Saturday, December 5, 2015

Sanders to primary Meeks

From the Observer:

Queens State Senator James Sanders filed paperwork yesterday to take on Queens Congressman Gregory Meeks, the Observer has learned.

Federal Election Commission records show Mr. Sanders submitted paperwork to challenge Mr. Meeks, a fellow Democrat and 17-year incumbent. Both men represent large tracts of predominantly African-American southeastern Queens.

Mr. Sanders, a close ally of organized labor, has been an outspoken critic of Mr. Meeks’ support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership—a proposed free trade agreement backed by the Obama administration and congressional Republicans, but opposed by unions and most Democrats.


Anonymous said...

Two of the sleaziest politicians in New York State. What a choice for voters in the district...

(sarc) said...

That's interesting, the campaign issue is about a top secret, job killing bill and treaty that - YES - will continue to destroy our country.

BUT, The state legislatures have no power or say in what happens.

Well, they can't debate the local issues that really matter...

Joe Moretti said...

So Senator James Sanders is looking like he will take on who I consider a nothing elected official and crooked Congressman Gregory Meeks who has held on to his position like a nun holds onto her virginity. But it would be even better yet if someone fresh would start to take on these good ole boys of Jamaica, otherwise it is just becoming crap political musical chairs.

Meeks is connected with another crooked Jamaica asshole, the Rev. Flake, whom many in community worship. But then we are dealing with the Jamaica mentality of many of the residents in this community, who just keeps putting the same shit in office, just like they keep dumping garbage all over their sidewalks.

So any contenders to take these clowns on or will it be the same old shit. But if I had to chose, I would go for Sanders, who is a step above the rest of the Jamaica crap. But of course the bar in Jamaica is set so low to begin with. But still Sanders comes up better than this clown. But as I said, it is all the same shit.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, why don't you run. You got my vote.

Anonymous said...

sanders is one of the phoniest race baiting, pandering, politicians in New York State.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Well said, Joe Moretti---but who's really listening? Certainly not the oppressed and desperate residents of Jamaica (who should be enraged into public rally, protest and resistance action)! But, I wouldn't be so fast to invest any stock in yet another cradle-to-grave, Jamaica amateur like James Sanders, and his intensely incompetent, 'friends and family' state government payroll staff (no ever bothered to return any and all of my repeated calls and E-mails to his office, throughout 2014).

Not only is Sanders part of the SAME CIRCUS---but, also a systemic part of the SAME JAMAICA CLOWN COLLEGE, that just keeps churning out the most vile, vapid and vacuous political fail of the blighted lot (and no pretense of public service that promotes honest, ethical leadership, that leads by example)! Collectively, they continue (and continually!) devalue all honesty itself---just like the rest of City Hall and Albany's criminal enterprise of utterly false, fake and failed leadership---and the taxpaying public be eternally damned!

Hence, it is also the reason for why the only matter that has grown exponentially in Jamaica (and throughout Queens, as well as citywide), is bureaucracy itself (that embodies a life of its own, which continues to maintain a 'Delay, Deny And Hope That You Die,' politically failed mantra)---where, people actually HAVE DIED---under the false, fake and failed leadership of these voracious thieves of epic, humanitarian fail!

Alas, the toxic, raw sewage plant cesspool known as Jamaica politics, just keeps getting worse by the hour---especially with a police lineup that includes a transparently pious fraud like Floyd Flake (his last name should have been an instant, 'red flag' clue to his terminally clueless congregants!), not to mention Gregory Meeks, Leroy Comrie, and the latest 'Criminal du Jour,' James Sanders (not to mention a litany of other Jamaica criminal sociopaths like Shirley Huntley, Ruben Wills and William Scarborough, among too many others to name in this missive.

Sadly, as soon as one corrupt little nugget is removed, there's a fresh stinking turd awaiting his/her chance for more of the same greed, graft and public service deception (that doesn't serve anyone but themselves and their brazen entourages), as taxation without representation continues to flourish, as well as a dereliction of public duty and a total betrayal of public oath of office loyalty (to whom they swore allegiance), with impunity!

Anonymous said...

Joe Moretti representing SE Queens in congress? He'd be national news worthy before his first day in office. I love the idea!

Anonymous said...

Joe Moretti for Congress ... This could be a groundswell.

Anonymous said...

wow the writing is quite good on here... all for free.

a survey place called me up asking me about black Democrat politicians.
question who would I vote for Meeks or Sanders? NEITHER. what kind of choice is that? it' s like the pot calling the kettle black.

the survey taker asked me the same question again, I again said neither one.
thank you Democrats for turning me Republican. thank you crooked union workers for opening my eyes to unions. Sad but true.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

A better choice would be to not be affiliated with any and all corrupt party affiliations, Anonymous---choose 'Independent' (not to be confused with the 'IndepenDENCE') party, as the two-party debacle system is part of the same entrenchment that continues to benefit extreme power, privilege, private splendor and unjust enrichment. Why cede more power and control to empowered idiots of epic, humanitarian (and ecological) fail, then?

Vote Independent and break the cycle of power and privilege. Because, it MUST always be: 'Power to the People (as in We The People)---and NEVER the Party!'

Anonymous said...

I live in that district. It's a disgrace between Meeks (and Malcolm smith!!) How do you get rid of them when they have a vice like lock on everything? People are apathetic and don't care don't vote.

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