Thursday, March 31, 2016

Is DOT ignoring graffiti due to Vision Zero?

From CBS 2:

A Queens lawmaker is calling on the city to do more to remove graffiti.

State Sen. Tony Avella told CBS2’s Hazel Sanchez that after requesting graffiti removal in his district, he discovered the clean-up on city property had taken a back seat to other priorities.

“The fact that now the city under Mayor de Blasio and the Department of Transportation has chosen not to respond to graffiti requests unless it’s a profane nature or racist nature, it’s highly unacceptable,” Avella said.

Avella said Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg told him the city wasn’t responding to all graffiti complaints because the agency was concentrating all its resources on the mayor’s Vision Zero program.


KG2V said...

And the return of NYC to the 1970s continues

Res Ipsa said...

Why is graffiti a DOT issue? Shouldn't it be handled by DSNY?

Joe Moretti said...

"Avella said Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg told him the city wasn’t responding to all graffiti complaints because the agency was concentrating all its resources on the mayor’s Vision Zero program."

You mean like dealing with illegal truck driving on residential streets, that concentrating.

Anonymous said...

"the Department of Transportation has chosen not to respond to graffiti requests unless it’s a profane nature or racist nature"... Try writing'de Blasio sucks' on a wall and see how fast it gets cleaned.

Anonymous said...

They call it Vision Zero because they don't have any.

JQ LLC said...

No they are ignoring because their overseer developers and sociopath speculators use graffiti, now referred to as street art, as a cudgel to bring up market rates to attract stupid hipshits thinking they are living amidst a warehouse gallery show.

Anonymous said...

I dunno....that example looks pretty artistic to me.

Anonymous said...

No they are ignoring because their overseer developers and sociopath speculators use graffiti, now referred to as street art, as a cudgel to bring up market rates to attract stupid hipshits thinking they are living amidst a warehouse gallery show.

Or maybe the opposite: Ignore graffiti and other quality-of-life issues so people move out of certain neighborhoods, and then the developers can swoop in, buy the properties at low prices, and then build crap to attract a different group of people to live there?

Ned said...

""that example looks pretty artistic to me""
--you mean autistic !!
It looks like the spray can vandalism and distorted shit they paint in Southern California Mexico.


Anonymous said...

Good God, they are using resources to paint the streets!

Look at anything that has bikes on it and the street art painted on asphalt rises to the level of high art. Look at the bike lanes on Vernon, for example.

Anonymous said...

let's not discriminate against the gang banger drug dealers who are busy destroying their neighborhoods and making life impossible for working people.

Anonymous said...

The only priority of DOT is reducing traffic lanes and parking and putting bike lanes on every street. They don't care about anything else. The roads are in horrible shape, and I think they gave up on painting the lines on the streets because on just about every street the lines are completely worn out. Avella is the last politician with any common sense, and who actually cares about the city. I thank him for his work but I know its a uphill battle with the clowns we have in office now.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering why the graffiti is not being painted over. In the Bloomberg years you make a complaint about graffiti and in a month or so its painted over. Now complaints are made but nothing is done, and the graffiti is starting to get bad again. Buckle up boys and girls 1970's here we come!

Camel bladder said...

Graffiti should not be a DOT issue or a DSNY issue. It should be a police issue.IT IS VANDALISM, IT IS A CRIMINAL ACT. And no, I don't think we should put these young scam bag pieces of shit in jail when they are caught vandalizing property. Jail time in this city is a badge of honor for this scum. But I'll bet that 2 or 3 months on a labor chain gang wearing stripped prison uniforms would not be so cool. Ah, if only I could become KING.

Anonymous said...

Nice to have confirmation that all the Mayor cares about is ticketing drivers. Who cares about quality of life when the City can make money ruining our quality of life?

Anyone but DiBlasio 2017!

Camel bladder said...

Graffiti should not be a DOT issue or a DSNY issue. It should be a police issue.IT IS VANDALISM, IT IS A CRIMINAL ACT. And no, I don't think we should put these young scam bag pieces of shit in jail when they are caught vandalizing property. Jail time in this city is a badge of honor for this scum. But I'll bet that 2 or 3 months on a labor chain gang wearing stripped prison uniforms would not be so cool. Ah, if only I could become KING.

JQ LLC said...

"Or maybe the opposite: Ignore graffiti and other quality-of-life issues so people move out of certain neighborhoods, and then the developers can swoop in, buy the properties at low prices, and then build crap to attract a different group of people to live there?"

It's actually both, street art overvalues properties on the west side including goddamn Brooklyn, and it devalues properties in the east and southern parts of Queens.

But the grand summation of all this is there is a nexus involving government, law enforcement and REBNY profiteering from this criminal conspiracy to gather all the spoils in the minute amount of space anywhere in this over capacitated city

Anonymous said...

"The only priority of DOT is reducing traffic lanes and parking and putting bike lanes on every street. They don't care about anything else."
This is true and it's such a waste of taxpayer money. I sat in traffic on the boulevard of death today during rush hour and did not see one bike using the bike lane.

Anonymous said...

It's Ned that sounds like an autistic gun nut. Note his address NRA.

Anonymous said...

It's Ned that sounds like an autistic gun nut. Note his address NRA.

Oh my God! What a discovery!

You mentally diseased liberal. Go back and sing Kumbaya.

Ned said...

"It's Ned that sounds like an autistic gun nut"

More nonsense from the multicultural peanut gallery, where were you educated, pinko Canada, Sweeden ?
Fact is if it weren't for firearms and brave young men we would still be flying the British flag getting tea-bagged by fag imperial or slurping Sauerkraut under brown shirt rule. FACT have some f*cking respect for our brave warriors and Constitution they fraught and died for !!!


Ned said...

I think the best way to deal with these spray can vandals is to place them in striped orange shirts and ankle shackles. You then parade them in public with brooms and scrubbers.
Get caught tagging mandatory 2 nights jail + 40 hours community cleanup ---dog runs and poop scoops included.


Anonymous said...

It's Ned that sounds like an autistic gun nut. Note his address NRA.

You fucking degenerate. This country was founded with the help of guns.
My ancestors died because they did not have a gun to oppose a dictator and mass murderer.
Guns are tools. Blaming the tools is a sign of mental illness.
People kill other people whether they have guns, knives or rocks.
People are fucked up, not guns.
Asshole that you are.

Anonymous said...

Is Avella the only elected official that cares about issues?
Where the fuck are the rest of the politicians taking the idiot mayor and his cronies to task? huh?

Anonymous said...

Grafitti is a police issue. But the Citywide Vandals Task force has been whittled down to almost nothing. Instead of any jail time , fine these morons and use the $$$ to pay for more cops....

Anonymous said...

The old NYPD vandal squad was known as the rubber gun squad.
This is where all of the problem bully cops were dumped. Sort a like the old Board of Ed rubber room.

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