Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Affordable housing requirement was really just a suggestion

From DNA Info:

An investigation by a local historic preservation group has found that a number of "oversized new developments" in the neighborhood's affordable housing zones were approved by the city without requiring affordable housing, according to a report.

The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation said in a statement Monday that its investigation of Department of Building records found at least five cases in recent years where the city approved new developments "with greater square footage than allowed for market-rate developments, without requiring any affordable housing either on-site or off, as mandated by law."

The developments identified by the GVSHP were: 84 Third Ave./138 E. 12th St. (“The Nathaniel”); 152-154 Second Ave.; 118 E. First St.; 438 E. 12th St.; and 67 Ave. C.

Much of the East Village, including the avenues and Houston Street, consists of "inclusionary housing" districts. Inclusionary housing limits how many square feet a new development can be without affordable housing included.


(sarc) said...

Government price fixing, and government controls.

The government then issues waivers for the government controls and mandated fixed prices...

Anonymous said...

And did anyone believe that there was really going to be any affordable housing built in NYC?
LOL! Here comes the tooth fairy with my winning lottery ticket!
This was intended as zone busting. Luxury housing pays more.
Of course the privileged pussies of Greenwich Village have enough juice to get noticed in the press.
What does the silent majority of Queens have? Nothing. ...an impotent mass of the invisible.
They have been snoozing for too long. The developers will run roughshod over them.
Mealy mouthed Queens voters are afraid of their elected officials as if these pols were the Corleone family!

Anonymous said...

I live in Manhattan, only real estate hucksters call the Lower East Side the "East Village".

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a HUGE scandal for anyone that cares about facts. The deblasioheads do not seem to, but they are so few and far in number at this point, Council has to stop this ZQAMIH corruption

Anonymous said...

Is anyone going to jail???

Remember people, your tax dollars are paying for this bullshit. Make sure DiBlasio never gets elected again!!!

Where is your councilman? City council picks the DOB budget every year.

Anonymous said...


Jerry Rotondi said...

The interlacing of Queens politicians with real estate developers' money never ceases to amaze me.
In the beginning it was practiced crudely.
Manes was a thug who was on practically every developer's pad, along with his apt protege, Claire Shulman.
Now the game has become much more subtle, as the voters eyes have begun to open.
Be sure to vote wisely, ladies and gents!
In my district, developers's lobbyist, Paul Vallone, must be dumped!

JQ LLC said...

What we have here is not only a blatant display of impunity, but institutionalized anarchy.

These greedy motherfuckers are shoving it in our faces.

Impeach or recall Mayor Big Slow. And purge the D.O.B. of it's lethargic imcompetents.

Anonymous said...

There needs to be an investigation on how these buildings were allowed to get around the law.

I'm not holding my breath for that to happen, though.

Anonymous said...

Investigations go nowhere with REBNY owned politicians and judges.
Grow up! You either make enough money to live in the right nabes or have to be content with living in the not so good ones.
What is the answer? Make more money or move to another state.
NYC will only continue to be filled up to the max with expensive housing.
What is affordable to one is not affordable to another.
And NOBODY wants low income "projects" to make their return. The lessons of the 1950s have been well learned in that respect.

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