushing is a third world pit. The stench. The snot rockets. The heaps of trash. The grease in the sewers. And his developer pals keep getting his approval to build more EB5 funded monstrosities to guarantee more congestion. Peter Koo should be ashamed of himself. People who have to pass through Flushing to get to NYC have been complaining to his deaf ears for years. Nice to live far from the filth in Port Washington. He needs to be voted out of office next chance we get.

Anonymous said...

Koo and Kim this is what happens why you close your eyes to the real problems, over development, congestion, mindless influx of new people, gambling, prostitution, real estate don't like it?
You fucking created it!
It ain't pretty?
Sorry, again you created it!
None of you ever listens to the concerned citizen who still live in the area, your sorry ass excuse is racism!
Move back to the area from your sanctuaries in Nassau County and deal with the real problems, do the jobs you were elected to do.

Anonymous said...

If they're seeing the problem while elevated, they need to be seen what it's like at street level. But then again, Koo refuses to believe Flushing dirty.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Are you reading and listening Koo and Kim?
Are you also taking note, CB7, Flushing Chamber, One Flushing, everyone?
It is going to take ALL OF YOU TOGETHER to correct this blight!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Happily , I rarely venture into the downtown area....certainly not during rush hours.
Why would I want to?

I just board the LIRR at Broadway and in twenty three minutes I am in Manhattan where all of the real shopping, good restaurants and superior entertainment and exciting varieties of culture are located.

23 minutes to Macy's Herald Square. 35 minutes on the Q28 to Macy's Flushing. Yeccch.

Sunday is the worst day in overcrowded filthy Flushing. The sidewalks are filled with drones of people and are impassable.

The clubhouse politicians talk about the so called "blight" of the 1970s in Flushing....a fabrication.
The real blight is right here and right now in 2016 and will get worse if the infrastructure remains crumbling and the unbridled mega building continues

Koo and Kim are just a pair of opportunistic liars!
If you do not like my plain speaking...pardon my French...FU! It's the truth!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I will vote for Trump!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Toby Stavisky. She sits on her fat entitled ass and does nothing!
She will be history soon. Her opponent will defeat her this time for sure. She won by such a close margin last time.
Put that cow out to pasture with granny Shulman, Koslowitz, etc.
We got a lot of crooked dead wood here!

Anonymous said...

Even well-heeled Asians are fleeing Flushing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jerry for calling the bums out !

Anonymous said...

A lousy antiquated three track 7 line dealing with the burgeoning overcrowded neighborhoods it serves.
Glad I have access to the LIRR. I can deal with the filthy Main Street platform since I do not exit there and won't!
WTF for? Shoddy goods and unsanitary overcrowded streets and mystery meat dining?
Peter Koo is cuckoo, passing the buck to the MTA. Too little, little man, and too late!
Put your thumb up your ass and return to Port Washington, your real residence.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't he realize that the people who are not picking up after themselves and creating all that trash are the same people who live in his district?? Instead of blaming the MTA for everything how about going out to the streets and hand out pamphlets educating them on the civic duty of residents to make sure they dump trash where it is supposed to be dumped and not to litter. I guess he's too comfortable inside his air conditioned office.

Anonymous said...

Even well-heeled Asians are fleeing Flushing.

Very true. Lost lots of good friends, educated, smart people who saw the writing on the wall and left years ago.
Some of them went back to Hong Kong, Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

I heard in Flushing if you call the mayors office they will send someone to wipe your ass and pick up your trash !!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that when there is filth and garbage in a facility, the first action of any politician is to blame a city agency rather than the real causes-overcrowding, overdevelopment, people who don't know how to use a garbage can etc.

Joe said...

the railroad cleaned?!?!?!?!?!? why don't they demand that the rest of Flushing is cleaned. It's a @$#@#$ disgusting mess. Some places look like a ghetto!

Anonymous said...

Good idea!
Fine those trashy bastards up the wazoo!

Anonymous said...

Oh, but Peter Koo will never stand for fining his fellow Chinese.
Too bad he cannot blame the crap on another ethnic group.
When the Japanese first came to Flushing, many years ago, they were spotless.
But they moved out when their Chinese Asian counterparts started moving in.
The Taiwanese Chinese were too dirty for Japanese tastes.

Anonymous said...

Why bother, Mr. Koo and Mr. Kim?
Flooshing is a 3rd world toilet. Clean up and your Chinese will just make it filthy again.
Leave it alone! The rats gotta eat something, and the fatter the rats the more mystery meat is available for restaurant owners.
Eventually the shit will mount up,to become a mountain. THEN, AND ONLY THEN,might the Chinese decide to become more sanitary.
Hell, nobody gets off at the Flooshing station anyway. The reason they take the LIRR is to avoid going through Flooshing's filth.

Anonymous said...

Good lord!
When two Asian lawmakers finally wake up to the dirt and disgust that their own countrymen leave behind, things must be very bad.
Normally they are used to filth. It's the low class Chinese way of life.
The sudden reason behind this push to clean must be financial.
Nobody is coming to filthy Frushing.

Anonymous said...

According to an article I read in ASPIRE college magazine (Winter 2016 edition) there are plans for major upgrades to the Flushing LIRR station in the works. Supposedly to begin Spring 2016 at cost of $16.5 million!!! However, we all know that it will never be completed on time, costs will be way way over budget, and all the Queens pols will be there for their photo op.
Similar article found on QNS Facebook page (March 12th) with costs quoted at $24.6 million....

Anonymous said...

I wish those two would have a press conference and tell the people of the community to please stop the snot rockets. So gross.

Anonymous said...

The sudden reason behind this push to clean must be financial.

Of course. Million dollar condos in Flooshing don't jive with the filthy railroad station.
Except the 2 idiots don't mention the whole area is filthy.

Anonymous said...

Flushing One.

Anybody remembers this fine development?
Well CB7 opposes the development for now, for those who don't know the municipal parking lot is to be turned into "affordable" housing.
229 parking spots gone...puff just like that.
Flushing One will have 150 parking spots.
Highly expensive I guess, but hey who cares, the housing will be affordable.
For those with millions to spare.
Anyway CB7 will come around, but they will need to say for the record "hey we opposed it!"

Anonymous said...

"One Flushing" is just a jerk wad org set up by John Choe to give himself a job.
The only one who benefits by "One Flushing" is Choe.
What did they spend on that crappy mural at the westbound LIRR staircase?
As if paint and phony sentiments about Flushings ethnic plurality can perfume the stink.
BTW, there is no diversity. It's all Chinese-Taiwanese of the lowest socioeconomic class.
Those luxury condos are owned by wealthy overseas Chinese who rent them out.

Anonymous said...

This whole Flushing Main Street area is a joke. What's up with Koo? In Fact MTA should leave the LIRR station as it is to suit this disgusting neighborhood and the filthiness.

Look at the trash we have all over on the street and the grease on 40th Road, Main Street and Roosevelt Avenue. People spit on the floor and pick noses on the street. You can smell the filthy and grease no matter how you clean up the station.

Stop wasting tax payer money and MTA's pension on this dump!

Anonymous said...

This whole Flushing Main Street area is a joke. What's up with Koo? In Fact MTA should leave the LIRR station as it is to suit this disgusting neighborhood and the filthiness.

Look at the trash we have all over on the street and the grease on 40th Road, Main Street and Roosevelt Avenue. People spit on the floor and pick noses on the street. You can smell the filthy and grease no matter how you clean up the station.

Stop wasting tax payer money and MTA's pension on this dump!

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