Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Council about to sign off on de Blasio's royal screwjob

From Politico:

The City Council is set to pass Mayor Bill de Blasio's housing plans next week after altering them significantly to require more affordable housing, exempt parts of Manhattan from taller buildings and spare parts of the outer boroughs from parking changes.

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito announced the final deal alongside several of her members during a press conference in the City Hall rotunda Monday afternoon.

On de Blasio's Mandatory Inclusionary Housing proposal, which requires below-market-rate development from builders who take advantage of a city-issued rezoning, the Council is demanding more affordable housing than the mayor's plan called for.

Developers previously had three options for amounts and levels of affordability, which some advocates and members felt were insufficient to really tackle the city's housing shortage for its poorest residents.

The Council is now presenting a fourth option: a requirement that 20 percent of the units be reserved for people making 40 percent of the area median income, which amounts to $31,075 for a family of three in New York City and surrounding counties.

And the highest option was slightly lowered: Instead of 30 percent of the apartments set aside for those earning 120 percent of the AMI it is now 115 percent, with a requirement that at least 10 percent of those units be even cheaper.

Developers will not have a lot of discretion when picking among the four so-called options. ***Any time a builder gets city permission to rezone land or build in a rezoned neighborhood, the administration and local Council member will get to choose which of the affordable housing plans they must utilize.***

Expect a lot more corruption/tweeding arrests in the near future!


Michelle in Glendale said...

I'm sorry - Housing shortage??
Schools are over crowded
Busses and trains are over crowded
Almost every every property owners meeting or Community board meeting I go to there are complaints about lack of parking
We still have flooding problems in areas
I don't understand
Our infrastructure like phone and electrical lines need upgrading before we can add new housing
All over the neighborhood 1-2 family homes that had a drive way are being replaced with edge to edge 4-6 family apartments complexes with either no or inadequate parking.
What the heck am I missing?!?

Anonymous said...

"What the heck am I missing?"

Being a Progressive. You ain't on the "Free Stuff" list.

Get a loan and go back to college so you can get a better job. Then don't get the job and refuse to pay back the loan. Demand more free stuff like health care, housing, food stamps, Wi-Fi, cell phones, etc.

Then go protest that only certain lives matter, Wall Street and high paying jobs where people actually work should be taxed out of existence, those who do not work should have income equality with those who do, the first amendment should be exercised by leftists only, the second amendment should be repealed, prisons should be in all neighborhoods and illegal aliens should have the right to vote.

Oh yeah, and gasoline and cars should be taxed to pay for more bicycles lanes and free bicycles.

Anonymous said...

"What the heck am I missing?!?"... Elected representatives who work for their constituents instead of the developers.

Jerry Rotondi, BFHA member said...

Of course the council is ready to sign off on it.
It means more building and more building puts (bribe) money in the pockets of our council members. Uh...they are really not legally bribes. We call them "campaign contributions" from REBNY sources. In turn a council member might vote for a development project .
My councilman Don Chooch Vallone is anything but a donkey when it comes to accepting campaign donations from developers. His real job is being a developers' lobbyist. His part time job is supposedly representing me in the city council.
So how come he has not taken any action against an illegally run Air B&B hotel in my...OUR... Mutual residential neighborhood.
Isn't that his job? Don Paulo lives only about 7 blocks from me.
I guess he does not mind seeing speculators taking a dump in his own neighborhood.
Hey, that's how Astoria got ruined. The Vallone family stood by and shrugged their shoulders.

Anonymous said...

I remember Vallone held a rally on Northern Blvd. against the Mayor's Affordable Housing Plan, his quote to be exact was "I will never support it" I wonder if he's going to support it?

Anonymous said...

Let's get one thing straight,all my free stuff is not free,
I sell my vote to the democratic party in return they reward me with Stuff
YOU PAY FOR,its never been Free,I know this does not sound fair but it is what it is and the more I Cry the more they take from you and give to me
Do you think I will ever stop?

Anonymous said...

If the Van Wyck ran across midtown the new renovations would have already been finished. it's the classic tale of two cities. YES, There are 2 New York's...

Anonymous said...

Clarification, as the description of the options has been written continuously in error most articles, including the one this post references.

There are 3 (previously 2) options (20% Dwelling Units at 40% AMI, 25% DU at 60% AMI and 30% DU at 80% AMI) that will receive city subsidies. In addition, there is a Workforce Option (previously 30% units at 130% AMI, now 115% AMI) that could be applied in ADDITION to the other 3 options. The developer would have to pick 1 of the first 3 options and if desired, can also pick the Workforce Option (with no city subsidy).

Anonymous said...

Stop pulling the wagon and just Jump On
TCU officially stands by BLM and supports the rights o
f the oppressed
TCU (Tax Consumers Union) are a growing force that finally owns it's own politicians and party,no turning back while the country is BERNING!!!

Joe Moretti said...

40 percent of the area median income, which amounts to $31,075 for a family of three in New York City and surrounding counties.


If you are making that amount of money with a partner and kid, you have to be an idiot to come to this city and reproduce. It it hard enough with that amount to take of just yourself here, let alone 2 other people.

People make such poor choices and then wonder about their circumstances.

georgetheatheist said...

"(Love, love, love)
(Love, love, love)
(Love, love, love)

There's nothing you can do that can't be done
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy

There's nothing you can make that can't be made
No one you can save that can't be saved
Nothing you can do but you can learn to be you in time
It's easy

All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

(Love, love, love)
(Love, love, love)
(Love, love, love)

All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

There's nothing you can know that isn't known
Nothing you can see that isn't shown
There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be
It's easy

All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

All you need is love, all together now
All you need is love, everybody
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

Love is all you need
Love is all you need
Love is all you need



Anonymous said...

George Harrison – Taxman Lyrics
Let me tell you how it will be
There's one for you, nineteen for me
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah I'm the taxman

If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.

Don't ask me what I want it for
If you don't want to pay some more
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman

Now my advice for those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman
And you're working for no one but me.

Joe said...

2nd AMEN to "thank god that asshole is no longer around" and too bad this mentally ill DeBlasio is still in office.

Get this: Lennons fans (protesters) are singing his songs in between calling for "the murder of Trump" and demanding free health care, housing, food stamps and open voting rights for illegals.
All the same shit Lennon wrote about wile sitting on 300 million+ dollar's and a top floor Dakota apartment as his 1st born son in England Julian went starving & homeless. (Wasn't even in the will)

Anonymous said...

>exempt parts of Manhattan from taller buildings

Isn't that exactly where we want skyscrapers?

>spare parts of the outer boroughs from parking changes

Isn't that exactly the parts that need more parking?

Anonymous said...

Give us a breakdown of the vote - particularly in Queens. Be interesting to see if the Queens delegation was the factor that cause this to pass.

Anonymous said...

Thus far, an overwhelming number of community boards have voted against both of these proposals, with MIH doing marginally better than ZQA. Within the boards themselves, the votes have been lopsided, with several recording unanimous votes against. Most Boards have backed up the votes with statements expressing their reasons for opposition. Some Boards that approved the measures included stipulations to the Yes votes.

Manhattan Community Board 10 (Central Harlem) decided to not take any action, however did issue a report itemizing concerns they had with the text amendments. The reported cited insufficient time as the main reason for not holding a vote. Brooklyn Community Board 7 (Sunset Park), although they disapproved the ZQA, ended up not taking a position on MIH. The final vote recorded 15 in favor of MIH, 11 against, with 8 abstentions. Even though a plurality was in favor, it was not the majority of the votes cast.

On November 17th, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer along with 28 other elected officials who represent Manhattan sent a detailed letter to City Planning Commission Chairman Carl Weisbrod voicing major concerns with the two plans. On November 30th, the Manhattan Borough Board held a special meeting and unanimously voted to pass two resolutions recommending the conditional disapproval of both proposals, MIH & ZQA. Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and Council member Rosie Mendez provided two of the twelve votes in favor of the resolutions. Council members Corey Johnson, Ben Kallos, Helen Rosenthal, and Mark Levine abstained from voting on either proposal because of the proposals’ anticipated appearance before the full City Council.

The Queens Borough Board met on November 17th and voted against both proposals 12 to 2. The Queens City Council delegation all abstained from voting. Queens Borough President Melissa Katz plans to issue her own recommendation soon.

The Bronx Borough Board met on November 19th and voted unanimously against both plans. The Borough Board included Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., all twelve Bronx community boards, and seven Council Members that represent the Bronx. Only Council Speaker Mark-Viverito’s office abstained.

The Brooklyn Borough Board met on Tuesday, December 1st and voted to conditionally disapprove both MIH and ZQA. The vote was 20-1 with three abstentions for MIH and 20-2 with two abstentions for ZQA. Borough President Eric Adams and the Brooklyn City Council delegation joined the vote except for Council Members Robert Cornegy and Stephen Levin who abstained. The Staten Island Borough Board will meet on Thursday, December 10. In a statement, Staten Island Borough President James Oddo said the borough desires to remain a “bedroom community” at heart and he is open to more density in the ongoing North Shore developments, provided they uplift the community instead of exacerbate present challenges.

JQ LLC said...

At the athiest...

All you need is love was probably a song that got rejected from Sgt. Peppers (as with all the songs on Magical Mystery Tour). And most likely was insurance for a no. 1 hit in case the album bombed.

And since art is in the eye of the beholder or in this case ear of the listener, this song is actually sarcastic and mocks the simplicity of the free love and burgeoning hippie movement at the time. I believe the Brits call it, taking the piss out of it.

But to stay on topic, this is the most worrisome thing ever approved, and it wasn't even a true majority counting the large number of abstentions, which if you add it up comes out to a 19-19 tie.

What has added momentum to this asinine plan to divide and displace is the sudden 180 by the supposed Real Affordability For All group's sudden approval after seeing the shitty council's minor tweaks to the bill (a 5% difference, whoopdie shit). It looks like some people are going to be able to afford more things besides a 500 sq ft. apt. for a family of three.

And going by the past standards of city and state government vices and habits, these will be built like shit because they will build these fast with cheap labor (or be built late, for there will be strikes) and will be poorly maintained. This may be a cynical analysis, but these are so called liberals doing this who got elected on the premise that they care about all people and that the government works for them.

Way to betray your constituency and also 90% of the community boards. But like the crapper said, let the tweeding process commence.

It's only a matter of time, which a lot of people don't have much of, like money.

Anonymous said...

Enough of this bs

How did our Queens Councilmen vote. name names.


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